• 唐宁等不及回到河畔球场踢比赛了。

    Downing can't wait to go back to the Riverside to play.


  • 汤姆·唐宁没有巨头典型特点。

    Tom Downing did not typify the definition of tycoon.


  • 被选定唐宁包装其主要茶叶产品每天之一

    Has been chosen by Twinings to wrap one of its major tea products, Everyday.


  • 作品建筑师建造严谨唐宁对方形成以及结余框架

    The pieces are constructed with an architects preciseness, twining letter into each other to form a well balances frame.


  • 唐宁重新占有主力位置,阿什利朝着哈特劲射,达伦本特躲开乔哈特的阻挡。

    Stewart Downing regained possession, Ashley Young ripped a shot at Joe Hart and Darren Bent put away Hart's parry.


  • 唐宁入选则那种本来是不得已之举、最后却变成神来之笔动作之一

    And Downing's inclusion could turn out to be one of those moves forced by circumstance that end up improving the side immeasurably.


  • 唐宁先生警告说,仅仅因为你们小时候就是朋友,并不表示可以安全地他们分享私人信息

    Mr Downing warned that just because you were friends with someone as a child it did not follow that you could safely share personal information with them.


  • 菲律宾政律司司长唐宁-利马从子弹弹道人质伤口来看,有些乘客可能受到了警方误伤。

    The justice secretary, Leila de Lima, said bullet trajectories and the hostages' wounds indicated that some of the passengers may have been hit by friendly fire.


  • 签下乔纳森·伍德盖特他们速度大大提高,在苏牙唐宁跑动的威胁下他们还是略有压力。

    They have added a bit of pace with the signing of Jonathan Woodgate, but they are still susceptible to themovement of the likes of Luis Suarez and Stewart Downing.


  • 亨德森一个有着巨大潜力小伙子唐宁也是英格兰国脚木有,有着很好的过人传球能力

    Henderson is a young player with a lot of potential and Downing is an England international with good crossing and passing ability.


  • 加上乔丹·亨德森斯图尔特·唐宁(客队板凳),劳尔·梅雷莱斯(主队替补),还有更多有待观察。

    Throw in Jordan Henderson and Stewart Downing, who began on the visitors' bench, and Raul Meireles among the home replacements at the start, and there are plenty of new arrivals waiting to settle.


  • 摘要: 著名假酒鉴定专家莫林·唐宁表示,亚洲市场充斥不同类型造假水平各异的假酒

    ABSTRACT: According to Maureen Downey, one of the foremost experts on fake wine, the Asian market is flooded with many types and levels of fakes.


  • 这样唐宁可以占据左边位置本赛季米堡这个位置上、尤其是联盟杯最近几轮中表现非常出色

    That would allow Downing to move into the left midfield role where he has performed with such distinction for Middlesbrough in the later rounds of their Uefa Cup charge.


  • 谈到离开维拉公园前往安菲尔德决定唐宁说,“我很感激肯尼,应该名奔三球员花费巨额的转会费。”

    Speaking on his decision to leave Villa Park for Anfield in the summer, Downing stated: "I respected Kenny because he paid a lot of money for a player coming into his late 20s."


  • 摘要: 著名假酒鉴定专家莫林·唐宁表示,亚洲市场充斥不同类型造假水平各异的假酒那么,消费者应该如何辨别真伪呢?

    ABSTRACT: According to Maureen Downey, one of the foremost experts on fake wine, the Asian market is flooded with many types and levels of fakes. So, how to identify?


  • 但是总是发现规律运用那些简单的方法时,你总能得到最好效果”,说的的确没错当我们说到唐宁训练营养方案时。

    "But I've always found that when you do the simple things regularly, you get the best results." This is true when it comes to Downing's workout nutrition.


  • 今日悉尼市场Nicholas海鲜悉尼唐宁中心法院判罚1500澳元。 该店被皇家动物保护协会指控用不人道方式对待动物。

    Nicholas Seafood at the Sydney Fish Markets in Glebe was sentenced to a $1500 fine at Sydney Downing Centre court today after the business was charged by the RSPCA with an act of animal cruelty.


  • 内曼•马库斯(Neiman Marcus)的时尚总监唐宁(KenDowning)米兰表示,从目前来看,的服装销售不错

    Ken Downing, fashion director for Neiman Marcus, said in Milan that it's been a 'good season so far.


  • 本周末英国大奖赛石赛道最后承办F1大赛,明年的比赛唐宁顿赛道举行。 车队联盟昨天晚上声明无疑周末的银石投下了一丝阴影

    Last night's announcement by Fota is sure to cast a pall over this weekend's British grand prix, which is set to take place at Silverstone for the last time before switching to Donington.


  • 本周末英国大奖赛石赛道最后承办F1大赛,明年的比赛唐宁顿赛道举行。 车队联盟昨天晚上声明无疑周末的银石投下了一丝阴影

    Last night's announcement by Fota is sure to cast a pall over this weekend's British grand prix, which is set to take place at Silverstone for the last time before switching to Donington.


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