• 他们那尽心寻求耶和华之约儿子

    They buried him, for they said, 'he was a son of Jehoshaphat, who sought the Lord with all his heart.'


  • 樵夫他们工作不断下降木材销售面临消亡

    The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales.


  • 小组讨论时很多从来没有表达他们意见他们担心人们自己一些愚蠢的话来评判他们

    During group discussions many people never express their opinions because they're afraid that people will judge them for their saying something stupid.


  • 管教孩子方法教育程度而异:在研究生学历人中,8%的他们经常孩子相比之下,高中以下学历的人中有22%会这么做。

    Discipline techniques vary by education level: 8% of those with a postgraduate degree say they often beat their children, compared with 22% of those with a high school degree or less.


  • 纽特人领导人政治家约翰·阿马戈阿利克:“他们只是认为这些知道不多所以我们不会去他们。”

    "They just figured these people don't know very much so we won't ask them," says John Amagoalik, an Inuit leader and politician.


  • 詹姆斯·回忆谷歌创始人最近印度食用未煮熟的食物生病,所以他们谨慎

    James Mi recalls that this was because the Google founders had recently gotten sick from uncooked food in India and they were being cautious.


  • 埃克·森美孚管理者不断地重复他们长期投资并不暂时股价波动而动摇

    But Exxon's managers endlessly intoned that they invested for the long term, and would not be moved by temporary swings in prices.


  • 他们各种失败鞭策自己他们自尊失落胜利面前卑躬屈膝。往很多人自尊心不可靠的。

    They flog themselves for any failure, letting their self-esteem bend and bow at the face of disappointments and triumphs. For many, self-esteem is shaky at best.


  • 世界卫生组织星期一公布的一份报告数百万不起医疗费而得不到他们所需要医疗服务

    A WHO report released Monday says millions of people do not get the health care services they need because they cannot afford it.


  • 吉奥亚其他旅客健忘自责但是心理学家他们开脱常有事,旅行老手避免不了。

    Gioia and other travelers scold themselves for their forgetfulness, but psychologists say it's commonplace even among the most veteran of travelers.


  • 认为他们开始自我满足曾经荣誉而止步不前,”“在我看来他们管理体系已经过时了。”

    "I think they've grown complacent, resting on their laurels," he noted. "I think their management system is antiquated."


  • 按照这种看法,女性擅长人际关系培养男性过于自我为中心而不愿抱歉或者他们社会礼节有着不同想法

    Women are good at nurturing relationships, the thinking goes, while men are too egotistical to say they're sorry or have a different take on social graces.


  • 但是他们肯定会错过同学告别机会后悔

    But he says they'll regret passing up their chance to say goodbye to their classmates.


  • 亚兰王事心里惊疑了臣仆来,他们我们这里谁帮助以色列你们指给吗?

    This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, 'Will you not tell me which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?


  • 听见他们方言称赞为大。

    For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter.


  • 有一半节食缺乏毅力而半途而废,四分之一受访者他们之所以放弃过于严格的饮食“规定”让他们情绪烦躁、心情低落

    Half of slimmers throw in the towel due to lack of willpower, while a quarter of respondents said that they give up because their strict diet regime leaves them moody or depressed.


  • 除此之外,75%的他们目前担心以及那次事故他们健康他们孩子的健康所造成影响感到不确定

    Beyond that, 75% said they were currently worried or uncertain about the effects of the accident on their health or their children's health.


  • 截至2008年底,他们受聘两个月后没有健康理由被禁止出入境,他们知道如何才能做到。

    But by late 2008, two months into the job, the officers said they had not stopped a single person on health grounds - and didn't know how they would do so.


  • 他们精疲力尽他们得病除了安排在家照顾没有别的选择一点没人想要这样,”伯格

    "They will burn out, they will get sick, and there will be no other option but to place someone in a nursing home, which is what nobody wants," Feinberg says.


  • 形象反映了人们担忧:‘起初他们夺走班加罗尔岗位如今他们夺走我们。’”纳拉如是

    "It's an image that plays to the fears of people: 'First they take away our jobs to Bangalore, now they want to take away our cars,'" says Narain.


  • 所有女孩都保证,现在没有性别而区别对待年长需要观察别人做什么而不是他们什么

    All of them assured me that nowadays no one was treated differently on grounds of gender; but older people insisted that you have to pay attention to how people behave, not what they say.


  • 有挪亚但以理,约其中,主耶和华指着我的永生起誓,他们带女都不能救,只能他们自己性命

    Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.


  • 这位发言人他们没有放射性微尘的问题决定关闭学校辐射风险很小

    Cho says they did not decide to close schools because of radiation, calling that a rather remote risk.


  • 他们担心出来,在担心发疯之前尝试着把事情清楚。

    Share your fears regarding his fidelity and try to discuss the matter before you go crazy with worry.


  • 回答离弃耶和华他们列祖他们埃及地时候他们约。

    And the answer will be: "it is because this people abandoned the covenant of the LORD, the God of their fathers, the covenant he made with them when he brought them out of Egypt."


  • 议员补贴差异几个素造成的,比如那些老家远离华盛顿的议员们通常都会得到更多补贴,以补助他们更为高昂旅行开支

    The disparity is based on several factors, with lawmakers whose home states are far from Washington, for example, typically receiving more to cover their higher travel expenses.


  • 每日展望编辑何塞·亚萨,哈扎拉办起他们所有电视台报纸大型什叶派学校庙也动工。

    Hossein Yasa the editor of the Daily Outlook newspaper notes that there are Hazara-owned television stations Hazara-owned newspapers and a huge Shiite madrassa and mosque complex under construction.


  • 敌人我们没有他们得罪那作公义居所耶和华就是他们列祖所仰望的耶和华。

    All that found them have devoured them: and their adversaries said, We offend not, because they have sinned against the LORD, the habitation of justice, even the LORD, the hope of their fathers.


  • 这样的城市,经常意味着年青人达到大学入学年龄时候离家美国各地游历最终他们还是会回到这里,他们家乡汉密尔顿·莫里斯如是

    In places like Des Moines, that often means young people leave to explore the country when they reach college age, but eventually head back home, says Hamilton-Morris.


  • 这样的城市,经常意味着年青人达到大学入学年龄时候离家美国各地游历最终他们还是会回到这里,他们家乡汉密尔顿·莫里斯如是

    In places like Des Moines, that often means young people leave to explore the country when they reach college age, but eventually head back home, says Hamilton-Morris.


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