• 我们看到为什么商店组织非常重要,因为该组织扮演角色就是允许CSR从事工作的条件。

    We have seen why the store organization is important, because playing the role in that organization is what allows the CSRs to do their job.


  • 但是翻的厉害,因为刚才电影看到传记片娘子》饰演的是格·丽特·撒切尔。

    But my stomach was churning because of the film in which I had just seen her. She plays Margaret Thatcher in the biopic the Iron Lady.


  • 但是厉害,因为刚才电影看到了她,她在传记片娘子》饰演的是格·丽特·撒切尔。

    But my stomach was churning because of the film in which I had just seen her.She plays Margaret Thatcher in the biopic the Iron Lady.


  • 鲁维教授补充说这项研究众多文化环境看到其含义,因为汽车身份之间有很强烈联系

    Professor Ruvio added the implications of this study could be seen in numerous cultural contexts because of the strong link between cars and identity.


  • 我们看到员工被解雇因为他们博客什么东西

    We see employees dismissed because of something they've written in their blogs.


  • 寻找爱,其次因为减轻孤独,置身于那种可怕的孤独颤抖灵魂在世界边缘看到冰冷的、死寂的、无深渊。

    I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness — that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.


  • 清单5看到消息更具可读性,因为没有对其进行编码

    This is much more readable than the message that you saw in Listing 5, because it is not encoded.


  • 对照组我们看到改善纯粹因为社会交往亲密关系的原因。

    In the control group we see improvement, and that was purely because of the social interaction and bonding that occurred.


  • 如果觉得文件命名约定不太好理解,请不要担心——因为提供静态内容可以看到,有一个向导能够处理所有这些细节

    And, if you find the file-naming convention a bit complex to understand, relax-as you'll see in Serving static content, a wizard takes care of all those details for you!


  • 生活可以看到那些打算无家可归者施舍美元人们放弃了念头,因为他们担心后者用钱去买

    This can be seen in action when people who want to give a dollar or two to a homeless person do not, because they are afraid the person will buy booze with it.


  • 避免XSLT输出使用进,因为可能会引入一些不希望看到的空白

    Avoid indenting output in your XSLT because it might introduce unintended white space.


  • 我们可以看到body元素内部没有太多进格式,因为该元素没有多少结构

    You don't see much indenting inside the body element because there's not much structure there.


  • 不能所有人回复因为Badger看到因此不得不私人电子邮件手动编辑收件人列表,最后又会产生份副本

    She can't reply to all because Badger will see it, so she has to manually edit the recipient list on the private email and create yet another copy of the message.


  • 请保持id不变因为(就象我们先前看到的)这个id实际上用于CM p字段映射模式相应

    Keep the id the same, because (as we saw earlier) the id is actually used to map the CMP field to the corresponding column in the schema.


  • 可以看到Grails可以应用多种身份验证授权策略因为应用程序之间需求不一样的。

    As you can see, multiple authentication and authorization strategies are available in Grails, because requirements vary widely among applications.


  • 如果微分环境运行看到这些额外字段因为对vmstat进行了增强可以虚拟环境微分区环境工作

    If it were running in a micro-partitioned environment, you would see these additional fields, as vmstat was enhanced to work in a virtualized and micro-partitioned environment.


  • 可以看到portlet初始状态,您不会看到portlet操作因为可以使用none样式显示属性

    You can see that, in the initial state of the portlet, the portlet actions will not be shown, because you have used the style display property of none.


  • 默认情况下,应该看到模式名称ASN1因为我们配置文件定义模式名称。

    You should see by default the schema name ASN1 since this is the schema name we defined in our profile.


  • 人无法彻底了解宇宙因为人和宇宙存在同一个逻辑不能看到自己眼球一样,通过镜子看到的眼球,只是眼球的投影,一个假象

    We cannot know all about the universe, because it exists in the same logic together with us, just like we cannot see our own eyeballs but their image through a mirror. It is not real but an image.


  • 如果测试参数小于生产的,您就可能会开始看到SQL 0101n消息因为缺乏编译查询需要语句空间

    If this parameter is smaller on test than that in production, you may start seeing SQL0101N message due to lack of space in statement heap needed to compile the query.


  • 或许正因为如此,格拉汉姆才几乎不变地将其他人狂热视为黄色警示信号在别人的哀叹却能看到希望

    Perhaps as a result, he almost invariably read the enthusiasm of others as a yellow caution light, and he took their misery as a sign of hope.


  • 示例根据比赛进行切分因为看到根据参加不同比赛参赛者进行组织的。

    In this case, I'm going to shard by race, because I see the domain being organized by runners who belong to RACES.


  • 寻找爱,还因为解除孤独,在可怕的孤独颗颤抖灵魂从世界边缘看到冰冷、无死寂的深渊。

    I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness -that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.


  • 幅图像你可以明显看到因为浮油和周围海水对于阳光反射有着很大的不同。

    The oil slick is particularly visible in this image because of the way the sun reflects off the oil and the surrounding water.


  • 此外身患卟啉病的人允许镜子出现日常生活因为他们愿意在镜看到自己的惨白骇人的鬼样子

    It was also thought that those who suffered from Porphyria abandoned mirrors from their lives because they did not wish to see their ghastly and ghoulish appearance.


  • 俄罗斯罗马尼亚拍到视频看到发光现象因为正好太阳落下,给云层嵌上发光的外环。

    The luminous effect visible in the Russian and Romanian videos is due to the the sun being low in the sky.


  • 标准化定义词汇用法非常重要的,而且我们可以看到即使是日常生活也是有必要的,因为不同专业,我们日常所用的词汇可能具有不同的意义

    Standardizing the definition and usage of a word is important and we see this need even in our daily lives, as everyday words may take on different meaning in different professions.


  • 以前觉得阅读的菲尔挺迷人因为我还候诊室以外的地方看到过人读书,”科勒

    "I used to find Phil's reading kind of charming because I had never really met anyone who read outside of a waiting room," Kohler said.


  • 到目前为止看到扇形因为它们您正在使用数据种类提供良好可视性—显示给定月份浏览器相对份额

    So far you have only seen pie charts, as they provide a nice visualization for the kind of data you are working with-showing the relative amount of browser share in a given month.


  • 到目前为止看到扇形因为它们您正在使用数据种类提供良好可视性—显示给定月份浏览器相对份额

    So far you have only seen pie charts, as they provide a nice visualization for the kind of data you are working with-showing the relative amount of browser share in a given month.


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