• 最后统计结果显示:英国排名第八,同类国家法国德国,而他领头羊澳大利亚新西兰之间的差距也不是很大。

    Britain is eighth, comfortably ahead of comparable countries such as France and Germany, and not far behind world leaders such as Australia and New Zealand.


  • 不过,在餐饮汉堡比较的同时也提醒长期投资者ROIC并不是一个静态数字

    But the comparison with Yum Brands and Burger King serves as a good reminder to long-term investors that ROIC isn't a static number.


  • 馆内氛围极了维多利亚时期某个绅士学者惊奇图书馆考究的玻璃木质橱窗,色泽暗淡华丽的墙纸,天鹅绒窗帘引人入又乏味古板的墙壁内容

    The atmosphere is much like the curio library of a Victorian gentleman scholar, full of elegant glass-and-wood vitrines, dimly ornate wall coverings, velvet curtains and engagingly stuffy wall-text.


  • 我们评估是否平衡时候,我们会卡组职业率,并且与不可能完美点(50%),最糟糕的情况(60%)做对比

    When evaluating balance, we look at the win rate of decks and classes, compare them to the impossible ideal (50%), and to the worst case (60%).


  • 官员负责电影网站结合电影片段通过视频B -引人入内容转换身临其境现场

    Official movie site for The Box. An immersive site through video transitions incorporating film footage and b-roll and compelling content.


  • 人人都国旗扯上关系美国耶鲁美国圣公会教徒、美国摩根、美国、美国丽晶大厦

    Everyone wants to be related with the flag. America and Yale, USA and Episcopalians, America and J. P. Morgan, America and Maxell, America and the Ritz Tower.


  • 人人国旗扯关系:美国耶鲁、美国圣公会教徒、美国摩根、美国、美国丽晶大厦。

    P Everyone wants to be associated with the flag. America and Yale, America and Episcopalians, America and J. P. Morgan, America and Maxell, America and the Ritz Tower.


  • 斯蒂文调侃索托切磋,以及坐在卡佩罗旁边观看完利物浦3-0比赛,这些只是康纳·考迪一线队一同度过的美好一周中的一小部分

    Bantering with Stevie, taking tips from Soto and watching the 3-0 win over Wolves alongside Fabio Capello - just some of the highlights of Conor Coady's week with the first-team.


  • 人类生活缺少如果存在虎门权力梦想理想的的“人定不再一个神话

    Human's life lacks of love, and if the love exists, humen have the power and the dream and the ideal "man can conquer nature" will no longer be a myth.


  • 但是中国街道市场上购物,简直感官盛宴引人的冒险。

    But shopping in Chinese streets and markets is a feast for the senses and an enchanting adventure.


  • 通常导致疼痛肿胀拇指一侧手腕可能麻木背面拇指困难引人入

    This usually causes pain and swelling over the thumb side of the wrist, possibly numbness on the back of the thumb, and difficulty gripping.


  • 镇定作用含油丰富矿物藻类帮助强化皮肤抵抗自然环境容易引起皮肤红肿瘙痒的因素。

    Soothing peptides and mineral rich algae help strengthen skin and protect against environmental and other skin stressors that trigger irritation and redness.


  • 经验气氛激动国际板球令人印象深刻的图形引人入游戏

    Experience the atmosphere and excitement of International Cricket with impressive graphics and gripping gameplay.


  • 为此我们唯有加倍努力同时祝愿各位客户朋友泰,万事

    To this end, we only redouble our efforts. At the same time also wish you all fine industry and the customers and friends, and all things without meaning.


  • 论文首先阐述分析采购管理相关概念理论,并在此基础上对法尔彰沅公司采购管理现状进行深入分析问题诊断。

    Related concepts and theories have been explained and discussed. Then current purchasing management of fasten Zhangyuan co., Ltd. has been analyzed and diagnosed detailed.


  • 英国有限公司创立于1995年,代表备受推崇欧洲其他国际优质设备行业涉及管道石油天然气、矿山电力行业

    ANL is a UK company established in 1995 representing respected European and other international quality equipment suppliers to the pipelines, oil and gas, minerals and power industries.


  • 三个惊险有趣引人入偶尔受到重点不明确不均衡写作

    The first three thrillers, while entertaining and gripping, occasionally suffer from unfocused and uneven writing.


  • 使用他的武力这场对局最后一个结论判。Kevin是个难于打倒的同盟,即使是在试验单位战术的时候。

    I thought at that point he would be able to force his attacks to conclusion and prevail, and Kevin would be a formidable ally, even when experimenting with units and strategies.


  • 同时祝愿各位客户朋友泰,万事意。

    At the same time also wish you all fine industry and the customers and friends, and all things without meaning.


  • 公司拥有雄厚技术力量设备提供歌牌针织设备技术支持、技术培训售后服务

    Yiwu Jebtex machinery co. ltd had the professional technology and technician to supply the technical support, technical training and after sales service for Sangiacomo knitting machines in China.


  • 公司拥有雄厚技术力量设备提供歌牌针织设备技术支持、技术培训售后服务

    Yiwu Jebtex machinery co. ltd had the professional technology and technician to supply the technical support, technical training and after sales service for Sangiacomo knitting machines in China.


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