• 通过摆脱分散注意的事物面对乱麻时的不知所措,简主义者能够保持一个清醒并且高效率大脑

    By removing distractions and focusing, a minimalist maintains a clear, productive mind.


  • 但是证明是不可能陪审的注意那些电话所说的话转移开。

    But it proved impossible to distract the jury from what was said in those calls.


  • 现在利斯变得那么紧张,她将自己的注意集中到陪审已经做出决定事实上她所所想的是无法改变陪审的。

    Now Phyllis said she was trying not to be nervous, by focussing on the fact that the jury had already made its decision, and nothing she felt or did could change it.


  • 他们一个影响个人的锦囊

    Think of them as an influential, personal support team.


  • 新一轮立法争夺开始国会拨款委员会—-削减联邦支票的专家- - -选举注意转向太空计划时。

    A new round of legislative jockeying will commence when congressional appropriations committees-the panels that cut federal checks-turn their attention to the space program after the election.


  • 还有那些影响最大银行游说——反对金融产品设立新的消费者权益监督者——来自于小型银行华尔街的巨鳄们。

    Or that some of the most effective bank lobbying, for instance against a new consumer watchdog for financial products, has been by small community Banks rather than Wall Street behemoths.


  • 尽管陪审白昼注意提高是否睡眠改善所致尚且没有做出决定,但是有可能导致睡眠剥夺迹象减少。睡眠剥夺与ADHD颇为相像

    While the jury's still out on whether improvements in sleep will translate to increased focus during the day, it will likely result in fewer signs of sleep deprivation which can look a lot like ADHD.


  • 巴马竞选战略中的下一步行动商议如何有效利用每位明星的号召

    The next step for Obama campaign strategists is to determine how best to utilize each of the famous faces.


  • 顾问似乎已经下定论:在这种经济困难时期,在气候法案上的努终将徒劳,因而将注意投向医疗法案。

    His advisers seem to have concluded that a climate bill was a non-starter given the parlous state of the economy, and concentrated on health care instead.


  • 特纳奖评审一个真正机会抵抗批判潮流趋势,认可可信有原创精神的为数不多真正得上赞誉艺术家

    But the Turner jury has a genuine chance to resist the tide of uncritical fashion and recognise the authentic, original handful of artists who truly deserve acclaim.


  • 2010年初第二次到访该市,那时赛义夫仍然握有很大影响,可以左右其父在商业事务上的决定,因此,一支庞大美国企业代表再次造访。

    By my second visit in early 2010, Saif held huge sway over decisions about business, and a large U.S. business delegation was again in town.


  • 美国智囊其他国家有影响

    American think-tanks are more influential than those in other countries.


  • 该项目的工作美国航天局代表董事会一起完成,主要是选择有竞争企业解决机构计划任务科研技术需求

    The program works with NASA's mission directorates to competitively select ventures that address research and technology needs for agency programs and missions.


  • 根据这种观点共同宗教信仰我们祖先紧密的联系一起而成为一个,其成员相互协作,共同狩猎觅食养育后代,从而使得较之其他体更具竞争

    In this view, Shared religious belief helped our ancestors form tightly knit groups that cooperated in hunting, foraging and childcare, enabling these groups to outcompete others.


  • 统一负责任金融独创性领导”,花旗向SEC提交的文件中将上述四点列为公司战略的基石,或许道德诚实品行应该列为第五点

    "Common purpose, responsible finance, ingenuity and leadership" are four key principles that Citi cites in its proxy as the basis of its strategy. Perhaps ethics or integrity should be their fifth.


  • 原子安全保安事件描述昨天得到位于奥地利维也纳国际原子能机构的支持,他们5福岛派出一个真相调查

    NISA's version of events was backed up yesterday by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, which sent a fact-finding mission to Fukushima in May.


  • 一部关于合唱纪录片预定将明年某个时候上档。合唱所得使女孩国家慈善机构受惠,为国家的慈善出一份

    A documentary about the chorus is scheduled for the list some time next year. Proceeds from the chorus will benefit charities in the girls' home countries.


  • 鼎盛时期,绝地武士成员来自数百不同种族他们都拥有强大

    At its height, the Jedi order encompassed hundreds of different species, all strong in the Force.


  • 该艺术任务是使古老德国民间舞蹈得以保持焕发生命,并公众表演,同时还表演民歌和民间服饰

    With the aim of restoring and reviving the old German folklore, the group not merely performs for the public folk dances, but folk songs and costumes.


  • 这项绝地武士失传技能一个威尔斯人的巫师发现。

    Force ability honed outside the Jedi order, this method was developed by a Shaman of the Whills.


  • 通过使用高速摄像机相关运动进行了数学分析这一得到了一些发现

    With high speed video and mathematical analysis of the movements and forces involved, the team made several discoveries.


  • 灵性长老你们放进此生适当轨道,好让你们循序渐进处理

    The spiritual hierarchy does put you on the right track for this life in order to deal with karma gradually.


  • 有某种因素遮蔽着未来武士联系正在减弱。

    Something was clouding the future, and the order's very connection to the Force was weakening.


  • 商家而言这种模式绝对优势他们网最具号召欢迎网页上打广告购模式更是那些大众闻所未闻的业务福星

    For merchants, this model has big advantages. They are advertised on Groupon's phenomenally popular website. This is especially useful for new businesses that no one has heard of.


  • 中国轻工工艺品进出口商会海外专业户外行业商会组织买家大订单采购

    China Chamber of Commerce for I/E of Light Industry Products & Arts-Crafts invite the overseas professional outdoor industry associations to organize buyers.


  • 中国轻工工艺品进出口商会海外专业户外行业商会组织买家大订单采购

    China Chamber of Commerce for I/E of Light Industry Products & Arts-Crafts invite the overseas professional outdoor industry associations to organize buyers.


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