• 回指语篇衔接重要语法手段之一。

    Anaphora is an important grammatical device of textual cohesion.


  • 研究关注非常普遍英语新闻语篇中的回指现象

    This topic here is concerned with anaphora in English news texts which is a quite popular phenomenon.


  • 出现上文里的那个表达式称为先行项后者为其回指项。

    The linguistic expression which appeared previously in the text is called antecedent while the latter anaphor.


  • 回指的标记形式;第三人称下学界甚至存在争议。

    There is even a dispute on whether there is cataphora.


  • 回指是实现语篇连贯重要手段,近年成为学者重要研究分析对象

    Anaphor, an essential cohesive device to connect the text, has become an important object of research among scholars.


  • 回指实际语篇中的功能非常复杂的,不能简单归结提取对象实体

    The functions of anaphoric expressions in discourse are complex and cannot be simply described as accessing given entities.


  • 我们认为,这种转换大方向对的,只有篇章出发才能真正解决回指问题。

    By studying anaphora in terms of discourse rather than sentence, we believe we will be on the right track for solving the puzzles involved in the operation of anaphora.


  • 间接回指话语上下文中先行成分照应成分之间没有直接关系一种特殊回指形式。

    Indirect anaphora refers to a special anaphoric structure in which the antecedent of a sentence has no direct relation with the anaphor.


  • 传统上被认为是建立语言表层上关系人称、性、数一致等句法规则的支配。

    Anaphora is traditionally regarded as a syntactically controlled co-referential relationship on the surface level of language.


  • 回指研究历史不仅是从形式研究功能、意义研究转换史,而且从句回指篇章回指转换史。

    We argue that there is not only a shift from the formal approach to the semantic, functional approach, but also a shift of perspective, i. e. from the perspective of sentence to that of discourse.


  • 大致看来,分为直接回指间接回指按照先行回指语等进行划分又细分为多种不同类别

    Generally speaking, anaphora includes direct anaphora and indirect one, but can fall into more detailed categories if it is classified according to antecedent or anaphor.


  • 研究结果表明增加与先行词同一范畴的干扰词典型性使先行词通达困难,导致回指推理失败

    The study results suggested that increasing the typicality of same-category distractor will cause anaphoric inference resolution fail.


  • 本文采用认知观点,以阿里尔可及性理论兰加可的观念参照理论为基础,对深层回指提出全新的解释。

    This thesis will develop a cognitive exploration of deep anaphora on the basis of Ariel's Accessibility Theory, Langacker's Conceptual Reference Point Theory.


  • 在行文中为了达到文章的连贯表达完整意思必须使用各种语法手段其中就是语篇连贯中非常重要种手段。

    In order to achieve a coherent text and to express a complete thought, we have to employ various kinds of grammatical devices, among which anaphora is an important one for textual coherence.


  • 认知语言学家认为转心理映现人类重要思维方式,因此我们就可以依靠其分析语篇中的回指现象。

    The cognitive linguists define metonymy as a mental reflection and as metonymic language is an important thinking mode of human beings, it can be applied to interpreting anaphora in texts.


  • 种在日常生活看似普遍、简单实则复杂语言现象语言学领域分别从各个不同的角度回指做出了深入的研究

    Anaphora seems quite common and widely-used in our daily life but in fact it is a complicated linguistic phenomenon. There are lots of researches within the scope of linguistic studies.


  • 深层回指进行分类,划分了无明示先行词回指、零回指句法歧异,并对其进行语用分析提出了相应的释义方法。

    Classifies some types of deep anaphora. Three major types of deep anaphora are presented and a pragmatic analysis of them is conducted.


  • 一般说来,英语存在更多的人称照应、替代以及除原词复现之外的重复省略(尤其是回指)原词复现则大量出现汉语中。

    In general, there are more personal reference, substitution and reiteration other than repetition in English and more ellipsis (especially zero anaphora, ZA for short) and repetition in Chinese.


  • 本文角度,结合认知语法理论可及性理论,通过英汉两种语言大量生活语言的实例,深入研究两种语言中的回指现象

    Following the perspective of pragmatics and cognitive theory-accessibility theory, it gives a deep analysis of anaphora phenomena existing in two languages by illustrating a large amount of examples.


  • 同时大量真实文本为语料详细探讨”、“代词情景语境中的手势非手势示、上下文语境回指、预等现象的规律或倾向性规律。

    Meanwhile, by using real data in our corpus, we attempt to investigate the gestural and symbolic usage of this and that in situational context and anaphora and cataphora in linguistic context.


  • 这种现象句法层面上起衔接作用回指”或“类”无关,而是双重性别名词上升主题作者与主题化名词认知语用层上交互作用的结果

    It is the result of interaction between the author and topicalized noun on cognitive pragmatic level when personal dual gender noun is elevated to the topicalized position.


  • 这个问题跟踪系统项目程序库融合在一起的,所以commit信息修改ticket成为可能commit包含ticket链接

    The issue tracker is integrated with the project's repository: it is possible to modify tickets from within commit messages, and the commits then also contain links back to the ticket.


  • 托雷斯由于伤病世界杯中表现得不够,他说:“这时间赛跑我们马德里的时候一切都那么完美,当我们到达南非就变得有些糟糕,我不是世界杯而是我的伤病,最终我们取得了想要的结果,但是对于我个人而言是另外一事。”

    It was a race against time. When we were in Madrid it seemed that everything was perfect, then we came to South Africa, and it wasn't OK.


  • 起来于是了城堡街上一家面包店顶上一个便宜旅馆夫街不远,尤金有一这个地方

    I wanted to conserve it too, so I looked up a cheap hotel over a bakery on the Rue du chateau, just off the Rue DE Vanves, a place that Eugene had pointed out to me once.


  • 人生比成故事其实,人们看人生就像看到若干故事线一般平行也好交叉也罢全无关联

    What it means rather is that, if one reflected on one's life, one could reasonably see it in terms of various story lines, whether parallel or intersecting or distinct.


  • 人生比成故事其实,人们看人生就像看到若干故事线一般平行也好交叉也罢全无关联

    What it means rather is that, if one reflected on one's life, one could reasonably see it in terms of various story lines, whether parallel or intersecting or distinct.


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