• 西门豹祠西原上寿陵因高为基封不

    Its regulatory Ximen Bao Temple Nishihara for the life Mausoleum, due to the high-based, non-closure is not the tree.


  • 目的观察利多卡温血心停搏液心电活动的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of lidocaine hyperkalemia warm blood cardioplegia (LHKWBCP) on dog electrocardia action.


  • 对于那些剂量毒副作用大而通过新药审评药物而言,无疑为用于临床开辟了一条新的途径。

    This could open the door for a lot of drugs that have failed to be approved because they caused too many side effects at a higher dose.


  • 此外伤亡率、战斗技能明显下降开小差犯罪行为以及官兵之间缺乏团结等等而他们进行了斥责

    Also, he rebuked them over the high number of casualties, an apparent decline in fighting skills, desertions, criminal acts and a lack of unity among the rank and file.


  • 乌干达先令今年大部分时间里在以创纪录低点进行交易,这个问题更是通胀率石油业界美元需求而恶化。

    The Uganda shilling has been trading at record lows for much of this year, compounded by high inflation and dollar demand from the oil sector.


  • :“最近有人研究音调辨别力,即判断音符绝对因高能力,该项试验强烈地暗示这种能力通过集成某一个获得的。”

    He said, "There has been a recent study on perfect pitch, the ability to know the absolute pitch of a musical note, that strongly suggests that is acquired through the inheritance of a single gene".


  • 经济旷工率而陷入混乱,许多可能要求家中选择待在家中照顾生病亲戚或是担心传染而不出门上工

    Economic disruptions could come from high absenteeism, as people may be asked to stay at home, or may choose to do so to care for sick relatives or because of fear of being exposed.


  • 东芝公司微涨0.3%,将该公司的评级中性”上调为“买入”,并称经过近期调整公司股票已具有一定的吸引力

    Shares of Toshiba Corp. climbed 0.3% after Goldman Sachs upgraded the stock to a buy from neutral, saying the stock looks "appealing" after the recent correction.


  • 明年开始,如果银行不当行为受到调查任何保证奖金可能推迟10发放。

    Starting next year, any guaranteed bonus of top executives could be delayed 10 years if their banks are under investigation for wrongdoing.


  • 许多感觉咖啡可以使他们神智更加清楚。剂量咖啡可以引起焦虑头晕头痛紧张不安,会影响正常睡眠

    Many people feel that caffeine increases their mental alertness. Higher doses of caffeine can cause anxiety, dizziness, headaches, and the jitters. Caffeine can also interfere with normal sleep.


  • 不过,类似事件已经屡见不鲜一个权重男人,在为所欲为权力而产生的狂妄中迷失了自己,最终葬送了大好前程,也毁掉了那些不幸相遇人。

    Yet this would not be the first time that a dominant man, blinded by the habit of abuse and the arrogance of power, had thrown it all away and ruined the people unfortunate enough to cross his path.


  • 希腊债务规模预算赤字比例以及国内生产成本货币贬值能力的严峻成长远景,都使这个国家十分显眼。

    Greece stands out for the size of its debt stock, the scale of its budget deficit and the grimness of its growth prospects given high domestic costs and an inability to devalue.


  • 正如我们看到的,许多能源勘探公司经营国有化了,许多公司的业绩美国以外地区的通胀受到打击。

    As we have seen, energy exploration companies have had their operations nationalized, while many companies have been harmed by high inflation outside the United States.


  • 优先反转优先级线程不会优先线程正在运行,而被持有所需的低优先级线程阻塞

    No priority inversions: High-priority threads cannot be blocked by low-priority threads holding locks they need because medium-priority threads are running.


  • 这项墨尔本大学开展的研究显示上班时出于个人上网的工作效率比不上网的9%。

    The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive than those who do not.


  • 或者选民批准赤字或者市场恐慌债券收益方式虽然不同,但结果都是经济复苏扼杀

    Either voters will be unwilling to sanction higher deficits, or the markets will take fright and push up bond yields, killing the recovery by a different method.


  • 目前世界最小胃溃疡去世。这6个月,只有8厘米20厘米长。

    The world's smallest dog, 8 cm tall and 20 cm long, has died from stomach ulcers, aged just 6 months old.


  • 同时瓦勒卖了命地努力工作,而且大家公认的“明星分析师”。从来没有这个称呼受益,反而会安排更多的工作。

    Meanwhile, Godiwalla busts her butt and is known as the "star analyst," but sees little upside to the title besides being asked to do more work.


  • 一些研究显示含量的硒元素减轻阳光照射皮肤造成的伤害

    Some studies show that even skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer consequences if selenium levels are high.


  • 破坏性还是明显失业率、上百万抵押而无法回收房屋千疮百公共财政

    There is obvious damage: high unemployment, millions of foreclosed homes and a huge hole in the public finances.


  • 仲裁协会会员们专业水平,完全能医疗设备质量检验而引起的争议进行仲裁。

    The members of this arbitration association are professionally competent, and in a position to arbitration that sort of case arising from the quality inspection of the medical equipment.


  • 很多自民党其他人士担心一些贫困家庭出生的学生可能如此学费而被挡在大学门外。

    Many Lib Dems and others worry that students from poor backgrounds will be deterred by much higher fees.


  • 倒是《千禧杂志社》身体欠佳编辑•布洛姆奎斯特拉尔森几分肯定。 米•布洛姆奎斯萨兰德这个女孩形象享受巨大的成功不用每天工作16小时

    There is doubtless something of Larsson in Mikael Blomkvist, the trilogy’s out-of-condition editor of Millennium magazine, who enjoys great success with women when not working 16 hours a day.


  • 能量饮料FDA的监管,含咖啡和会引起不确定健康危害氨基酸香草并且小孩不能吸收

    Energy drinks are unregulated by the FDA and contain high amounts of caffeine as well as amino acids and herbs with uncertain health risks and should never be consumed by kids.


  • 科学家清楚浓度由于失重环境下宇航员骨质流失还是另有其

    Scientists do not yet know if the high calcium concentration is due to bone loss, a consequence of living in a zero-gravity environment, or other factors.


  • 科学家清楚浓度由于失重环境下宇航员骨质流失还是另有其

    Scientists do not yet know if the high calcium concentration is due to bone loss, a consequence of living in a zero-gravity environment, or other factors.


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