• 物流涵盖现代经济生活有关商品空间转移各种经济活动

    Logistics covers the various economic activities on goods space transfer in the modern economic life.


  • 研究无穷维商品空间不完全实物资产市场两时期交换经济现货—金融市场平衡合适平衡的等价性。

    This paper studies the equivalence between the spot-financial market (FM) equilibrium and proper pseudo-equilibrium with infinite-dimensional commodity pace and incomplete real asset markets.


  • 摘要作为现代物流活动实现物质商品空间移动输送时间移动保管流通加工包装装卸元素构成

    Abstract: as the modern logistics activity is realized by material, commodity space move conveyors, time shift of custody, circulation processing, packing, loading and unloading elements, etc.


  • 这种漫射照明有助于商品空间照明,立柜商品展示提供必须的顶光照明,通常这种方式的照明可以使空间感觉更大

    Perimeter lighting helps define merchandising Spaces and provides the vertical lighting necessary for wall displays and generally makes the space feel larger.


  • 今天亚马逊兜售上百万商品服务玩具到高清电视,再其他网络公司服务器空间,还有图书爱好者们电子阅读器。

    Today, Amazon sells millions of goods and services, from toys and high-definition televisions to server space for other Internet companies and digital reading devices for book lovers.


  • 这个网站没有很多空间来解释这个站点到底什么,而是商品直接摆在顾客眼前。

    Instead taking precious space explaining what the site sells, the products are put right in front of you.


  • 经济复杂度指数高分国家多年生产各类产品商品过程中获得了知识并且很大增长空间

    Countries with a high score in the report's 'economic complexity index' have acquired years of knowledge in making a variety of products and goods and also have lots of room for growth.


  • 应该大量空间可以生产巴西商品,如牛肉甘蔗黄豆桉树

    There should be plenty of room for all the beef, sugar cane, soya, eucalyptus trees and other commodities that Brazil wants to produce.


  • 每次网页上增加段时,商品内容就会一个更小空间

    Each time you add a column to a page, the content is pushed into a smaller and smaller space.


  • 很大空白空间允许商品页面右面展示出来

    Also, the heavy use of white space allows the products to almost jump right off the page at you.


  • 线上打折商品无限的空间,店铺有普通商品大的空间,公司有扩充的客户群以及更少原价商品降价销售

    Unlimited space online for discounted merchandise, more space in thestores for regular merchandise, an expanded customer base, and less cannibalizationof regular-price sales.


  • 由于中国劳动力成本土地价格大幅上涨为了保持合理利润空间跨国公司不得不转投生产更高附加值商品把目光转回国内市场

    Rising labor and land costs mean foreign companies in China must either increase the value-added content of their products to increase profit margins, or sell to the domestic market.


  • 但是,产能持续过剩将带来更阴暗前景:价格到不能再减的商品受挤压盈利空间更多失业

    But persistent over-capacity sets the stage for a gloomier prognosis: bargain-priced goods, squeezed profit margins and more unemployment.


  • 由于耐克全球品牌的高度认知,耐克公司的业务得以国际间开拓。 这里存在着市场空间,高收入人群可以任意消费高价体育商品

    There are many markets that have the disposable income to spend on high value sports goods.


  • 1994年,名叫杰夫·贝索斯分析师萌发了通过互联网销售商品念头网络空间构建一个商店实属突发奇想

    In 1994, when a financial analyst named Jeff Bezos hatched the idea of selling stuff over the Internet, the idea of building a store in cyberspace was fairly radical.


  • 每家分店里我们努力使来自中国商品单独空间

    Within each store, we would endeavor to have separate shops with merchandise from China.


  • 两种设计方案结合创造个不均匀照明空间更多的“戏剧”性,营造出商品展示强光区,而同时商店中间又是比较轻松状态

    The combination of these two solutions, create an unevenly lit space, with a more "theatrical" and strong lighting for the display of the items and a more relaxing condition in the middle.


  • 商品形象差异不大构思空间时应注重变化否则使感到呆板

    If the image of the sale of goods is not different, should pay attention to changes in the concept of space, otherwise it will make people feel dull.


  • 这些商品完全占用了资金存储空间

    These goods are tying up his capital and his storage space.


  • 粗略统计有的商品包装空间十分之一,二十分之一,甚至五十分之一。

    According to my rough statistics, some commodities take up only one tenth, one twentieth or even one fiftieth of the space in the huge package.


  • 给人的感觉商品无论如何都会达到这个价格利润空间遭到挤压

    There is a feeling that the stuff will arrive at that price point anyway and their margins were going to get squeezed.


  • 东京市场打破空间时间限制形成了专业市场文化娱乐市场和劳动力市场,商品交易异常繁荣

    Dongjing market broke the limitation of space and time, formed special markets, cultural and recreational market and labor force market, so the commodity transaction was exceptionally prosperous.


  • 开拓商品海外市场国际生存空间至为关键一步就是商标的翻译。

    A successful trademark plays a key role in opening up international market and creating the enterprise wealth.


  • 还有江南地区官宦世家利用便捷交通聚集大量财富,同时,交通便利书画作为商品本身起到了提供大的交易空间

    There Jiangnan region Bureaucrat family use the convenient traffic, gathered a great deal of money, while transport facilities for painting itself as a commodity has played a greater deal of space.


  • 还有江南地区官宦世家利用便捷交通聚集大量财富,同时,交通便利书画作为商品本身起到了提供大的交易空间

    There Jiangnan region Bureaucrat family use the convenient traffic, gathered a great deal of money, while transport facilities for painting itself as a commodity has played a greater deal of space.


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