• 他们正在努力,使商业企业对于年轻领导者构建团体社区产生兴趣;赞助商通常会希望拥有一个年轻消费者团体

    They are urging firms to take an interest in building a community of young leaders; sponsors are more likely to want a community of young customers.


  • 家庭社区团体合作进行环境测试解释测试结果为了改变环境而组织活动

    She works with families and community groups to conduct environmental tests, interpret test results, and organize activities for environmental change.


  • 做到一点并非易事,这需要一种非凡远见以及市政府私营部门社区团体文化组织之间协作

    It is hard to get right and requires a remarkable degree of vision, as well as cooperation between city authorities, the private sector, community groups and cultural organisations.


  • 某些前哥伦布时期印加社会中一些团体本土派往遥远热带森林沿海地区建立永久卫星社区殖民地

    In certain pre-Columbian Inca societies, groups were sent from the home territory to establish permanent satellite communities or colonies in distant tropical forests or coastal locations.


  • 这些应用程序中获得灵感,并与你的学校或社区团体一起参加由沃达基金会组织的比赛,就有机会获奖。

    Get inspired by these apps and enter a competition organized by the Voda Foundation with your school or community group for the chance to win a prize.


  • 我们已经每个团体开发了一个实践社区构架如图1所示。

    We have developed a community of Practice infrastructure for each community, as shown in Figure 1.


  • 外观事情后果如此显著社区团体通过快速消除这些容易被忽视信号解决综合症明智的。

    The consequence of small matters of appearance is so pronounced that community groups would be wise to address the "broken window syndrome" by quickly eliminating the signals of neglect.


  • 搬家切断人们朋友教会学校社区团体的联系。

    Moving house can cut people off from their friends, churches, schools and community groups.


  • 生活剧场代表一些社区剧场团体

    Live theatre is represented by several community theatre groups.


  • 活动钢琴捐献当地学校社区团体

    After the event the pianos are donated to local schools and community groups.


  • 决策者需要充分应用城市规划专业知识促进民间社会社区团体企业参与制定这些计划

    Policymakers need to make full use of urban planning expertise, and get civil society, community groups, and businesses to shape these plans.


  • 不管是教堂唱诗班还是街区舞蹈队成为这些特定社区团体中的可以提高幸福水平

    Whether it's a church choir or street dance crew, being part of a defined community group raises happiness levels.


  • 诊所正配合当地团体支持城市重建赞助开设一社区健康中心。

    The clinic is working with local groups to support redevelopment and to open community health-centres.


  • 瑞奇项目在当地旅游业工具消除贫困基于团体社区

    Mwariki project is a community based group which USES tourism as tool to eradicate poverty within the area.


  • 博客社区允许各种利益团体组织机构、非正式联合体、校友会立即轻易有效地建立切入点发起话题

    Blog communities allow communities of interest, organizations, loose associations, groups of alumni, etc. to instantly, easily and effectively create a single point of access and content aggregation.


  • 乌干达我们社区团体配套提供赠款极大提高当地的入学率卫生设施使用率。

    In Uganda, we have provided matching grants to community groups, with the result that school attendance and use of health facilities have improved dramatically.


  • 许多国家中,各种团体正在社区结核病照护形成自己做法

    A variety of groups in many countries are developing their own approaches to community TB care.


  • 墨西哥森林温带云杉冷杉热带雨林都有其中75%以上地方社区——合作农场原住民团体——控制

    Over 75% of Mexico's forests, which range from temperate spruce and fir to tropical rainforest, are controlled by local communities, either ejidos or indigenous groups.


  • 墨西哥森林温带云杉冷杉热带雨林都有其中75%以上地方社区——合作农场原住民团体——控制

    Over 75% of Mexico’s forests, which range from temperate spruce and fir to tropical rainforest, are controlled by local communities, either ejidos or indigenous groups.


  • 根据信贷一个倡导团体——社区金融服务联盟——说法,多数借款者负责任的,能够按时还款,也有人并不如此。

    According to the Community Financial Services Association, an advocacy group for the industry, most borrowers are responsible and pay off their loans in a timely manner. But some don't.


  • 为了改善基层投入民间团体社区组织应该纳入整个研究过程中

    To encourage grassroots input, civil society and community organisations should be included in the entire research process.


  • 当地社区团体很大力气阻止该项目的实施。

    The local communities are gonna have a lot of power to stop these projects.


  • 这项研究得到一项结果令人振奋,由于同病相怜,这些帕金森氏症患者网上社区形成了关系紧密的小团体

    One exciting outcome of the study was that participants formed tight-knit groups in the online community based on their common experience with Parkinson's disease.


  • 以前人们仅仅忍受那些大量出现边际社区艺术团体,现在取而代之城市鼓励他们开拓重新塑造整个城市风景的范围。

    Instead of merely tolerating the artist communities that often spring up in marginal neighborhoods, cities might actively encourage them to colonize and reshape whole swaths of the urban landscape.


  • 个名为“安全街区”的社区团体孩子自己设计反毒海报许多孩子竟然在海报中强调(掉牙之类)让美观危害要甚于毒品的化学危害。

    This message gets teenagers. When Safe Streets, a community group, asked pupils to design their own anti-drug posters, many emphasised cosmetic hazards over chemical ones.


  • 另外一些帮助幸存策略包括了举办图书俱乐部社区团体或是增加产品销售种类,不能只卖图书,还要买点包装纸啊,首饰阿,卡片还有玩具之类的。

    Other survival strategies include hosting book clubs or other community groups and selling a wider variety of goods, such as wrapping paper, jewellery, CARDS and toys.


  • 可以从给当地用户团体演讲或者志愿图书馆城市社区中心社区大学上课开始。

    You can start by speaking at local user group meetings or volunteering to teach a class in computer usage for your library, city community center, or community college.


  • 可以从给当地用户团体演讲或者志愿图书馆城市社区中心社区大学上课开始。

    You can start by speaking at local user group meetings or volunteering to teach a class in computer usage for your library, city community center, or community college.


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