• 香烟一起吸入尼古丁氧化已经指控诱发因素

    Both nicotine and carbon monoxide inhaled with cigarette smoking have been incriminated as causative factors.


  • 氧化污染物并且是形成酸雨主要因素

    Sulphur dioxide is a pollutant and a major contributor to acid rain.


  • 砍伐森林建牧场,以及过度放牧导致土壤含量流失因素都会产生大量氧化

    Livestock farming also accounts for a lot of carbon dioxide, mostly from forests being cut down for pasture, or when overgrazing and the resulting soil erosion causes a net loss of carbon from soils.


  • 由于环境问题日益严重,人们购买家具时关于环境方面的考虑也越来越了,诸如森林的滥砍乱伐会导致全球气候暖,非绿色家具在制造时对环境的破坏大,二氧化碳排放量多,一些不安全家具放置于室内时还会释放有毒气体,这些因素都导致了家具购买者会选择绿色家具。

    Environmental concerns such as awareness of how deforestation impacts climate change and the effects of toxic finishes on the air inside homes have led furniture buyers to demand green furniture.


  • 以前氧化含量水平变化是因为自然因素持续数千缓慢进行的岩石风化

    Previous changes in carbon dioxide levels were due to natural factors, such as rock weathering, and occurred very sluggishly, over many millenia.


  • 既然世界能力快速遏制氧化的排放,就相对次要的污染因素方面着手。

    The world’s inability quickly to curb carbon dioxide should prompt action on these only comparatively minor factors.


  • 氧化造成损害年龄增长根据一个关于衰老的理论说人体衰退主要因素

    The amount of oxidative damage increases with age, and according to one theory of aging it is a major cause of the body's decline.


  • 结果是,影响史前气温转变最大因素一直空气氧化含量摆动

    And as it turns out, the biggest factor affecting prehistoric temperature shifts has been fluctuating levels of carbon dioxide in the air.


  • 同样道理洗发精氧化碳排放量决定因素洗澡的时间长短、洗澡用水的冷热情况热水器的功效强弱状况。

    Similarly, the emissions of shampoo depend on how long you spend in the shower, how hot the water is and the quality of your boiler.


  • 农业产生甲烷氧化二氮,人为导致全球变暖[因素]中,占了约10%。

    Methane and nitrous oxides produced by agriculture account for about 10% of man-made warming.


  • 美国释放进入大气层的主要氧化来源于车辆燃气设备也是致使因素之一。

    In the United States, the vast majority of carbon monoxide released into the atmosphere comes from vehicles and other gas-burning equipment, but fires also contribute.


  • 砍伐森林是导致气候变化关键因素之一实际上全球氧化排放的20%,占巴西碳排放的70%。

    Deforestation, a critical contributor to climate change, effectively accounts for 20 percent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions and 70 percent of the emissions in Brazil.


  • 通过控制其他变量科学家得出引起这个变化主要原因是氧化增长,而二氧化恰恰气候变化的主要因素

    After controlling for other variables, scientists concluded thatthe change resulted largely from the increase in carbon dioxide, a major factorin climate change.


  • 燃烧石化燃料释放出的氧化很多科学家认为是导致气候变化的主要的人为因素

    Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, which many scientists describe as the biggest man-made contributor to global warming.


  • 较少能源消耗就意味着较少氧化排放量,而二氧化碳正是导致全球变换因素之一。

    Lower energy consumption also means fewer of the carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to global warming.


  • 为了将此焦点话题更加复杂化,一氧化二氮气体沼气排放量全球变潜在因素远远超过了氧化的排放量并更具危害性。

    To complicate matters further, nitrous-oxide and methane emissions from farms far outweigh carbon-dioxide emissions in global-warming potential.


  • 海洋容易气候变化不断上升氧化水平威胁,也是欧盟巴塞罗那发布的“Tara Ocean项目一个关键因素

    The oceans' vulnerability to climate change and rising carbon-dioxide levels has also been a key factor in the launching of the EU's Tara Ocean project at Barcelona.


  • 科学家们知道那种自然过程需要多长时间不过麦克林博士说视为限制因素,而且在那段时间内,氧化有可能泄漏

    Scientists don’t know how long that natural process will take, but it is considered the limiting factor, according to Dr. McLing, and the CO2 could leak out during that time.


  • 所罗门说,尽管有不少种类温室气体人类引起的全球变暖“添砖加瓦”,但决定长期气候因素大部分得看氧化

    Although a wide variety of greenhouse gases contribute to human-caused global warming, it is CO2, largely alone, that will determine the long-term climate, Solomon says.


  • 为了保证非能源消费导致的氧化排放量低于4000亿减少森林砍伐土地利用变化因素导致的温室气体排放有必要

    To keep these emissions below 400bn tons, complementary reductions in emissions from deforestation and land use change, as well as other greenhouse gases, will also be necessary.


  • BrighterPlanet开发软件能对持卡人购买行为作出分析,航班租车酒店预订将这些因素转化氧化排放量

    Software created by Brighter Planet analyzes cardholder purchases such as flights, car rentals, hotel reservations, and translates them into carbon dioxide emissions.


  • 目的了解电解质电压因素氧化成分、形态和稳定性能影响

    Objective: To know the effects of electrolyte and voltage on the property of anodic oxide films.


  • 不是所有血液中二氧化浓度的人都会这种经历先前的研究发现人口学心理学上因素起到了影响。

    Not everyone with high CO2 levels had a near-death experience, and previous studies have found that demographic and psychological factors are also involved.


  • 影响氧化膜封闭质量主要因素进行试验。

    The major factors which influence sealing quality of aluminium oxides are investigated.


  • 既然世界能力快速遏制氧化的排放,就相对次要的污染因素方面着手。

    The world's inability quickly to curb carbon dioxide should prompt action on these only comparatively minor factors.


  • 反射炉熔炼铝合金时,几何尺寸、熔体氧化性质、熔炼工艺操作因素有关。

    The melting loss has relations with size of melting bath, oxidation film property of melting charge, melting process and melting operation, etc, during melting aluminium alloy in reflecting frunace.


  • 研究有机物超临界水中分解氧化效率及其影响因素

    The oxidation efficiency and influence factor of this two kinds of organic compound contain nitrogen in supercritical water were investigated.


  • 目的探讨氧化杀菌影响因素

    Objective to investigate the factors influencing germicidal efficacy of chlorine dioxide.


  • 目的探讨氧化杀菌影响因素

    Objective to investigate the factors influencing germicidal efficacy of chlorine dioxide.


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