• 哲学话语中,上帝始终个元叙事。

    In his philosophic words, God is always the meta-narration.


  • 分为三个部分首先传统理性主义教育哲学话语批判消解

    First, is divided into three parts of traditional educational philosophy discourse of rationalism and digestion.


  • 未来哲学话语生活话语实践话语主流实话哲学时代

    The future philosophical discourse should take the "living discourse" or "practical discourse" as its mainstream, which belongs to a "truth" philosophical times.


  • 关于新世纪哲学特点争论主要集中哲学思维方式哲学内容哲学话语功能等方面。

    Dispute about the feature of philosophy in the new century is focused on the following:way of philosophical thinking, contents of philosophy and philosophical utterance.


  • 作为尼采多噶、柏格森非理性哲学信徒德勒兹一直在寻找解构传统形而上学哲学之后哲学话语重建工作。

    As a follower of Nietzsche, the Stoics, Bergson, and other irrational philosophers, Deleuze was seeking the way to "reconstruct" philosophy after dethroning the traditional metaphysics.


  • 卡 儿以“我思”作为形而上学体系第一原则,开创了近代意识哲学成为近现代西方 哲学话语的源头讨论对象。

    Criticism on the traditional metaphysical ontology is an important part of contemporary philosophic study, and criticism on modern speculative metaphysics since Descartes started originally by Hume.


  • 这种在场一方面构成了理性哲学启蒙,但是一方面,这种在场在其本质上只是一种权力话语

    On one hand, this presence is the philosophical enlightenment of reason, on the other hand, it is essentially only a discourse of power.


  • 哲学上看,这像是Montaigne再次现代心理学话语世界讲述其哲学理念。

    Philosophically, it would seem that Montaigne were again speaking to the world in the modern language of psychology.


  • 世界各国语言历史上所有大事以及所有伟大诗人哲学话语几乎无所不知

    He knows virtually every language of the world, all the events of history, and the words of all the great poets and philosophers.


  • 公共领域私人领域西方哲学一对话语指向

    The public sphere and the private sphere is a pair of discourse direction of western philosophy.


  • 在后现代当下哲学包围之中,中国当代文论话语重建问题成为令人瞩目焦点

    In the atmosphere of the post modern 'here and now philosophy', the question of discourse reconstruction in contemporary Chinese literary arena has become the focus of attention.


  • 心理学语言转向深刻的理论背景哲学溯源此基础上,当前话语心理学及心理学语言形态等问题成为心理学语言转向的集中体现

    The linguistic turn of psychology has its profound theoretical background and philosophical origin and both language morphology in psychology and discourse psychology are its reflections.


  • 我们认为一种形而上学话语哲学性质在于拘执于反对东西的本质之中,所谓形而上学的命题反过来仍然形而上学的命题。

    We believe that the philosophical nature of a metaphysical discourse is that it sticks to the nature of its being against. Metaphysical proposition in turn, is still metaphysical proposition.


  • 语言哲学层面意象隐喻话语方式

    In the aspect of language philosophy, image is a kind of metaphorical discourse.


  • 作者认为,造成现状主要原因之一话语分析研究者话语分析的哲学基础没有明确认识

    The present author holds that one of the main reasons is that the researchers of discourse analysis don't have a clear understanding of the philosophical foundation of discourse analysis.


  • 年代叙述主义思潮兴起,西方历史哲学实现解释叙述话题转换,并摆脱此前认识论分析的路数,将目光投向历史写作、历史话语的层面。

    With the emergency of the narrative trend in 1970s the Western philosophy of history has shifted from explanation to narrative, from epistemological analysis to historical writing and discourse.


  • 积极话语分析可从产生背景哲学基础理论方法语料选择等方面进行探讨。

    This paper gives a brief introduction to positive discourse analysis, including its background, philosophical basis, theoretical approach and its choice of discourse.


  • 本文正是基于20世纪末期哲学研究认知转向”,认知角度探讨语言意义话语理解

    This paper is right based on the 20th century's"cognitive turn"in philosophy, taking a cognitive perspective to discuss the meaning and the understanding of utterances.


  • 语言哲学中的言语行为意义观认为言语行为语言使用最小单位话语意义言语交际实现了言语发出者的言语意图

    According to speech act theory in philosophy of language, speech act is the basic unit of language use, and meaning is language user's intention realized in communication.


  • 一部分“自然正义表达及其实现”中,首先认为自然正义包含着神境中的正义思想自然哲学时期的正义思想两个环节。

    In the first part-the expression and realization of natural justices, the idea that natural justice includes that in mythical context and natural philosophic period is expressed.


  • 法国哲学米歇尔·福柯提出权力话语理论广泛运用诸多领域,对整个西方文化研究产生巨大的影响

    The theory of power and discourse, put forth by French philosopher Michel Foucault, has been whidely applied in many fields nowadays and has brought great influence on western cultural studies.


  • 冲突话语研究广泛存在各个领域,例如哲学修辞学人类学社会学心理学语言学

    Research on conflict talk hasbeen extensive in numerous fields, e. g. , philosophy, rhetoric, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and linguistics.


  • 通过历史著述话语分析后现代历史哲学展示出它们的文本性、叙事性修辞性,并因此将它们归结一种文学制品或想象之物。

    Through the postmodernist analysis of historical writing, its textual, narrative and rhetorical nature has been revealed, and historical writing is therefore regarded as literary invention.


  • 通过分析的《法国中尉女人》的人物刻画、情境描写、话语蕴藉、创作技巧等,探讨了后现代主义的创作艺术及其哲学基础。

    This paper aims at portraying characters, depicting plots and exhibiting writing technique by analyzing his novel the French Lieutenants Woman.


  • 通过分析的《法国中尉女人》的人物刻画、情境描写、话语蕴藉、创作技巧等,探讨了后现代主义的创作艺术及其哲学基础。

    This paper aims at portraying characters, depicting plots and exhibiting writing technique by analyzing his novel the French Lieutenants Woman.


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