• 空气大气形式移陆地水面

    Air moves across land and water in large air masses part.


  • 不仅天空水面,就连自己变成金黄色的了。

    Not only the sky and water surface but also I myself am turning into golden yellow.


  • 周身转体时候,觉得天空水面同样颜色

    When I was whizzing around, the sky is the same colour as the water.


  • 考虑到了水下爆炸气泡脉冲多次性、迁移性水面效应

    The multi pulse, mobility of the bubbles and the effect of water surface are considered in the calculation.


  • 第七舰队航母战斗水面舰艇同样出现越战战场上。

    Both the Korean war and Vietnam war were supported by the 7th Fleet's carrier battle groups and surface warships.


  • 藻类生长速度因各断面流速水深水面不同而不同。

    Algal growth rate is different with average velocity, water depth and cross-section width.


  • 滨水绿地开放性空间所以设计兼顾外部街道空间景观水面景观。

    Waterfront green space is a kind of open space, so this design is for both external street space landscape and water landscape.


  • MH - 60r任务直升机主要任务保护潜艇水面舰队,提供海上打击能力

    The principal mission of the MH-60R multi-mission helicopter is to protect the fleet from submarines and surface vessels and provide a maritime strike capability.


  • 被发现物品中有飞机座椅,一件救生衣,一些金属碎片水面

    Among the objects observed, an airplane seat, a life jacket, pieces of metal and an oil slick.


  • 远处看不见这座桥的,因为远处延展而地面水面与桥的顶部边缘平齐了

    The bridge can't be seen from a distance because the ground and the water come all the way up to its edge.


  • 有时雷电就打在水边,击中胸腔然后呼呼吹过树林水面突然起雨来。

    Occasionally the cracks of t’under rush across the water, close enough to rattle your ribcage; then the wind rustles through the trees or fizzes across the water, followed suddenly by rain.


  • 天花暗藏一道背景发光水面反射的倒影空间平添了几分安详气氛

    Concealed lights in the ceiling , a backlit translutent wall and the reflections provided by the water add to the serene atmosphere of the space.


  • 本文综述了吸附法处理含油废水水面各种不同吸附剂组成特点适用范围

    The compositions, characteristics and applicable ranges of various adsorbents for the treatment of oil-containing wastewaters or oil spills are reviewed.


  • 夜晚水面灯塔照亮,产生一种历史的意境,白天截然不同的。

    At night the water bridge and the waterside are illuminated by the light tower and produce a scene with historic feeling quite different from that in the daytime.


  • 系统部署美国海军MH-60R任务直升机上主要任务保护港口的潜艇水面舰艇

    The integrated system is deployed on U.S. Navy MH-60R multi-mission helicopters whose principal mission is to protect the fleet from submarines and surface vessels.


  • TCN管理空中地面空间水面等领域任务可以低速高速目标进行跟踪

    TCN manages air, land, space and surface mission domains and can track both low - and high-velocity targets.


  • 通过比较证实复合断面水力最佳断面面积水面宽度梯形水力最佳断面的

    It is shown that the optimal hydraulic section for compound canal has smaller section area and narrower breadth of water surface than trapezoidal canal by calculation and comparison.


  • 从字面上看城市上空,座小山上网站在于摆脱城市简明土地水面集成环境

    Literally set over the city, high on a hill, the site rests free from the condensed urban environment yet is still integrated with the land and water below.


  • 采用河岸定点观察水面巡航结合方法,1997 ~ 1998年调查河南省典型湿地冬季水鸟资源

    The winter water bird resources were surveyed in typical wetlands of Henan province from December 1997 to May 1998 by the combination of water surface cruise and bank plot observation.


  • 想象一朵白色莲花漂浮纯净之静寂无限水面上”,要那种感觉舒适方式想象莲花和水面

    When you imagine "a white lotus flower floating on a still and infinite body of pure water," imagine the lotus and the body of water in those ways that feel comfortable to you.


  • 大约40船员即可完成舰船航行维护。除此之外,需要35名船员完成一些专业性任务比如空中防御水下战事水面攻击

    A crew of around 40 sail and maintain the ship, whilst another crew of up to 35 are in place to carry out specialised missions, such as air defence, underwater warfare and surface attacks.


  • 面墙,将电影院内活动范围延伸到了公园中创造了一种新型的“社会交流”形式,每个通过水面以及其它个体的交互活动都会成为自己演员

    Creating a "community conversation," the wall extends the life of the theater, inviting the public to become their own performer as they interact with the water, wall and other individuals.


  • 绿色黄色灯光港湾水面闪烁

    Green and yellow lights blinked on the surface of the harbour.


  • 我们过去许多伤痕破灭希望浮出水面

    So many of our own past scars and dashed hopes can surface.


  • 只有海豹浮出水面,即当肺部肝脏其他器官迅速乳酸海豹血液中清除时,乳酸才会释放海豹血液中。

    The lactic acid is released into the seal's blood only after the seal surfaces, when the lungs, liver, and other organs quickly clear the acid from the seal's bloodstream.


  • 这些水面并且灯,用以警示船只避让同时能够完全水面以上,方便维修螺旋桨清理叶片上水草

    The towers will stick out of the water and be lit, to warn shipping, and also be designed to be lifted out of the water for maintenance and to clean seaweed from the blades.


  • 这个例子中这个只是为了水面芦苇

    In my case, I want this layer for the water and reeds only.


  • “机敏”级潜艇全世界海域中巡逻,而且水面舰艇其他潜艇探测到几率非常小。

    The Astute submarines will patrol the world's oceans with minimum risk of being detected by surface ships and other submarines.


  • 实力展示还包括树枝击打水面,像捧奖杯一样举起乌龟

    Mating displays include beating the water with branches and river grasses, and "trophy lifting" of live turtles.


  • 实力展示还包括树枝击打水面,像捧奖杯一样举起乌龟

    Mating displays include beating the water with branches and river grasses, and "trophy lifting" of live turtles.


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