• 结果表明我国的主客场负场次之间的差异明显

    Results are as follow: home or away, in victory number and ratio has no obvious difference;


  • 研究结果表明6构造部位3块为有利滚动区块。

    The results of research show that preferable areas are higher position of structure in Shengnan 6 and eastern slope in Shengnan 3.


  • 满足丹尼森高频液压规格,澳,威格士叶片活塞

    It also satisfies the hydraulic specifications of Denison HF-O, Vickers vane pumps, and Sundstrand piston pumps.


  • 这样切尔西超越了曼联此前的保持的英超联赛积分场数两项记录

    Chelsea have now surpassed their records for points scored in a top-flight season and Premiership wins.


  • 中集集团狮集团大世界集装箱制造公司共同掌握68%集装箱制造市场份额。

    The world's two biggest container makers, CIMC and Singamas, hold a 68 percent share of the manufacturing market.


  • 沙四亚段沉积时期坨地区存在两个不同体系,即坨94断层上升盘物北断层上升盘物源。

    The results indicate that there were two different provenance systems during the deposition of the upper Es 4 :one on the upthrow of the Tuo94fault and the other on the upthrow of the Shengbei fault.


  • 使用他的武力这场对局最后一个结论判。Kevin是个难于打倒的同盟,即使是在试验单位战术的时候。

    I thought at that point he would be able to force his attacks to conclusion and prevail, and Kevin would be a formidable ally, even when experimenting with units and strategies.


  • 这个城镇及其周边地区十分引人,建有休闲艺术博物馆

    The town and its environs are inviting, with recreational attractions and art museums.


  • 肯德基餐饮集团分支,百的旗下还有塔可贝尔两个品牌。肯德基推出了一款鸡肉三明治售价5美元。

    KFC, a division of Yum! Brands, which also owns Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, has launched a chicken sandwich that costs around $5.


  • 试验计算无法全部工作

    Experiment and calculation cannot do all its work.


  • 一片产曼彻格奶酪藏红花的土地

    This is the land of Manchego cheese and saffron.


  • 生命,对于此,仍然相信不可思议的三连式——圣诞老人、复活节小兔齿仙子

    At that point in my life, I still believed in the magical trifectaSanta Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.


  • 当然博客填充上新鲜引人入内容

    Of course, it is up to you to fill your blog with fresh and catchy content.


  • 50练习赛,人族对抗中4742使接近白银顶级。此外,还玩过一些单机游戏。

    I played 50 training matches, and have since won 47 and lost 42 against human opponents, putting me near the top of my division in the "Silver League".


  • 一般情况下,外国游客不是路人,这些却是见多识广他们了许多穿越高加索山,游历非洲海湾引人入故事

    Usually expats are not my sort of people, but this group are a well-travelled and interesting lot, who keep me entertained with stories of murky goings-on across the Caucuses, Africa and the Gulf.


  • 十九年后塜本米勒海洋研究产卵鳗鱼

    Nineteen years later Tsukamoto and Miller are still searching the oceans for spawning eels.


  • 个值得探讨、引人人课题归根结底是不是同一东西

    It is a curious subject of observation and inquiry, whether hatred and love be not the same thing at bottom.


  • 此次杯赛威尔士承办爱尔兰苏格兰协办。决赛澳大利亚35-12法国夺冠。

    Hosted by Wales, with games held in Ireland and Scotland, the final was won by Australia, who beat France 35-12.


  • 通过重新设计现代起亚狮跑顶部,韩国汽车厂商已经可以两者同时赢得好的检测结果。

    By redesigning the roofs of the Hyundai Tucson and Kia Sportage, the Korean automaker was able to earn a good rating for both.


  • 游戏具有引人动作性,巨大的地图,无限干掉敌人方法任何品味动作游戏玩家应该尝试一下本作。

    The action is spectacular, the game world is tremendous and enemies can be tackled in a seemingly infinite number of ways. This is a title that every gamer with a taste for action should play.


  • 胚胎发育过程这种简单对称变异如何演化,这是个很引人入的问题

    How the simple symmetry and its breaking evolves during the growth of the embryo is intriguing.


  • 加纳美国阿根廷法国荷兰巴拉圭巴西洪都拉斯意大利喀麦隆西班牙葡萄牙

    Ghana beats the USA, Argentina beats France, Holland beats Paraguay, Brazil beats Honduras, Italy beats Cameroon and Spain beats Portugal.


  • 奥巴马在下星期二投票选举能够产生几个关键麦凯恩并驾齐驱。

    Obama also leads McCain or is tied with him in several key states that will provide the margin of victory on Tuesday.


  • 通过历史学家作品戏剧化处理,拉尔森出品白色城市魔鬼”同样引人入的书。

    Dramatizing the work of historians, Larson has produced a page-turner on par with the Devil in the White City.


  • 传感器硬件相当精细它们传达的细微感觉用户们创造出了引人愉快体验

    While the hardware elements are fairly standard, it is their combination with subtle effects that created an engaging and enjoyable experience for users.


  • 对于初学者通常认为自己无意从事领域的读者,本文描述数学程序也是引人的。

    For the beginner or for those who do not normally consider themselves to be inclined to the field, mathematics and the programs described in this article can be entertaining as well.


  • 演示具有许多前作优秀元素:潜行、丰富的武器工具以及引人入的剧情——合金装备称得上伟大的因素;以及一系列崭新的元素。

    The demo showcased the return of somany of the things that make MGS great -- stealth action, a widevariety of weaponry and gadgets, and riveting storytelling -- but addeda whole array of new features.


  • 至今英格兰苏格兰已经115次争夺杯赛。英格兰62,苏格兰39,双方战平14次。

    To date there have been 115 contests for the cup, with England winning 62, Scotland 39 with 14 draws.


  • 至今英格兰苏格兰已经115次争夺杯赛。英格兰62,苏格兰39,双方战平14次。

    To date there have been 115 contests for the cup, with England winning 62, Scotland 39 with 14 draws.


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