• 他们经营一家公司并购收购提供咨询

    They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions.


  • 公司提供咨询帮助工作

    The company provides advice and assistance in finding work.


  • 纽彻奇咨询公司57家医院调查显示明显的改善

    A survey of 57 hospitals by Newchurch, a consultancy, reveals striking improvements.


  • 恩威洛斯咨询公司客户群覆盖世界各地2000家机构

    Enviros Consulting has a client base of more than 2,000 organizations worldwide.


  • 我们计划利用外面咨询公司

    We plan to use an outside firm of consultants.


  • 他们请了一家咨询公司设计新的系统

    They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system.


  • 护士出身现在经营着一家针对女性咨询服务公司

    She's a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women.


  • 尤其令人担心外交政策提供咨询同时也在外国公司工作

    It is particularly concerning that he is working for foreign companies while advising on foreign policy.


  • 几天玛丽过,提到咨询公司进展

    I was talking to Mary the other day, and she mentioned that your new consulting firm is doing really well.


  • 几天玛丽过,提到开的咨询公司进展

    I was talking to Mary the other day and she mentioned that your new consulting firm is doing really well.


  • 改造过程中,业主CIS咨询太阳能电池板公司太阳能世纪(Solarcentury)。

    During this renovation, the building's owners, CIS, consulted the solar panel company, Solarcentury.


  • 没有人早上醒来后会,‘我们变得更好吧。’”一家咨询公司主管伊茨克·科恩说。

    "Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, 'Let's be nicer,'" says Itsik Cohen, director of a consulting firm.


  • 根据咨询公司EPG评估英两国大型的公司每年企业社会责任层面上投入共计超过150亿美元。

    The largest firms in America and Britain together spend more that 15 billion a year on CSR, according to an estimate by EPG, a consulting firm.


  • 他们公司人事方面没有多少根基。”管理咨询公司副总裁负责人詹姆斯·表示

    "They don't get a lot of grounding in the people side of the business," said James Shaffer, vice-president and principal of the Towers Perrin management consulting firm.


  • 麦肯锡公司鼓励自己咨询顾问建立一根鞋钉”,或者可以称之为水槽

    The consulting firm McKinsey &Co. encourages its consultants to build a "spike", or perhaps it should be called a trough.


  • 数字媒体咨询公司科林·克森:“过去10年12交互式电视广告的时代。”

    "It's been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years," says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy.


  • 美国远程医疗协会称,预计TeladocAmericanWell网络公司今年预期接待120万人次的视频问诊咨询,较去年增长20%。

    Web companies such as Tel a doc and American Well are expected to host some 1.2 million such virtual doctor visits this year, up 20% from last year, according to the American Telemedicine Association.


  • 凯捷咨询公司估计他们需要750亿才能所有寄存器转换芯片和 PIN 码兼容型,因而他们现在面临潜在债务剧烈增长。

    75 billion that Capgemini consultants estimate it will take to convert all their registers to be chip-and-PIN-compatible, the potential liability they now face is dramatically greater.


  • MichaelRaynorMumtazAhmed 就职一家名为 Deloitte咨询公司,这家公司决心自己转变个思想领袖,不是一个企业修理工

    Michael Raynor and Mumtaz Ahmed work for a consultancy, Deloitte, that is determined to turn itself into more of a thought-leader and less a corporate repairman.


  • 这次翻新期间,大楼所有者CIS公司咨询太阳能电池板公司Solarcentury

    During this renovation the building's owners, CIS, consulted the solar panel company, Solarcentury.


  • 根据电车咨询公司数据去年全球电动自行车销量约为3400万辆。

    About 34 million ebikes were sold worldwide last year, according to data from eCycleElectric Consultants.


  • 埃森哲咨询公司项调查发现今年88%的毕业班学生选择专业时都已有了心目中的工作

    One survey from Accenture found that 88 percent of graduating seniors this year chose their major with a job in mind.


  • 今年四分之三公司老板员工提供线上诊疗咨询服务作为员工福利一比例高于去年的48%。

    Nearly three quarters of large employers will offer virtual doctor visits as a benefit to employees this year, up from 48% last year.


  • 咨询公司埃森哲的分析师柯伦随着科技我们生活中占据越来越比重,政府这个展览的关注度越来越高不无道理

    Curran, the Accenture analyst, said that increased government interest in the show makes sense as technology becomes a larger part of our lives.


  • 询公司 UU Corporation 的做法很灵活:员工可以在下午1点到4点之间的任何时间小睡,时间不超过30分钟。

    UU Corporation, a consulting company, has a flexible approach: employees can take a nap for thirty minutes at most any time between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.


  • 神病咨询师马克·索尔特博士告诉英国广播公司:“烘焙和烹饪是很好的治疗方法。它们帮助病人发展计划技能、短期记忆和社交技能——缺乏这些可能会导致精神疾病。”

    Dr. Mark Salter, a consultant psychiatrist, told the BBC: "Baking and cooking are good therapies. They help patients develop planning skills, short-term memories and social skills—lack of which may lead to mental illness."


  • 伯特·弗利金杰负责管理一家名为战略资源集团咨询公司

    Burt Flickinger runs the consulting firm Strategy Resource Group.


  • 多亚尔报告称,只有3%咨询完全私人公司工作

    Doyal reports that only 3 percent of consultants work entirely in the private sector.


  • 咨询公司企业扩展部分

    The consulting company will be an extension of your business.


  • 这样原则咨询公司一样有效。

    The same principle is true within a consulting firm.


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