• 这项技术依赖嵌入每个手机中的微型计算机芯片可以商店火车站自动售货中的读取进行无现金支付

    The technology relies on a tiny computer chip, embedded in each cell phone, which communicates with a reader-device at stores, train stations and vending machines for cashless payments.


  • 这家商店读卡未能扫描卡上的磁条。

    The store's card reader failed to scan the card's magnetic strip.


  • 评论家抱怨,格伦设计的商店像是捕鼠

    As a critic complained, his shops were like mousetraps.


  • 虚拟购物使消费者查看商店位置能在接手该店事先核财产目录

    Virtual shopping trips will allowconsumers to see a store's location and check its inventory before steppinginto the store.


  • 我们不得不ERP系统执行一个封装,用来计算所有条目价钱然后我们Web商店调用封装提高性能

    We had to implement a wrapper in the ERP system that calculated the price for a list of items and call the wrapper from our web shop to improve performance.


  • 现在也向其他邻居同样事情例如邻居罗杰一个商店吸尘,我星期五借来清理我的,甚至每个周五都留着我这里。

    Now I do the same thing with other neighbors. For instance, my neighbor, Roger, has a Shop Vac, and I borrow it every Friday to clean my car.


  • 这些基本上设计专利MP3播放电源适配,甚至是苹果商店楼梯无所不包。

    Almost all are design patents, running the gamut from MP3 players to power adaptors to the stairs in the Apple Store.


  • 他们想要一个浏览呢,还是所有内容(应用程序、音乐电影)都放在他们自己的应用商店来赚取更多收益呢?

    Do they want it to be the browser, or is it more profitable for them to keep all content (apps, music and movies) in their own Store?


  • 任何人可以建立网站在线商店这个站点又可以世界任何地方登录-仅仅使用一个浏览的软件,还无须获得任何人的准许

    Anyone was able to create a website or an online shop, which could be reached from anywhere in the world using a simple piece of software called a browser, without asking anyone else for permission.


  • 设计需要一个航空工作区商店电视雷达实验室,可折叠塑料屋顶足球观测另外还有些传统设施

    The design called for an aircraft work area and shops, television and radar labs, a football stadium with a foldable plastic roof, and an observation tower, among other traditional facilities.


  • 计划打算乡村商店提供扫描,把这些店铺跟遥远银行通过移动电话联系起来。

    The plan is to supply scanners to village shops and link them to distant Banks via mobile phones.


  • 上个星期,法国立法者颁令一条法律除非版权持有者授予许可,任何网上商店下载内容所有便携式播放播放。

    Last week French legislators passed a law that requires content downloaded from online stores to be playable on all types of portable player, unless copyright holders grant their permission otherwise.


  • 博比现在步行吉恩希望一个电动车,等病情好转后可以商店东西他们太浩小屋

    Bobbie USES a walker to get around and Gene hopes to get her a scooter when she is well enough to go grocery shopping or to their cottage in Lake Tahoe.


  • 先将这些实际问题放一边看看法国政策制定者是否意识到一个基本的问题就是他们有必要担忧苹果音乐商店播放的不可分割性么?

    Put these practical difficulties aside, and ask whether France's policymakers identified a real problem. Are they right to worry about the inseparability of Apple's store and its player?


  • 它们运动检测触发或是商店服务员或是房主按钮触发。

    These are triggered by motion detectors or the press of a button by a shop assistant or householder.


  • 辆车发动机周围布满真空管传感电线尼克自信心已经下降到了商店买个拍得相机程度

    The engine was crawling with vacuum lines and sensor wires, and Nick's confidence had fallen to the point of sending me to Caldor for a Polaroid camera.


  • 索尼已经计划这个发行新的阅读但是一家零售商提前添加网上商店之后两款设备图片已经发布博客里面了。

    Sony had planned to unveil the two new Readers later this month, but images of the devices were posted on gadget blogs this week after one retailer prematurely added them to its online store.


  • 下面几个小节提供关于如何使用联邦服务处理在线商店场景中可能出现不同类型查询例子

    The following sections provide some examples of how you could use the federated server to process various kinds of queries that might come up in the online store scenario.


  • 电话软件条形码图形进行分析,然后确定UPC,并将UPC转发商店服务,以进行产品查找确定价格

    The picture of the bar code is analyzed, then the UPC is determined by the phone's software and forwarded to the store's server for product lookup and price.


  • 浏览出现我们智能手机上时我们能很快商店找到需要的商品,并且找出最便宜价格

    As soon browsers arrived on our smart phones, we immediately began searching for products we saw in-store, hoping to find better prices.


  • 此外,还有一整套连接口,需要通过苹果商店多种适配将其连接任何外接显示上。

    That's a pretty full suite of connectors - you can attach any kind of external monitor, if you need one, using a variety of adapters available from the Apple Store.


  • 发布商店使可以通过浏览查看

    Publish the store so that it can be viewed using a browser.


  • 而且空余时间我们可以逛商店存钱新闻,还能时刻朋友保持联络,这一切都一个浏览就可以做到

    And in our spare time, we shop, bank, read news and keep in touch with friendsall using a browser.


  • 与此相似大量垃圾信息都储存世界各个角落服务中,包括网上商店最新名人视频等等,似乎这些数据可有可无

    Similarly, an awful lot of what fills up the world's servers, from online shops to the latest celeb videos, seems dispensable too.


  • 在电子产品商店用来测量辐射强度小型便携式盖革计数都已经光了。

    Electronics shops are selling out of small, portable Geiger counters that measure radiation.


  • 或者如果他们一个专门的播放,他们就只能固定的去相应的那家公司的音乐商店购买音乐作品。

    Or, if theybuy a specific player, they are locked into buying music only from thatcompany’s music store.


  • 相比之下,Iphone用户早在20102月可以使用浏览登陆苹果商店了。

    In contrast, iPhone users have been able to access the App Store by web browser since February 2010.


  • 这里其他设备不同,JooJoo 本质上一个装有浏览盒子——没有应用程序,更别提应用程序商店了。

    Unlike other devices here, the JooJoo is basically a browser in a boxit doesn’t have apps, let alone an app store.


  • 最大一个不同是:亚马逊将会通过某些有趣技术浏览试用应用程序商店几乎所有Android应用程序。

    The biggest one: Amazon will let you 'Test Drive' nearly any Android application in the app Store directly from your browser using some very interesting technology.


  • 最大一个不同是:亚马逊将会通过某些有趣技术浏览试用应用程序商店几乎所有Android应用程序。

    The biggest one: Amazon will let you 'Test Drive' nearly any Android application in the app Store directly from your browser using some very interesting technology.


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