• 北京大师李玉正在30年轻学生少林功夫其中三来自国外

    In Beijing, Master Li Yu is teaching Shaolin Kung fu to thirty young students, three of whom come from abroad.


  • 一位巴基斯坦律师表示被指控阿富汗传播基督教国外援助工人审判重新开庭已经推迟周日

    A Pakistani lawyer said the resumption of the trial of eight foreign aid workers accused of preaching Christianity in Afghanistan has been put off until Sunday.


  • 来自苏丹国外数千观察员监督投票

    Several thousand observers from Sudan and abroad monitored the vote.


  • 国外外交家国内,我属于平常的的发言人

    ABROAD, I'm a diplomat. At home, I still belong to the plain speakers' club.


  • 而利比亚国家电台重播这段图像表明国外战士作为卡扎菲关于反对派群磕了药基地极端主义者一指控证据

    Libyan state TV rebroadcast his image and suggested that he was a foreign fighter, evidence for Qaddafi's allegations that the opposition was a mob of pill-popping al Qaeda extremists.


  • 最近的“门户开放报告”显示,2007至2008年有262,000美国学生国外学习,这比世纪之前高出了400%。

    According to a recent report by Open Doors, a record 262,000 American students studied abroad in 2007 and 2008, a 400 percent increase from two decades earlier.


  • 一研究发现似乎证实关于英国人的个成见,就是英国人国外很少努力当地的语言,这一点简直都出了

    The findings appear to confirm the cliche about Britons being notoriously bad at making an effort to speak the lingo when abroad.


  • 受邀参加此次宴会的160贵宾包括英国首相托尼·布莱尔夫人、英大臣杰克·司特劳和坎特伯雷大主教罗云·威廉斯

    Prime Minister Tony Blair was among the 160 guests along with his wife Cherie, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.


  • 去年5月90毕业生中,14%国外继续读研,不过。

    Of 90 total graduates last May, 14 percent went on to graduate school abroad.


  • 达尔尔有大约17000当地国外援助人员试图帮助这些受害者这场救援仍然世界上规模最大

    With 17,000 or so local and foreign aid-workers in Darfur trying to help the victims, the relief operation is still the largest of its kind in the world.


  • 达尔尔有大约17000当地国外援助人员试图帮助这些受害者这场救援仍然世界上规模最大

    With 17, 000 or so local and foreign aid-workers in Darfur trying to help the victims, the relief operation is still the largest of its kind in the world.


  • 法国司法部门表示数据显示,2004年约有1200未成年儿童结婚每年还有好多人国外他们从未谋面结婚。

    The justice ministry says its figures indicate some 1,200 minors were married in France in 2004, but admits that many more are taken abroad each year to wed someone they may never have met.


  • 大臣今天披露,英国秘密情报局---军情六处首席检察官举报局内特工涉嫌与人合谋进行刑讯逼供。

    The Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, has reported one of its own officers to the attorney general over allegations of complicity in torture, the foreign secretary revealed today.


  • 莫斯科一役中,双方首发22球员里有12来自国外

    Twelve of the 22 players who started the game in Moscow were foreign.


  • 但是伊拉克34000博士有20000已经离开(2000谋杀之后),而现在国外的200多伊拉克人(其中许多中产阶层专业人士)很少有人愿意回来

    But 20,000 out of Iraq's 34,000 doctors have left (after 2,000 were murdered) and few of the 2m-plus Iraqis now living abroad (many of them middle-class professionals) are yet willing to return.


  • 但是伊拉克34000医生有20000已经离开(2000谋杀之后),现在国外的200多伊拉克人(其中许多中产阶层专业人士)很少有人愿意回来

    But 20, 000 out of Iraq's 34, 000 doctors have left (after 2, 000 were murdered) and few of the 2m-plus Iraqis now living abroad (many of them middle-class professionals) are yet willing to return.


  • 卡特彼勒公司去年新增雇员19,008(除去收购人员以外);这些新增雇员的60%来自国外

    Caterpillar added 19, 008 employees (excluding acquisitions) last year; 60% of those were overseas.


  • 他们总是搬起石头砸自己。”交官

    "They are shooting themselves in the foot," said one French diplomat.


  • 办公室表示他们相信目前仍300英国人利比亚主要沙漠营地中。 他们努力采取行动使这些人安全获救

    The Foreign Office said it believed there were a further 300 Britons still in Libya, mainly at desert camps, and efforts will be made to get them to safety.


  • 1990年,交官南非首都开普敦发回了一封振奋人心电报刚刚曼德律师那里了解到,曼德拉27年的牢狱生活即将结束

    In 1990, an American diplomat sent an excited dispatch from Cape Town: he had just learned from a lawyer for Nelson Mandela that Mr. Mandela's 27-year imprisonment was to end.


  • 以下球员欧洲顶级球队效力经验,比较而言,在自己国外较少受到关注。

    The five players listed here have all enjoyed successful club campaigns in Europe, but relatively little seems to be expected of them outside of their own countries.


  • 炸死的还有另外87平民位法交官

    Some 87 other civilians and a few French diplomats were also killed.


  • 巴基斯坦官员表示他们不会受到杀死巴基斯坦指控交官雷蒙德.戴维斯驱逐出境。

    The move comes as Pakistani officials say they will not deport the American diplomat Raymond Davis who is accused of killing two Pakistanis.


  • 另外一律师李丽,缺少相关法律监管在线传播国外电视节目,所以导致此类产品流入市场

    Another lawyer, li li, said there were still no laws in regulating the online broadcasting of foreign television programs, which allowed such products to surface.


  • 他们都曾国外旅行——来自南韩,另外三分别来自爱尔兰联合王国和美国

    All of them had traveled outside the country — two came from South Korea, and one each from Ireland, United Kingdom, and the United States.


  • 他们都曾国外旅行——来自南韩,另外三分别来自爱尔兰联合王国和美国

    All of them had traveled outside the country — two came from South Korea, and one each from Ireland, United Kingdom, and the United States.


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