• 许多他们独特的发型表达自己个性信仰

    Many people use their hairstyles to express their personality or beliefs.


  • 面对敌视的近邻遥远伊朗战略威胁侦察卫星以色列尤其重要

    Satellite surveillance is particularly critical for Israel, which faces strategic threats from hostile neighbors and from countries as far away as Iran.


  • 孩子丈夫拜访父母交谈并一起打开了礼物谈话敲门声打断了。

    She chatted and opened presents with them, her husband, and her visiting parents until the conversation was halted by a knock on her door.


  • 意大利海鲜餐通常是普通的面食中加入海鲜或是用海鲜替换意大利面中肉食

    Add seafood to simple pasta bakes or substitute meat for fish and seafood with penne or fusilli.


  • 消息完整性通过一个校验和来保护,该校验使用客户身份验证服务器之间会话密钥进行加密

    This message's integrity is protected via an encrypted checksum using the session key between the client and authentication service.


  • 家中做客邻居朋友同一腔调巧妙地笑谑着身边琐事大家起的眼睛默契地闪着同一种狡黠

    Bantering about daily trivialities with neighbours and friends who come to visit as guests in the same tone, squinting eyes of everyone twinkles tacitly in the same slyness.


  • 刚刚从塞舌尔岛度完蜜月的凯特·米德尔顿立马就做起了自己义务——英国访问的巴马夫妇会面,还穿着普通人都能买得起的非定制衣服

    Fresh off her romantic Seychelles honeymoon, she sprung into first official duties greeting the Obamas in an affordable off-the-rack dress!


  • 水上铁路公路运原料工人

    Raw materials and labour come by ship , rail or road.


  • 植物制造淀粉自身提供能量

    Plants produce sugars and starch to provide themselves with energy.


  • 需要拿出全部力量勇气应对即将发生的事情

    She'd need all her strength and bravery to cope with what lay in store.


  • 作为民主党人,有着技巧胆量智谋利用一切可能性

    He is a Democrat with the skill, nerve, and ingenuity to push the limits of the possible.


  • 粉色米色反映天花板那些颜色。

    Pinks and beiges were chosen to echo the colours of the ceiling.


  • 雇用工人改造扩建农场房子里

    Workmen were hired to remodel and enlarge the farm buildings.


  • 我们这里保护帮助弱者

    We are here to protect and assist the weak and infirm.


  • 需要医疗帮助心理咨询平复这场悲剧。

    She will need medical help and counselling to overcome the tragedy.


  • 如今我们更多空闲时间享受

    These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.


  • 我们希望能用电视会议系统培训指导员工

    We also hope to use video conferencing to train and supervise staff.


  • 取得银行贷款租用装备一个车间

    She got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop.


  • 市场街道上挤满了进行物物交换

    The market-place and street were crowded with those who'd come to barter.


  • 士兵用树枝树叶伪装自己

    The soldiers camouflaged themselves with leaves and twigs.


  • 重点放在通过运动锻炼促进健康。

    The emphasis is on developing fitness through exercises and training.


  • 阿德里安更喜欢上网写信碰运气

    When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec.


  • 画家用了深绿色棕色表现波涛汹涌大海

    The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns.


  • 风险可能完全消除,可以通过防范培训降低。

    You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.


  • 热心爱好者碰巧参观的人认为这个展览有意思

    The exhibition is interesting to both the enthusiast and the casual visitor.


  • 由于痛苦突如其孤独让–保罗了。

    Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul.


  • 研究显示婴儿是通过区分明亮区域黑暗区域学会观看

    Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light and dark.


  • 布里其余的正在这儿路上

    Aubrey's on his way here, with the others.


  • 布里其余的正在这儿路上

    Aubrey's on his way here, with the others.


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