• 花炮噼里啪啦地喷完灭了

    The firework spluttered and went out.


  • 我们听见雨点噼里啪啦地打房顶上

    We heard the rain spattering on the roof.


  • 班长班长,巴掌一巴掌,打到噼里啪啦

    Monitor of the class monitor, left a slap, right slap, hit or ring!


  • 晚上教堂顶部发出噼里啪啦声音,听上去像是石墙倒塌

    There was a crackling sound in the night on the Cathedral roof and a noise as of falling masonry.


  • 一阵噼里啪啦”的声音传入耳朵里,我的口水往下流

    While "crackling" sound into my ears, my mouth straight nasty.


  • 高于篝火噼里啪啦树枝折断声音或者最好女朋友脖子

    Listen... above the crackling of the campfire... is that the sound of a twig snapping or your best girlfriend's neck?


  • 几天天气聚然天空彤云密布突然噼里啪啦声音

    Butt these days, the weather gets cold, dotted with red clouds in the sky, all of a sudden, only heard a few scratching noise.


  • 乔布斯噼里啪啦发泄着Mac界面的不满,没有一样东西他满意的。

    Jobs rattled off all the things he hated about the old Mac interface, which was just about everything.


  • 今天由于第一鲜花博客有些兴奋噼里啪啦地敲文字了。

    Likely because it is my first time to use blog in fresh flower village, I feel somewhat excited, and also can strike the writing PI in the hollow sound of bad COINS.


  • 噼里啪啦雨声让人沉沉入睡也许现在他们梦见未来整个一个月跳舞聚会

    Lulled to sleep by the pitter-patter of rain, perhaps they now dreamed of the month of dances and parties ahead.


  • 人群熙熙攘攘、摩肩接踵,手机摄像头噼里啪啦地拍摄着巴西一个知名桑巴乐队

    THE crowd surges back and forth, hands above heads, mobile-phone cameras snapping one of Brazil's best-known samba bands.


  • 刹那间天空昏暗,苍穹洞开,眼前只看见猛烈,耳畔只剩下噼里啪啦冰雹声。

    Suddenly, the sky darkened, the heaven opened and all that could be seen and heard was sleet, driving rain and the drumming of hail-stones.


  • 突然天空灰暗,苍穹洞开,眼前见到只有狂风暴雨,耳边听到噼里啪啦冰雹声。

    Suddenly, the sky darkened, the heaven opened and all that could be seen and heard was sleet, driving rain and the drumming of hailstones.


  • 鞭炮吧噼里啪啦”的爆炸声洪钟激动、又兴奋热血沸腾地;

    To say first firecrackers, it "or" explosions, as big as a big bell, let a person listen to is also excited, excited, excited;


  • 罗恩,”赫敏声音如此之低,噼里啪啦帐篷雨声中,罗恩可以假装没有听到

    "Ron," Hermione said, but in such a quiet voice that Ron could pretend not to have heard it over the loud tattoo the rain was now beating on the tent.


  • 枝形吊灯坠落地板上,水晶链子噼里啪啦,正砸赫敏和仍然握着格兰芬多宝剑妖精身上。

    The chandelier crashed to the floor in an explosion of crystal and chains, falling on top of Hermione and the goblin, who still clutched the sword of Gryffindor.


  • 少男少女们手头有了时间--甚至可以燃噼里啪啦火焰释放一下情绪

    Teen-agers have time on their hands -- and perhaps even a crackling fire to set the mood.


  • 早晨噼里啪啦炮声惊醒了原来今天节啊,我飞快的起来妈妈姨姨过节

    In the morning, I was produced crackling of guns to awaken, turns out today is the Lantern Festivalah, I climb up quickly, and her mother went home's feast.


  • 早晨噼里啪啦炮声惊醒了原来今天,我飞快起来妈妈姨姨过节

    In the morning, I was produced crackling of guns to awaken, turns out today is the Lantern Festival ah, I climb up quickly, and her mother went home's feast.


  • 此刻窗外又响起噼里啪啦鞭炮声,人们告别旧年恋恋不舍,也是人们对新年美好憧憬

    At this moment, the window came the spluttering sound, this is the people of farewell old and unable to part from, but also people longing for happiness in the New Year.


  • 早晨噼里啪啦炮声惊醒了原来今天节啊,我飞快的起来妈妈去姨姨过节

    In the morning, I was produced crackling of guns to awaken, turns out today is the Lantern Festivalah, I climb up quickly, and her mother went home "s feast."


  • 零点钟声即将敲响时,电视里全国人民已经进入了倒计时……”外面已经响起了“噼里啪啦”的鞭炮声

    The zero point of the bell is ringing, the people of the whole country has entered the countdown on TV "ten, nine, eight..." the outside is playing "or" firecrackers.


  • 空气中飘浮超自然静电噼里啪啦地响,全身的毛竖直起来,连呼吸都变得沉重,呼出的气都变成了空中的白

    Every hair on my body stood up from the supernatural static crackling in the air. I breathed heavily, my breath fogging in the air.


  • 一簇簇色彩鲜艳花束天空接着出现了无数礼花,小礼花“噼里啪啦半空中炸响了,伴随着隆隆”的礼炮声

    Clusters of colorful bouquet of flowers to fly to the sky, then there is countless small fireworks, small fireworks "or" exploding in midair, accompanied by "rumbling" salute.


  • 克的食品现在填满了,壁炉里温暖火焰噼里啪啦作响,想到同伴们说的“只能是在梦中句话,从内心发出了微笑

    Hank's cupboards were now filled, a warm fire crackled and the old dog smiled inside as he remembered "only in your dreams."


  • 似乎远方飘来的,落到窗前开始比较大雨点敲击铝合金衣架发出噼里啪啦声响如果亲眼所见认为很大很大。

    It seems from afar floated, and fell on my window and started large raindrop percussion of the aluminum alloy, laundry racks, sound issued if not personally see that this very big storm.


  • 似乎远方飘来的,落到窗前开始比较大雨点敲击铝合金衣架发出噼里啪啦声响如果亲眼所见认为很大很大。

    It seems from afar floated, and fell on my window and started large raindrop percussion of the aluminum alloy, laundry racks, sound issued if not personally see that this very big storm.


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