• 这些活动并不产生任何财富因此没有获得资金他们就不能获得他们想要商品

    These activities didn't produce any wealth, hence without money given to them they cannot secure the goods they want.


  • 这些活动压低日圆同时日本出口业带来好处增强了日本出口商品价格竞争力,且提高了日本公司海外盈利回日本的日圆价值。

    The activity weakened the yen. But it also provided an advantage for the country's exporters because it made Japanese goods cheaper abroad and boosted overseas earnings when repatriated back into yen.


  • 组织把印度外国企业靶子也是历史,1994年组织了全国性抵制包括百事可乐可口可乐在内的跨国公司商品活动

    It also has a history of targeting foreign business in India, as in 1994, when it organised a nationwide boycott of multinational consumer goods, including Pepsi and Coca Cola.


  • 泰国国内(合法)象牙市场依然存在相当非法商品,来自英国活动组织——环境调查组织(EIA)的玛丽·赖斯提到

    In Thailand, the domestic (legal) market in ivory also handles quite a lot of illegal merchandise, says Mary Rice of the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), a British-based campaigning group.


  • 我们试验中观察还是受试者,在衡量商品价格同样区域活动

    We went again to see what was happening in these regions when people considering the products and these prices.


  • 区域的大脑活动人们在见到商品表现,完美地联系了起来。

    When you correlate people's preference when they see products with activation in this area, you'll see a nice correlation.


  • 为了恢复昔日辉煌,沃尔玛再次强调低价增加数千种之前清理活动中撤掉商品

    To fight back, Wal-Mart is again emphasizing low prices and adding back thousands of products it had culled in an overzealous bid to clean up stores.


  • 发送其余商品我们只需再重复一次循环即可因为调用发送组件活动循环的开始处

    To ship the rest of the items, we just need to let the loop iterate again, since the activity that calls to the shipping component is at the start of the loop.


  • 同样Shopkick也会回馈消费者线下活动比如去参观实体店,或通过智能手机浏览商品

    Similarly, Shopkick rewards consumers for offline activities such as visiting stores and scanning products with their smart-phones.


  • 这项活动鼓励一些陌生伙伴比如位于特拉维夫peres中心正试图进出口商品问题上,团结巴勒斯坦以色列人

    And they encourage strange bedfellows, such as the Tel Avivbased Peres Center for Peace initiative to unite Palestinians and Israelis in the Shared problem of importing and exporting goods.


  • 只要农业专家商品分析者们询问他们多数告诉你:投机活动物价里所扮演角色过分夸大了。

    But if you talk to agriculture experts and commodity analysts, most of them will tell you that the role of speculation in high food prices is overstated.


  • 可能会发现购买商品或是娱乐活动昂贵的

    You may find that purchases or entertainment could be expensive.


  • 这种活动波及整个与其接壤三国巴拉圭阿根廷巴西边境地区造就了一个盗版假冒商品温床报告。”

    "This activity spills over into the entire tri-border region of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, creating a hotbed of piracy and counterfeiting," the report said.


  • 电力巴西视为商品在该国,玩骨牌全国性娱乐活动飞利浦公司即在那里推出骨牌作为购买电力的奖品。

    Philips offered a set of dominoes as a premium for electricity purchase in Brazil, where the game is national pastime and electrical products are treated as commodities.


  • 宾夕法尼亚汉堡,卡贝拉狩猎、捕鱼户外活动商品商场一位顾客停下来观看巨大动物标本显示屏

    A customer at Cabela's, a hunting, fishing and outdoors store in Hamburg, Pa., stops to look at a large display of stuffed and mounted animals.


  • 布劳表示最新研究突显商品投机者在其中作用。他说:“年前我们没有预见到的投机活动如此加剧市场实际问题。”

    But von Braum said recent research highlighted the role of commodity speculators: "What we didn't foresee two years ago is how speculation exacerbated the real market issues."


  • 例如,当正在并行执行发送活动订单流程中的活动可以通知库存系统需要重新定购商品

    For example, an activity in your ordering process might notify your inventory system that an item needs to be re-ordered while the shipping activity is executing in parallel.


  • 外貌出众、慷慨解囊种族喜、个性良好一小部分男性常客会被视为热点商品,他们常常会引起活动参加人数不成比例。

    A small group of male regulars, consideredhot commodities because of their good looks, endowment, ethnicity orpersonality, also tends to account for a disproportionate volume of the action.


  • 苹果公司竞争对手例如惠普、戴尔等公司以往提前一周开始了圣诞假期降价促销活动某些商品价格降幅高达50%。

    Apple rivals like H-P and Dell offered discounts weeks earlier than usual this holiday season, dropping some prices by as much as 50%.


  • 我们许多商务客前去参加商品交易会、日内瓦车展大型活动

    We get a lot of business passengers going to big events such as trade fairs, such as the Geneva Motor Show.


  • 普遍运用的手段附在商品上的赠券、各种抽奖活动游戏竞赛、降价销售、产品示范各种奖励样品试验以及钱款返还承诺等等。

    The common ones used are coupons, sweepstakes, games, contests, price-offs, demonstrations, premiums, samples, and money refund offers.


  • 零售商西友百货(Seiyu Ltd .)开始推出了项从母公司沃尔玛(Wal - MartStoresInc .)借鉴来活动,即如果顾客出示了显示竞争对手的商品价格更低广告,那么也将执行这一价格。

    Retailer Seiyu Ltd. started a campaign to match competitors' prices if customers brought in ads showing lower prices, borrowing a strategy of its parent company, Wal-Mart Stores Inc.


  • 这些活动打出漂亮一销售额从从1980年初120万猛涨*2到年末1520万。 *2: Gothroughtheroof: 英国习语,形容商品的猛涨。

    The Eau campaign was a marketing coup and sales went through the roof from 12 million bottles in 1980 to 152 million by the end of the decade.


  • 这些活动打出漂亮一销售额从从1980年初120万猛涨*2到年末1520万。 *2: Gothroughtheroof: 英国习语,形容商品的猛涨。

    The Eau campaign was a marketing coup and sales went through the roof from 12 million bottles in 1980 to 152 million by the end of the decade.


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