• 回归基础重新评估什么才是生活最重要的。

    Get back to basics and reevaluate what is important in life.


  • 多元回归基础建立发动机能量方程提出分部件建立质量方程。

    The energy equations of the motor based on the polynary element regression and the mass equations of the components are established.


  • 因此有效回归测试进化开发重要推动者因为我们一直代码基础中添加功能

    Therefore effective regression testing is a key enabler for evolutionary development because we're adding new functionality to the code base all the time.


  • 12基础缺陷百分比缺陷,这种现象可能表明先前版本测试不够充分,我们应该基础代码进行回归测试

    Figure 12: The higher percentage of Base defects than New defects may indicate that the previous release is not sufficiently tested, and we should perform a regression test on the base coding.


  • 回归测试需要一个合格基础执行,以一次次地确认系统工作

    Regression tests need to be executed on a regular basis to validate the working of the system as agreed upon over and over again.


  • 有些基于回归分析重要数据基础

    Some are based on regression analysis of significant data bases.


  • 比较医生药品如果人们回归基础,也许得到更多健康

    Rather than depending on doctors and medications, people would be a lot healthier if they got back to basics.


  • 本文抽油机大量现场测试数据基础建立了抽油机井系统效率排量系数这两个重要指标与诸影响因素之间的回归方程。

    On the basis of a large number of field test data, the regression of the displacement coefficient and system efficiency for pumping unit wells were established.


  • SaaS基础设施不断增长设置功能回归性能压力测试成本肯定不会

    It does not come cheap when you set up functional, regression, performance, and stress testing while the SaaS infrastructure grows.


  • 中国转轨实质性问题国家经济权利民众经济权利回归回归基础建立社会资本

    The substantial problem for Chinese transformation is the regress of economic rights from country to demos. The foundation of regress is the construction of social capital.


  • 当前这个手机文本信息电脑键盘时代,苏格兰所学校回归古老的传统基础教育

    In this age of cell phones, text messages and computer keyboards, one Scottish school has returned to basics.


  • 本文膨润土颗粒悬浮态下干燥实验测试数据,对该类物料的干燥机理进行剖析基础回归一个半理论半经验的干燥动力学模型

    With the analysis on the drying mechanism of sodium based bentonite, a semi-theoretical kinetic model is regressed by using the experimental data of drying the material in suspended state.


  • 基础上,分别运用多元线性回归BP神经网络方法研究边坡稳定性预测模型将其结果极限平衡分析方法进行对比。

    Based on this, forecast model for slope stability was studied by multivariate linear regression and BP neural network methods, and the results were compared with those by limit equilibrium method.


  • 基础上提出应用线性回归分析进行动态预测简便方法

    And based on this, a simple method for performance prediction by using linear regression analysis is put forward.


  • 多次试验基础上,回归分析方法,找到了浆纱工艺伸长规律控制方法

    Based on experiments and by means of regression analysis, the regularity and the control method of the extension rate in sizing process are presented.


  • 其次评价指标体系基础上,利用统计中的线性回归模型方法建立了评价模型。

    Secondly, based on the system, evaluation model has set up by utilizing statistical linear regression model method.


  • 多变量回归模型基础估计调整人群归因风险度为5.31%。

    The estimation of adjusted population attributable risk is 5.31% based on the multivariable logishc regression model analysis.


  • 方法多元回归分析理论为基础,构造趋势回归数学模型依据模型方程绘制趋势面层次分析图

    Methods The trend-surface regressional model was based on multiple regression. Then trend-surface diagram was drawed according to the mathematical model.


  • 分析影响采收率主要因素基础上,应用多元回归分析方法,得出了新增探明储量标定采收率的方法。

    Based on analyzing major factors of recovery efficiency, a new method of recovery calibration on newly - found proved reserves are given using multiple regression analysis.


  • 特征价格模型(HPM)以住宅特征住宅价格之间关系基础,建立住宅价格回归模型。

    The Hedonic price model (HPM), which is based on the relationship between the housing characters and housing price characters, sets up the regressive model of housing price.


  • 向量回归模型基础,通过格兰杰因果检验我国货币供给内生性或外生性作了实证检验。

    This paper, based on Granger causality test in a vector autoregressive process, empirically analyzed the money supply in China.


  • 本文平均铣削系数基础,采用二次回归方程,建立了铣削力系数模型

    On the basis of average method for milling force coefficient, a model of milling force coefficient has been built.


  • 影响武汉市年度保险费收入基本变量进行分析基础上,用逐步回归方法建立数学模型,给出了预测武汉市年度保险费收入的种方法。

    In this paper, the basic variables related to the annual insurance income in Wuhan City are analysed and a model is constructed to forecast its annual insurance income by means of step regression.


  • 在此基础应用多元回归分析方法获得一种良好校验公式,为提高传感器测量精度提供了依据。

    A demarcating formula of the sensor is obtained by using multiple regression analysis, which provides the basis for the measurement of high precision.


  • 试验数据基础上,分别使用线性回归算法小波网络建立了陀螺仪静态温度模型

    On the earning data of the tests, temperature static model of gyro has been studied by the two ways of linear regression algorithm and of wavelet network identification.


  • 分析现代风景园林设计传统回归趋势基础,对传统民居元素如何现代风景园林设计相结合进行了探讨

    Base on analyzing the trend of traditional regress of the modern landscape architecture design, discusses how to integrate the traditional folk house element with the modern garden design.


  • 实验数据回归分析,在基础上得出两控制顶点权因子改变NURBS曲线长度不同影响结果。

    Analyzing the experimental datum by regression, it draws the different influences of the modification of the weights of two kinds of control points on length of NURBS curve.


  • 对数据作进一步回归分析基础,本文建立了套“由排预测排质量”的方法

    On the basis of regression analysis, a method is advanced which can estimate quality of feed according to amount of seed distributed.


  • 对数据作进一步回归分析基础,本文建立了套“由排预测排质量”的方法

    On the basis of regression analysis, a method is advanced which can estimate quality of feed according to amount of seed distributed.


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