• 很多支持者争辩道一个学历导向的社会”应该个人欺诈这种现象更多责任

    But Tang's many supporters argue for tolerance, holding "a diploma-oriented society" more responsible for this phenomenon than fraudulent individuals.


  • 25岁上海本地人絮语(音译)当地一家餐饮集团总裁助理,她购买了一个笔记本一些巧克力一张卡片。

    Tang Xuyu, a 25-year-old Shanghai native who works as an assistant to the CEO of a local restaurant group, purchased a notebook, some chocolates and a card.


  • 美国交会指控投资者们发送电子邮件说服他们信任甚至他们注入更多资金从而允许他继续他们进行交易。

    The S.E.C. alleges Tang sent e-mails to investors to persuade them to trust him with even more of their money and allow him to continue trading on their behalf.


  • 个月前,雷石东将其媒体帝国一分思腾先生随即出任维亚康姆老板思腾缔造了MTV全球的辉煌,是一位令人崇敬的传媒高管

    It is barely nine months since Mr Freston, a hugely respected media executive who presided over the global success of MTV, became boss of Viacom when Mr Redstone split his empire in two.


  • 看见两个孩子逝去母亲而感到光荣,全程没有一滴眼泪,这感到最骄傲时刻

    Tang said that watching the children honor their deceased mother - all without shedding a tear - was his proudest moment.


  • 昨天外长表示国际反恐斗争无限扩大打击范围。这可否理解中方不希望将打击?

    Q: Foreign Minister Tang said yesterday that the international anti-terrorism campaign must not be expanded indefinitely.


  • 里侬酒窖总监理查德·吉奥弗洛依这个夜晚灵感来自于“纯粹快乐”,可是还是穿着那个时代服装侍者所提供的温馨服务现代感到惋惜,因路易十四时代,客人需要自己取餐的。

    Richard Geoffroy, Dom’s chef de cave, said the idea of the evening was “driven by pure pleasure,” though he lamented that the waiters, in period costume, weretoo modernin their attentive service.


  • 前任首相拉姆齐·麦克讽刺得连工作都顾不上。

    The jibe made about Ramsay MacDonald when he was prime minister was that he was too busy to do his job.


  • 小姐设计师大楼设计图纸。她确保建筑工人正确地建楼。

    Miss Tang is an architect and she draws plans of buildings.


  • 一个失去父亲黑人小孩·杰姆斯(DonJames)辅导数学英语

    I tutored a fatherless black kid, Don James, in math and English.


  • 35女性婴儿氏综合症风险三百八十分之一,35岁之一,患这种疾病的机率会迅速升高

    A woman’s risk of having a child with Down’s syndrome is 1 in 380 at 35 and rapidly increases after that.


  • 1968年,当时他们正在录制白色专辑”里歌曲Beatles邀请著名战地摄影师•麦库林拍照

    In the summer of 1968, as they were recording the songs that would appear on the "White Album," the Beatles invited famed war photographer Don McCullin to photograph them.


  • 麦克有策略地建筑选址,尊重美丽的海岸线游客创造一种期待感。

    MacDonald strategically sited the structure to respect the beautiful shoreline, and to create a sense of anticipation for visitors.


  • 祝贺你先生我们决定录用我们公司名员工

    Congratulations, Mr. Tang. We decide to employ you as a worker in our company.


  • 冠华表示目标只是同龄人建立一个社区而已,他还帮助后代决定他们是否想要过上不依赖现代设施的生活。

    More than just build a community for his peers, Mr. Tang said his goal was to help future generations decide whether they want to live off the grid.


  • 本文)绝句载体几个方面中国古代抒情诗叙事性作了比较深入而细致的分析

    With the carrier of Tang poems, this article intensively analyzes the narration of Chinese ancient lyrics in several aspects.


  • 元宵节食物取得一些妻子严重的感冒所以姜汤

    And the food for Lantern Festival is Tang Yuan, I have made some Tang Yuan in a ginger soup, my wife got a serious cold, so I cooked a pot of ginger soup for her.


  • 元宵节食物取得一些妻子严重的感冒所以煮一壶姜汤

    And the food for Lantern Festival is Tang Yuan, I have made some Tang Yuan in a ginger soup, my wife got a serious cold, so I cooked a pot of ginger soup for her.


  • 乔治·克卢尼,布拉德·皮特,马特·达蒙·奇德尔再次携手罗伯茨观众带来了《十二罗汉》。

    George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Don Cheadle grace the same screen once again with Roberts.


  • 尽管症所,国三陈舒文推出个展,展现的纸黏土才艺

    Despite suffering from Down's Syndrome, ninth grader Chen Shuwen holds a solo exhibition of her amazing clay art creations.


  • ,本人一直担任先生秘书悌先生,阁下必定知悉,先生的事业市民熟知

    For the PST three years, I have served as a private secretary to Mr. T. Tang whom you know well, and whose public works have been heralded all over Hong Kong.


  • 之后老婆,我·科里昂,请他我们伸张正义

    And then I said to my wife: 'We must go to Don Corleone for justice.


  • 前言:目的:通过定性研究方法,客观、全面评价综合征患者家庭疾病负担相关政策制定提供依据。

    Objective: to evaluate the disease burden of Downs Syndrome (DS) both to the patient and to the family by qualitative study, and to provide references for policy making.


  • 美国最高法院证据表明,麦克这位弗吉尼亚商人举行会议但是没有人提供直接利益换取礼物

    The court said there was testimony that McDonnell set up meetings for the Virginia businessman, but none that he provided direct benefits in return for the gifts.


  • 港地区地质条件模型口径井点降水进行详细的分析大口径井点降水实际工程应用具有理论参考价值

    Taking the geological condition in the harbour district Jingtang Port as the model, the detail analysis on lowering water level by large diameter well point are given in the paper.


  • 港地区地质条件模型口径井点降水进行详细的分析大口径井点降水实际工程应用具有理论参考价值

    Taking the geological condition in the harbour district Jingtang Port as the model, the detail analysis on lowering water level by large diameter well point are given in the paper.


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