• 书中收录科学研究成果成名的作家

    Writers noted for their scientific output are included, too.


  • 斯坦科学的伟大成就而受到了崇高的荣誉

    Einstein was highly honoured for his great achievements in science.


  • 过去两个世纪欧洲各国科学技术累积了大量的财富

    In the past two centuries, we saw the accumulation in wealth of European countries based on scientific and technological advances.


  • 科学而起各种社会议题,积极争取讨论倾听他人理想忧虑

    Seek to discuss the issues that science raises for society. Listen to the aspirations and concerns of others.


  • 科学医学的研究而可以减轻人类疾苦驱使努力研究。”黄氏

    "I was driven by science and the medical need to alleviate human suffering," Wong says.


  • 后勤政治科学直到最近得以进入地区

    For logistical and political reasons, scientists have only recently been able to gain access to the area.


  • 科学首次证明野生黑猩猩猿类艾滋病患病甚至死亡。

    For the first time, scientists have shown that chimpanzees in the wild become sick, and die from the simian version of AIDS.


  • 国著名的杂交水稻科学家袁隆平于2021年5月22日器官衰竭去世,享年91岁。

    Chinese scientist Yuan Longping, renowned or developing the first hybrid rice strain, died of organ failure at 91 on May 22nd, 2021.


  • 表在《美国国家科学院院刊》的一项研究发现:与不存在全球变暖的世界相比,大多数贫穷国家的经济产量有超过九成的可能性会温度升高而下降。

    A study coming out in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that in most poor countries, higher temperatures are more than 90% likely to have resulted in a fall in economic output, compared to a world without global warming.


  • 根据社会科学医药》中发布一项研究表明害怕失业要比长期健康问题造成的实际失业糟糕

    According to a study published in Social Science and Medicine, fear of unemployment is much worse than actual unemployment in terms of long-term health problems.


  • 例如美国童子军有可以100个不同优点而获得奖励徽章一个植物科学救生特定主题为着眼点。

    For example, the Boy Scouts of America allows more than 100 different merit badges to be earned, each focused on a specific topic such as Plant Science or Lifesaving.


  • 毕业钦奈工程学院那里获得了计算机科学工学学士

    I graduated from College of Engineering Guindy, Chennai with a B. e. in Computer Science.


  • 毕业钦奈工程学院那里获得了计算机科学工学学士。

    I graduated from College of Engineering Guindy, Chennai with a B.E. in Computer Science.


  • 消息属实,科幻小说里那些桥段,比如先这类叨叨悖论成了科学事实

    If so, science fiction could become science fact, with wonderful paradoxes such as effects preceding their causes.


  • 科学无法解释一样东西。如此我们指环王》这样电影,不厌其烦地阅读哈利波特》。

    Science doesn’t always find an answer to all questions and that’s exactly why we still love to watch movies like “Lord of the Rings’ and readHarry Potter’ numerous times.


  • 科学研究已经表明坚韧不拔抑郁症几率较低相比脆弱的人,容易逆境而提升自我。

    Scientific studies have shown that resilient people show lower levels of depression and are more likely to develop personally as a result of adversity than people with low levels of resilience.


  • 斯帕尔福德沃伦重要牧草-石南花产地而被称为科学胜地。

    Spalford Warren has also been designated as a site of special scientific interest because of "its importance as a grass-heath habitat".


  • 通过观察来自世界研究中心16个不同气候变化模式科学把对雨林威胁归结全球变暖所致的干旱森林火灾

    The scientists calculated the threat to rainforests from drought or forest fires as the world warms by looking at 16 different climate change models from research centres around the world.


  • 西班牙马德里国家心血管研究中心科学研究了811个2003年到2009年心脏病发作送到医院患者

    Scientists at the National Centre of Cardiovascular Research in Madrid, Spain, studied 811 patients who were admitted to hospital with heart attacks between 2003 and 2009.


  • 霍金加拿大时候比较明确结果也许在于那里科学——特别是年轻科学家——到来受到鼓励。

    What is perhaps a more certain result of Hawking's time in Canada is that scientists there - particularly young ones - will be inspired by his presence.


  • 五角大楼这项工作投入和很多的热情,以致一些科学担心这些初始的模型他们已经准备好之前投入使用,而呼吁放缓一下。

    The Pentagon's embrace of this work has been so enthusiasticthat some scientists have urged a slow-down, for fear that such nascent modelswill be pushed into operation before they are ready.


  • 咖啡人们视作提神佳品,而非家庭药方然而多年来,科学一直想知道是否哮喘患者有所裨益

    Caffeine is known more as a pick-me-up than a home remedy, but for years scientists have wondered whether it may have benefits for people with asthma.


  • 科学发现咖啡里面咖啡阿司匹林类的解热镇痛抗炎药成分能够对抗酒精酒类饮料产生化学物质。

    They found the caffeine in coffee and the anti-inflammatory ingredients of aspirin and other painkillers reacted against the chemical compounds of ethanol, or pure alcohol.


  • 疾病移植到鼠类身上,科学家发现咖啡注入到老鼠饮用水中,这些老鼠内的淀粉蛋白指数会减少50%。

    Mice with a rodent equivalent of the disease showed a 50 per cent reduction in levels of amyloid protein in their brains after the scientists added caffeine to their drinking water.


  • 科学认为这些沟壑形成最佳附近季节性消融而形成的沙浆液态水流下山丘形成了这些沟壑。

    Scientists think the best explanation for the gullies is that seasonal melting of nearby water ice creates slurries of sand and liquid water, which flow down the crater's dunes.


  • 2005年,两位科学发现幽门螺旋杆菌是大多数胃溃疡的病诺贝尔

    In 2005, two scientists won a Nobel prize for discovering that a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori causes most stomach ulcers.


  • 虽然咖啡避免产生抑郁尚未清楚来自哈佛大学科学推测咖啡关键

    The reason why coffee could protect people from depression is not clear. But the scientists from the Harvard University speculated that caffeine was the key player.


  • 许多科学根据模型模拟得出,如果水循环气候变化加剧的话河流的水量增加

    "Many scientists and models have suggested that if the water cycle is intensifying because of climate change, then we should be seeing increasing river flow."


  • 许多科学根据模型模拟得出,如果水循环气候变化加剧的话河流的水量增加

    "Many scientists and models have suggested that if the water cycle is intensifying because of climate change, then we should be seeing increasing river flow."


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