• 飞蛾经常提醒Mila恢复物质层上因业遭遇带走魔力

    Often moth has reminded Mila to retrieve her magic that was taken in karmic encounters upon the physical plane.


  • 一切众生自己拥有者继承者、缘得眷属、

    All living beings are the owners of their actions, heir to their actions, born of their actions, related through their actions, and live dependent on their actions.


  • 事实上虽然一些制造工作岗位外国竞争流失,但更多的工作岗位只是制成品需求增长缓慢而流失。

    In fact, while some manufacturing jobs have been lost due to foreign competition, many more have been lost simply because of slow growth in demand for manufactured goods.


  • 在距离奥斯卡颁奖典礼不到一周的时间,一项研究显示电影表现不如电视。此前,奥斯卡颁奖典礼演员提名全是白人而受到批评。

    With less than a week before an Oscars ceremony that has already been criticized for an all-white list of acting nominees, a study shows the film industry does worse than television.


  • 某些人士认为房屋租赁危机而出现复兴很少有人指望态度会出现大规模永久变化

    Some people think that renting will enjoy a Renaissance as a result of the crisis, but few expect a wholesale, permanent shift in attitudes.


  • 惟独仆人勒,另有一个心志,专一跟从我,去过的那;他的后裔也必得地为

    But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.


  • 二公司之所以不能合并,如同互联网互联网分销公司个是内容公司。

    Those two couldn't work, because they were the internet equivalent of oil and water: one is an internet distribution company, and the other a content company.


  • 例如建筑,时下建筑守则审议之中,要求防止尽可能减少受损风险

    For example, in the construction industry, building codes are under current discussion to prevent, or minimise, the risk of disaster damage.


  • 其中最为重要的金融失误而造成危机

    But above all, this crisis was caused by failures in the financial industry.


  • 不是虚空你们无关的事,乃是你们的生命,你们约旦河要得为地上, 必这事日子得以长久。

    They are not just idle words for you--they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.


  • 惟独仆人迦勒另有一个心志专一跟从他所去过的那地。他的后裔也必得

    But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it.


  • 西部城市成了屠宰调制肉类中心繁荣起来。

    Western cities flourished as centers for the slaughter and dressing of meat.


  • 变色龙镜子时候,诱使变色便溶入一个果自循环的界域

    When the chameleon steps onto the mirror, the cause of his color dissolves into a field of effects spinning back on themselves.


  • 经济萧条住房金融等邮政最大客户已经大幅削减了他们的直预算

    Some of its biggest customers, the housing and financial industries, have sharply reduced their direct-mail budgets because of the recession.


  • 例如石油上,俄罗斯欧佩克减产受益其本身却参与减产。

    In oil, for example, Russia benefits from the oil cartel's cuts in production, but does not participate in them.


  • 正当认为环境变化花费销售最终降下来时,营销大师一次超越自己

    Just when I thought the climate change penny was finally dropping for the marketing industry, the marketing gurus have excelled themselves once more.


  • 亚洲区域内部旅游增多有助于改善西方消费者房贷信用卡帐单而减少旅游支出,打击旅游复苏的状况。

    But more intra-Asian travel helps to ameliorate the sluggish travel recovery among Western consumers as they pay off home loans and credit-card bills.


  • 但是由于马瑞利绿色印刷先驱同时她的公司印刷的高品质量使寻找新的商机相对比较简单

    But that should be the easier part since Marilyn is a pioneer in "green" printing whose process has won awards for its quality. There is an important business lesson here.


  • 大大充实自己银行存款作家思想家们也许转向精神性的研究或者西班牙语写本小说不该投身新闻

    Writers and thinkers wanting to supplement their bank accounts handsomely may wish to turn to spirituality or a Spanish-language novel rather than journalism.


  • 今年五月,米歇尔·奥巴马美国儿童体型过于肥胖而担忧,呼吁食品生产健康食品

    In May Michelle Obama, who frets that American children are too Porky, urged the industry to create healthy new products. More is to come.


  • 是,零售游客减少而萧条。

    To make things worse, the retail sector would be struck by a sudden chill following a steep decline in the Numbers of mainland visitors.


  • 服装耐克Gap这样公司使用童工受到攻击

    In the clothing industry, companies like Nike and Gap came under attack for use of child Labour.


  • 耶和华如此说,仇敌,阿永久的山冈归我们了。

    Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because the enemy hath said against you, Aha, even the ancient high places are ours in possession.


  • 美国最大生产商美国公司今日发布2季度财报,财报显示,金属价格的上涨推动了铝的销售,美铝2季度利润超出分析师预测

    Alcoa Inc., the largest U.S. aluminum producer, reported second-quarter profit that topped analysts' projections as higher metal prices boosted sales.


  • 意愿原谅我那些安乐死释放而随时间积累起来、故而承受严重折磨的所有祖先

    I intend to forgive those ancestors who suffered greatly due to all the karma that failed to be released due to euthanasia over time.


  • 意愿原谅我那些安乐死释放而随时间积累起来、故而承受严重折磨的所有祖先

    I intend to forgive those ancestors who suffered greatly due to all the karma that failed to be released due to euthanasia over time.


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