• 他们可能明显地方摆上宁静风景图片团队照片其他个人物品

    They may also have pictures of serene landscapes, group photos and other personal items prominently displayed.


  • 团队照片越多越好

    The more photos of you and your team, the better.


  • 中心位置创建在线团队成员档案包括照片甚至音频片段这样其他人可以面容其他个人信息名字声音联系起来。

    Create online profiles of team members in a central location, including pictures and even audio clips, so others can connect faces and other personal information to the name and voice.


  • 作为全球人力资源一部分,某些分散团队也许只能通过他们声音一张照片互相了解,他们主要通过会议电子邮件即时消息传送进行沟通

    As part of a global workforce, some distributed teams know each other only by their voice and perhaps a small picture, and communicate mostly via conference calls, email and instant messaging.


  • 挂上本人无关相片(如果你的确有不少自己的相片,恭喜)。你团队照片越多越好

    Don't use a stock photo of someone who isn't you (if there is a stock photo of you, congratulations). The more photos of you and your team, the better.


  • 文档,它存储照片和进行团队编辑地方

    A document library as a place for photo storage and team-based editing.


  • 用户网上发布照片网站读者投票选出最好的,然后一个小型编辑团队选择最佳图片做成杂志

    Folks post their photos to a Web site, the site \ \ \ 's readers vote on the best ones, then a small team of editors assembles its top choices into the magazines.


  • 提斯凯尔团队分析了65张西拍到卫五照片有些太阳飞船身后时拍的,有些是太阳差不多卡西尼前面时拍的。

    Tiscareno and his team analyzed 65 Cassini images of Rhea, some of which were taken with the sun behind the craft and some with the sun more or less in front of Cassini.


  • 这个科学家团队利用特别定制光敏遥控相机捕捉海底生物照片。他们在海底拍摄了十天。

    The team of scientists captured the sea creatures using special low-light sensitive, custom designed remote controlled cameras, which sat on the sea floor.


  • 罗杰斯及其团队一个弹性薄膜使用互联可变硅片照片检测器数组,数组随便改变现状

    Huang and Rogers and their team use an array of interconnected and flexible silicon photodetectors on a thin, elastic membrane, which can easily change shape.


  • 蒂姆·贝蒂团队安置啄木鸟巢穴附近相机拍到的照片显示这些禽鸟对于实弹演习已经变得漠不关心

    Cameras placed in their nests by Mr. Beaty's team had shown that the birds were indifferent to live-fire exercises.


  • 整个团队上海日报刊登广告,征集人们收藏的20世纪20、30年代关于和平饭店的照片纪念物品。

    The group ran ads in the Shanghai Daily looking for mementos or photos that people may have collected over the years.


  • 2000万美元的奖金给予一支秘密筹措资金团队,它将月球上着落一个机器行驶工具,在月球表面行驶500以及返回地球公司发出照片数据

    This will award $20m to the first privately financed team to land a robotic vehicle on the moon, travel 500 metres on the lunar surface, and send pictures and data from the enterprise back to Earth.


  • 布埃,50岁去年10时间巴黎的一家医院拍摄了这些照片。 那家医院专门从事试管婴儿(IVF)的工作,其院长法国一例试管婴儿团队的一

    Bouët, 50, spent 10 weeks last year photographing babies at a hospital outside Paris that specialises in IVF (the clinic's director was part of the team behind France's first IVF baby).


  • 照片塞塔团队机会根据真正太空物体校准仪器并保障一切工作无误。

    The images gave the Rosetta team a chance to calibrate its instruments on a real space object to make sure everything was in working order.


  • 一个英国墨西哥研究人员组成研究团队分辨率照片鲸鱼水疱进行了分析实验室里对鲸鱼的皮肤样本进行了研究,他们现在认为这些水疱严重导致的。

    After analysing the sores on high resolution photographs and studying whale skin samples in the laboratory, a team of British and Mexican researchers now believe they are caused by acute sunburn.


  • 1950年幅墓地照片目击者的证词修正地点最终发起第二次搜索。2006年9月23日海军调查团队回到岛上

    A 1950s photograph of the gravesite and an eyewitness account corroborating a revised site finally prompted a second search, and on September 23, 2006, the naval team returned to the island.


  • 一支来自荷兰研究团队24位女士进行了脑部扫描,记录下她们名人同样具有吸引力的非著名人士展示款鞋照片大脑变化。

    Dutch team scanned the brains of 24 women as they looked at pictures of celebrities and attractive non-famous contemporaries sporting certain shoes.


  • Cruzine团队搜集众多才华横溢的摄影师所拍摄小孩照片,这些照片其所能给我们展示孩子们眼里映照出的整个世界全部情感

    Cruzine team have collected many kids photographs taken by gifted photographers, who did their best to show us that the whole world and the whole range of feelings can be reflected in children's eyes.


  • 研究团队接下来几个月中分析伍兹·霍尔海洋研究所设计操作AUV在海床上拍摄的120000

    The crab research team will spend the next few months analyzing 120, 000 images taken of the seafloor by the AUV, which was designed and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


  • 示例PhotoBookportlet它使用一个文档存储照片支持基于团队照片编辑

    The sample Photo Book is a portlet that utilizes a document library to store photos and to accommodate team-based photo editing.


  • 蟹类研究团队接下来几个月中分析伍兹·霍尔海洋研究所设计操作AUV海床上拍摄的120000

    The crab research team will spend the next few months analyzing 120,000 images taken of the seafloor by the AUV, which was designed and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


  • 纪念照片游戏不同地方发现,你可以照片神奇宝贝合作伙伴通常,你的团队采取的。

    Commemorative Photos at various points within the game, you will discover that you can have your photo taken with your partner pokemon and usually, your team.


  • 应该激动人心的事情,但是科研团队最好照片推迟到2011年2月发布,因为他们要独享这一分析前期跟进研究过程。

    That should be exciting, but the team is holding back the good stuff until February 2011, wanting to analyse and follow up on the early observations themselves.


  • 应该激动人心的事情,但是科研团队最好照片推迟到2011年2月发布,因为他们要独享这一分析前期跟进研究过程。

    That should be exciting, but the team is holding back the good stuff until February 2011, wanting to analyse and follow up on the early observations themselves.


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