• 经历上世纪90年代“大文学现象”——例如大卫•福斯特华莱士的《可笑至极》奥的《地下世界》——小说的一切又转向了追求离奇和独特。

    After the literary megafauna of the 1990slike David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest and Don DeLillo's Underworld — the novels of the aughts embraced quirkiness and uniqueness.


  • 杯子了很多苏格兰威士忌

    Don poured a generous measure of scotch into a fresh glass.


  • 其他医生取出心脏费利佩的心脏放在胸腔

    Other doctors took out Donna's heart and put Felipe's heart in her chest.


  • 得知筛查结果时很警惕,但是由于担心流产想到“有一个在的肚子”她犹豫着不要羊水穿刺检查。 她回忆到。

    She'd been alerted by screening results, but hesitated to get amniocentesis because of the risk of a miscarriage and the prospect of "a needle in my belly, " she recalls.


  • 这么长段时间没有发生任何有利转变于是太斯开始幻想,认为巡查员视察只不过个梦,是脑子的一个幻想而已。

    Finally ten months and a half had gone by and no favorable change had taken place, and dantes began to fancy the inspector's visit but a dream, an illusion of the brain.


  • 很多时间我们海边房子度过,她很快就赢得了比尔对她的好感。

    She spent a lot of time at our house on the beach and quickly won over Doug, Don, and Bill.


  • 甚至可以承认我的一位多年好友告诉最近订婚了的时候,我花了大价钱给未婚妻一瓶侬香槟王

    I'll even admit that when a good friend of many years recently told me that he was engaged, I splurged and got him and his fiancee a bottle of Dom Perignon.


  • 侬轻型酒发明了通过制造玻璃瓶未来葡萄酒上,香槟生产商将会每年减少8 000温室气体污染

    By making the thick glass bottles invented by Dom Perignon lighter, champagne makers will save some 8,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution per year with future vintages.


  • 侬轻型酒发明了通过制造玻璃瓶未来葡萄酒上香槟生产商将会每年减少8,000温室气体污染

    By making the thick glass bottles invented by Dom Perignon lighter, champagne makers will save some 8, 000 metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution per year with future vintages.


  • 如果项目得到双方政客点头条79(128)的火车隧道同时日本西南部城市韩国南部港口釜山同时动工。

    Should the project get the nod from the politicos, work will begin on joining the southwestern Japanese city of Karatsu with the south Korean port of Busan with a 79-mile (128-km) train tunnel.


  • 先在斯蛋糕店口袋然后雨衣口袋找,接着又在衣帽架上找,可是到处都找不着。

    She tried in Downes's bag and then in the pockets of her waterproof and then on the hallstand but nowhere could she find it.


  • 比如尼科尔先生找到住拉纳附近·家中经营宠物殡葬业务

    In Mr Nicholson's case he went to Dawn Murray, who runs the Pet Undertaker business from her home near Lanark.


  • 马来西亚印度提供鱼头咖喱烤饼羊肉和鸡肉咖喱这样的小吃。

    It serves Malaysian and South Indian specialities such as fish-head curry, tandoori naan and mutton and chicken curries.


  • 偶尔会有人人数搞错了,扩音器就会传出声音:“场上十一个穿白队服的,八个穿绿队服的,乱了套了。”

    Occasionally, somebody gets confused, and Don's voice rings out over the loudspeakers: "There's eleven white guys and eight blue guys, and that won't work."


  • 他们选举乔治·作为领队七月中旬离开了布

    After electing George Donner as their captain, the party departed Fort Bridger in mid-July.


  • 最后杰克主人娜迪克唤回了杰克胆怯入侵者回头消失在了树林

    Finally, Jack's owner, Donna Dickey, called the cat inside, and the timorous trespasser disappeared back into the woods.


  • 冬季一天走过奇·威尔斯的一条街时,看见一个路旁

    One winter's day, as I was passing through a street in Tunbridge Wells, I saw a man standing on the road side.


  • 学校户外活动很少”,特意岁的儿子参加足球训练营晓刚(音)一间职业学校经理

    "There are few outdoor activities at school, " said Tang Xiaogang, the manager at a vocational school who had brought his five-year-old son to the football training session.


  • 对情侣肯尼亚山附近野生动物保护区订婚。 保护区的所有者是杰卡·克雷格的家族所有,巧合的是威廉王子与杰卡曾经约会过

    The pair got engaged at Lewa Downs Wildlife Conservancy near Mount Kenya—which happens to be owned the by the family of Jecca Craig, who William once dated.


  • 使得跨进了由弗雷德·-巴奇罗德·拉沃尔、罗伊·埃莫森以及阿加西组成独揽大满贯赛冠军的行列。

    He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.


  • 广东省佛山市某市场昌荣因颈部血管被砍于周一死亡

    Tang Changrong died on Monday of a wound to the neck sustained the previous evening at a market in the city of Foshan in Guangdong province.


  • 酒窖总监理查德·吉奥弗洛依这个夜晚灵感来自于“纯粹快乐”,可是还是为穿着那个时代服装侍者所提供的温馨服务现代感到惋惜,因为路易十四时代,客人需要自己取餐的。

    Richard Geoffroy, Dom’s chef de cave, said the idea of the evening was “driven by pure pleasure,” though he lamented that the waiters, in period costume, weretoo modernin their attentive service.


  • 《广告狂人》第四季。德雷帕就是此和贝瑟尼谈情说爱(这让贝蒂伤心不已)。

    Don Draper romanced Bethany at Barbetta (much to Betty's dismay) in Season Four of Mad Men.


  • 威尔斯博士:“可以想见接受体外受精治疗患者压力她们多年努力终于成功怀孕却发现她们肚子的孩子患有氏症这样的遗传疾病。”

    Dr Wells said: 'You can imagine the pressure felt by an IVF patient who's struggled for years to achieve a pregnancy and then discovers they are pregnant but the baby has something like Down's.'


  • 1960年时,美国海军上尉·沃雅克·皮卡德乘坐雅斯特号深海潜水艇到达了35840英尺海沟底部

    In 1960, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and Jacques Picard in the bathyscaph "Trieste" reached the bottom of the Trench at 35, 840 feet deep.


  • 正如·德罗(DonDeLillo)写,“阴谋包含了日常生活没有一切事情。”

    As Don DeLillo has written, "a conspiracy is everything that ordinary life is not."


  • 正如·德罗(DonDeLillo)写,“阴谋包含了日常生活没有一切事情。”

    As Don DeLillo has written, "a conspiracy is everything that ordinary life is not."


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