• 科学领域适合他们工作并不所以他们华尔街硅谷他们分析技巧应用实际、回报更多的工作中。

    There aren't many jobs in science for them, so they go to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to apply their analytical skills to more practical—and rewarding—efforts.


  • 硅谷另一位主管谈话

    And I talk to another executive in the Valley.


  • SAP目前德国有5万多名员工比如班加罗尔硅谷

    Most of its 50,000-plus employees now work outside of Germany, for instance in Bangalore and Silicon Valley.


  • SAP目前德国有5万多名员工比如班加罗尔硅谷

    Most of its 50, 000-plus employees now work outside of Germany, for instance in Bangalore and Silicon Valley.


  • 是什么使硅谷硅谷与众不同其他地方可以进行复制吗?

    What makes Silicon Valley and Silicon Valley workers different, and can that be replicated elsewhere?


  • 类似于好莱坞硅谷这样的创意中心同时不也是流行着“看成果付钱”吗?

    Creative centres such as Hollywood and Silicon Valley are also hotbeds of payment-by-results.


  • 电动踏板车滑行通过主题公园仓库硅谷周围沿人行道在其他地方很少见到

    Segways glide through theme parks, around warehouses and along Silicon Valley pavements, but are seldom seen elsewhere.


  • 最终答案都是:欧洲没有真正硅谷”,只有一些硅谷类似的地方

    Ultimately, there isn't really a "Valley" in Europe, only some places kind of like it. If you want my ideas on that, I have other posts on the topic.


  • 淘宝有着硅谷公司相似不强调尊卑文化,所有这里取绰号一项传统

    It is tradition at the Taobao division, which has an irreverent culture akin to that of Silicon Valley firms, to take on nicknames.


  • 得到了纽约硅谷一拨风险投资人支持,而这些清楚技术改变未来工作状况潜力有多大

    It has also gained support among a cadre of venture capitalists in New York and Silicon Valley, the people most familiar with the potential for technology to alter modern work.


  • 访问德国硅谷技术车间时,我这么节目转换产品受困一个简单致命缺陷而震动:机顶盒老化

    As I visited technology workshops in Germany and Silicon Valley, I was struck by how many of these program-shifting products suffer from a simple but fatal flaw: set-top box fatigue.


  • 发起压力组织美国前进”,该组织也得到了谷歌雅虎人际关系网硅谷投资者其他著名企业家支持

    He's launched a pressure group Forward US backed by other leading entrepreneurs from companies such as Google, Yahoo and Linkedin as well as Silicon Valley investors.


  • 一到那里,开始吉姆·克拉克会面吉姆·克拉克硅谷著名企业家之一。

    Once he got there, he started to have meetings with a man called Jim Clark, who was one of the Valley's most famous entrepreneurs.


  • 巴勒斯坦企业家极为惊喜——民族的许多相比,他们反倒与波士顿硅谷纽约市企业家拥有更多共同点

    I was blown away by the group of Palestinian entrepreneurs - they had more in common with entrepreneurs in Boston, Silicon Valley and NYC than probably many of their own people.


  • 看了《大地惊雷看《社交网络》,感受到种完全不同文明遥相呼应,这两种文明分别来自先进的硅谷荒蛮山野

    Look at "the Social Network" again after seeing "True Grit," and you'll see two different civilizations, as far removed from each other in ethos as Silicon Valley and Monument Valley.


  • 他们立即明白习语——并在软件里内涵一个发布更好稳定的版本——成为硅谷极具吸引力、响彻云端的口号

    They immediately realised that the phrase-with its software connotation of a newly released, better and more stable version-had enormous appeal as a rallying cry for the Valley.


  • 还有几个硅谷印度通过电话或者视频会议加入讨论的。

    A few others join in by phone and videoconference from Silicon Valley and India.


  • 这个名为“H-1B”项目一直以来就是硅谷华尔街地区的支柱这些地方很多公司已经来自印度程序员来自中国的工程师形成依赖。

    The program, known as H-1B, has been a mainstay of places such as Silicon Valley and Wall Street, where many companies have come to depend on computer programmers from India or engineers from China.


  • 如果硅谷底特律之间选择可以看到有些只有较低收入能力的人会后者

    Given a choice between Silicon Valley and Detroit, I can see how some folks with lower earning potential opt for the latter.


  • 随着网络泡沫时代兴起,新兴的网络机器放在精心设计服务器农场”里,而这些农场大部分硅谷其它一些高科技中心

    And dedicated "server farms", which came of age during the dotcom bubble and often housed the machines of Internet start-ups, were mostly built in Silicon Valley and other high-tech hubs.


  • 消费者公司双方都增加了技术投入硅谷传言要开始雇佣人才了。

    Both consumers and corporations have increased their technology spending, and there is talk once again of hiring in Silicon Valley.


  • 作为交换风投付出品牌资金筹措优势这些来自硅谷公司将取得合伙人部分股权。

    In exchange for that name and fund raising advantage, the Valley firms take a healthy chunk of the carry.


  • 硅谷这儿萧条面目曼哈顿底特律不一样。

    Here in Silicon Valley, the recession has a different face than in Manhattan or Detroit.


  • 硅谷侵犯版权专利诉讼案件数不胜数

    In Silicon Valley, copyright and patent infringement suits are a dime a dozen.


  • 想象1999年的硅谷乘以巨大幅员人口基数就是未来将投入的一个世界。

    Imagine Silicon Valley in 1999 times a huge sprawling country and population, and that? S what I? M wading into for the next two weeks.


  • 纽约证交所积极游说,以保证伦敦证交所争夺硅谷市场中,取得更多的上市公司交易。

    The New York Stock Exchange is lobbying hard, watching as the LSE's Alternative Investment Market makes the rounds in Silicon Valley, trawling for share listings.


  • 萨姆·古斯《法国日报》上写道:“这场冲突可能引发硅谷最有优势的公司之间大规模战争。”

    An Epic Clash of the Titans, writes Sam Gustin at Daily Finance: "the conflict could shape up to be a massive battle between two of Silicon Valley's richest and most powerful companies."


  • 其中的首席执行官一位技术设计专家,并硅谷多家热门企业任职

    The CEO, a technology and design pro who has been at some of the hottest companies in Silicon Valley, stopped his pitch in mid-stream.


  • 其中的首席执行官一位技术设计专家,并硅谷多家热门企业任职

    The CEO, a technology and design pro who has been at some of the hottest companies in Silicon Valley, stopped his pitch in mid-stream.


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