• 相信商源全体经营团队全体员工努力下未来前景指日可待

    Believe that the source of all business management team and staff of the efforts of the future must be just around the corner.


  • 作者在这里以六点原则,展示其收集的实践(对比CMMI中的4个关键-软件工程系统工程、集成产品过程管理以及供应)。

    The four major groupings of CMMI — software engineering, system engineering, integrated product and process management, and supplier sourcing.


  • 随着发电机输送资金枯竭设备制造订单也是每况愈下。

    As the flow of finance to electricity generators dried up, so did the orders to equipment manufacturers.


  • 信息可以包括来自外部提供业务合作伙伴的离散

    The information sources can also include disparate sources from external suppliers and business partners.


  • 他们还提到,随着科技水平不断提高制造不断地淘汰、更新他们设计使过时电器成为废品系统膨胀的祸

    With constant upgrades in technological capability, they say, manufacturers build obsolescence into many of their designs, causing outdated electronics to become the bane of the waste system.


  • 不同信息读写访问(特别逻辑工作单元进行协调)将受到供应特定的支持约束。

    Read-write access to different information sources - in particular when coordinating a logical unit of work - is constrained by the vendor-specific support.


  • 业务系统收集结构化数据关于患者医疗索赔供应通过提取转换加载ETL流程输入数据仓库

    Structured source data collected by operational systemson patients, medical claims, and providers—was fed through extract, transform, load (ETL) processes into the data warehouse.


  • 今天,法院同样以8 - 0做出裁决全球有百万计导致全球变暖温室气体排放电力设备产应承担其温室气体排放的指控。

    And today it also ruled 8-0 that five individual power utilities could not be sued (PDF) for the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, given the millions of global sources of such gases.


  • 推崇解决方案很多对于那些制作致力于而又供应合作实体过于敌对

    Many people pushing for open source solutions are overtly hostile to entities which produce and work on open source, but which even cooperate with closed-source vendors.


  • 作为美国最大药品销售之一,美伯根公司显然一般药品市场蓬勃发展受益者

    As one of the nation's largest drug distributors, Amerisource Bergen has been an obvious beneficiary of the booming generics business.


  • AML公司订单唯一供应表明了我们高性能组件声誉以及卓越的品质

    The fact that AML was selected as a sole source provider under this order demonstrates our reputation for high performance components and outstanding quality.


  • 例如制造可能定义异类检索实时库存信息服务

    For example, a manufacturer might define a service that retrieves real-time inventory information from heterogeneous sources.


  • JOLAP查询模型处理OLAP查询管理模型方便特定供应的OLAP原语扩展的实现

    JOLAP's query model deals with OLAP query management, and its source model facilitates the implementation of vendor-specific primitive OLAP extensions.


  • 新西兰恒天然乳品生产承认圣元提供奶公司表示,圣元也国内欧洲购买乳清奶粉

    New Zealand–based dairy producer Fonterra has acknowledged that it supplies milk powder to Synutra but says the Chinese company also buys milk from domestic sources and whey powder from Europe.


  • 不过陈戌明确表示,希望提高上港集团知名度使成为一家重要国际性集装箱码头运营

    However, Mr Chen makes it clear that he wants to extend SIPG's reputation and turn the company into an important international container terminal operator.


  • 同样地一些市场十分积极供应心怀敌意。

    Similarly, some vendors who are active in closed-source markets tend to be hostile to open source.


  • 中国电力,作为中国最大风力发电生产,原本一个刻板而规范的企业。

    China's biggest producer of wind power, China Longyuan power, is in essence a staid regulated utility.


  • 相反,那些使用JDBC核心功能应用程序需要访问特定供应实现细节(例如数据库连通性url)连接数据

    By contrast, applications that use only the core facilities of JDBC need access to vendor-specific implementation details (database connectivity URLs, for example) to connect to datasources.


  • 采购埃森哲建议公司探究下单一低成本国家供应策略。

    Sourcing: Accenture advises companies to look beyond sole-sourcing and low-cost country suppliers.


  • 恒天然也是三鹿集团(现已倒闭)乳制品生产的奶供应之一。

    Fonterra was a partial owner of Sanlu Group, the now defunct dairy producer that was a main source of the tainted formula.


  • 首先为了保持内容灵活性出版必须设计一个数字化为核心的工作流程,建立单一的内容

    First, to maintain content flexibility, a digital-centric, media-neutral workflow with a single-source repository is essential.


  • 这种情况下IBMCognosBI数据库供应实例创建个IBM Cognos bi数据拥有其中的所有架构访问权

    In IBM Cognos BI, in this scenario, you can create one IBM Cognos BI data source for the database vendor instance and have access to all schemas within it.


  • 3 月,MySpace成为第一ActivityStreams格式发布订阅主流社交媒体供应

    In March 2009, MySpace became the first major social media provider to publish feeds in the Activity Streams format.


  • mashup应用程序集成受保护数据其他供应获得服务时,若访问这些系统提供凭证

    When a mashup application integrates protected data sources or services acquired from another vendor, credentials are required to access these systems.


  • 事实很多供应并不那么地邪恶恶毒,也并不故意要隐藏rootkit他们只不过试图借助自己的所谋生而已。

    The reality is that many closed-source vendors are not particularly evil or malicious, are not concealing rootkits, and are just trying to make a living in a way that they know how to make work.


  • 目录之间联接向下数据库供应只需ContentManagerDataSource属性指向同一个IBMCognosbi数据名称

    To push the join between the two catalogs down to the database vendor, simply have both Content Manager data source properties point to the same IBM Cognos BI data source name.


  • Inorderdelivery如果选择了该项,Inorder delivery会迫使WS - r m提供按照消息发送顺序JAX - WS客户机服务传送消息。

    Inorder delivery: If selected, Inorder delivery forces the WS-RM source or provider to deliver messages to the JAX-WS client or service in the order in which they were sent.


  • Inorderdelivery如果选择了该项,Inorder delivery会迫使WS - r m提供按照消息发送顺序JAX - WS客户机服务传送消息。

    Inorder delivery: If selected, Inorder delivery forces the WS-RM source or provider to deliver messages to the JAX-WS client or service in the order in which they were sent.


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