• 使用互联网追踪关于品牌口碑免费提供一些工具

    Use some of the free tools available on the Internet that will allow you to track the buzz about your brand.


  • 他们某类“苹果王国公民,他们品牌忠诚只限于拥有最好电子产品体现在他们社区的从属感、以及对产品的口碑相传上。

    They are citizens of a kind of Apple nation, whose loyalty to the brand is about more than owning the best gadgets; it is about being part of a tribe and spreading the word.


  • 我们清楚网络营销一个终极目标品牌口碑

    We are very clear: The one Ge ultimate goal of network sale is brand, public praise.


  • 营销目标制造网络口碑传播产品卖点,深度教育用户进一步扩大品牌知名度提升品牌形象,增强用户信任度

    Objective: to build the public network praise, publicize the product and convince the users. Furthur enhance the brand awareness and brand image for higher customer credibility.


  • 几乎所有主流媒体设计进行了报道品牌中国市场打造良好口碑

    Almost all mainstream media have reported about the design, building a good reputation for the brand in China.


  • 江淮品质口碑瑞风强大的品牌号召力瑞风众多竞争对手中脱颖而出关键

    Reputation and quality of jianghuai perfectly-integrated powerful brand appeal, is from many competitors perfectly-integrated out the key.


  • 我们深信每位用户卓越口碑TOUCH摄影根植众的品牌价值,是历久弥新荣誉美谈。

    We believe that each user's outstanding reputation, is a TOUCH of photography is rooted in the brand value, is an honor of enduring admiration.


  • 利安达品牌在华南地区树立了良好口碑产品销售覆盖全国远销东南亚

    "Lad" brand enjoys good reputation in South China, its products are available throughout the country and exported to Southeast Asia.


  • 唐家泥烩菜馆良好口碑日渐建立起来造成珠海一个老字号品牌

    Tang mud chicken cooked in soy and vinegar restaurant good reputation built up gradually, hit a caused by the Zhuhai old brand.


  • 专业从事装饰装修,精湛技术,良好的口碑打造潍坊最好的品牌

    The specialty is engaged in the decoration repair, by the exquisite technology, the good oral traditions, makes Weifang best brand.


  • 外科医生都是靠通过口碑传播他们技能从而开展他们的业务,业务实践中形成他们自身品牌

    A surgeon, building a practice as word of mouth about his skills spread, became, in effect, his own brand.


  • 第一就是选择一些品牌信誉好口碑好的搬家公司,不要轻信街头广告或者是单纯一张名片就盲目预定了

    The first is to select some good brand reputation and public praise good moving company, trust not in the streets of small ads, or simply by a business card blindly booked;


  • 目前国内大城市知名商厦开设有佳美专柜,为佳美时间赢得了良好口碑形成了特有的顾客群体市场品牌美誉度

    At present, the domestic famous cities are opened mall counters, beautiful beautiful in a short period of time to win a good public praise, formed a unique customer groups and market brand reputation.


  • HANA致力于品牌美学之道”,实效精准增值美学融为一体,旨为品牌市场获得长期盈利良好口碑

    HANA is committed to "brand aesthetic" integrate effectiveness, accurate, appreciation and aesthetics, provide brands long-term profit and good reputation in the market.


  • 有了好的产品以及好的口碑进行适当品牌推广建立自己销售渠道通过代理商媒体合作等途径进行品牌推广。

    A good product and good reputation, proper brand promotion, to build their own sales channel, through the agent, media cooperation means of brand promotion.


  • 大众口碑,是熟知副品牌重要管道吗?。

    Do you agree that word-of-mouth communication from public plays an important channel for knowing sub-brands?


  • ,“我们不是通过做广告而是产品,我们的品牌通过消费者口碑建立起来的。”

    "Our way isn't to use advertising but to use the product," she says. "our brand will build itself up as consumers purchase our product."


  • 市场理念品质赢得市场,口碑提升品牌

    Market philosophy:Win the market by quality, to promote the brand reputation;


  • 萨尔ensigner高级职业装品牌坚持著名机构提供企业制服设计研发制作口碑尤佳

    British sal ENSIGNER is senior professional brand, adhere to the famous institutions provide enterprise uniform design production, reputation is a plus.


  • 因此品牌关系消费者的社会关系产生影响,口碑营销仍旧是品牌推行的件利器。

    The relationships with the brands, thus, have an impact on the social relationships of the consumer, and word-of-mouth discovery remains a powerful tool for brands.


  • 知识态度专业诚信服务融入市场打造专业品牌口碑创造本土思维国际视野

    To integrate knowledge, attitude, professionalism, integrity and service into the market, to create a professional brand and reputation, and to create local thinking with global perspective.


  • 优良的生产能力,技术水平产品质量保证了“美人鱼品牌业内的良好口碑,深得国内外客户信任

    We are trusted by national and international customers for our good service, manufacture ability and excellent product.


  • 具有消费认知风险信息来源口碑、质量识别较困难以及品牌持有稳定性高等特点

    This kind of consumption has its advanced features such as the high risk of consume perception, information source coming from word-of mouth and the difficulty of the quality recognizing.


  • 经过多年努力已经西服定制树立了专业品牌形象以及良好口碑

    Through several years' efforts, we have established professional brand image and good reputation in the field of customization for western style clothes.


  • 品质铸造品牌口碑赢得市场

    Quality create brand and public praises won market.


  • 目前公司已经成为中国客户口碑最好拥有会议品牌最多B2B商业平台

    It is beyond any doubt CDMC has been growing into a B2B business platform enjoying the best reputation among clients and owning the most conference brands in China.


  • 得出结论是:负面网络口碑高校学生品牌态度变化具有显著影响

    This study focused on the regulation of the different variables under the influence of negative word-of-mouth for consumers brand changes of attitude.


  • 2007年以来CIC每个季度都会发布一份针对相关行业网络口碑研究的白皮书,从品牌消费者角度解读每个行业的网络讨论热点。

    Since 2007, CIC has been releasing IWOM white papers with a focus in a particular industry, which offer both brands and consumers insight into the online buzz surrounding each specific industry.


  • 更多“群”对于品牌网络口碑意义请点击这里阅读全文

    For more about what it means to IWOM for brands, here for the whole article.


  • 更多“群”对于品牌网络口碑意义请点击这里阅读全文

    For more about what it means to IWOM for brands, here for the whole article.


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