• 政府机构必须更多资金投入培训开发项目中

    Government agencies must invest more funds in training and development programmes.


  • 我们需要更多资金修筑道路、开办医院学校

    We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools.


  • 恐惧驱动的,随着资金问题确定性进一步突出,它正在制造更多的恐惧。

    It has been driven by fear, and it is creating even more fear as money problems and uncertainty grow.


  • 呼吁教育培训上投入更多资金

    He called for much higher spending on education and training.


  • 但是公司商人应该博物馆提供更多资金其他支持

    But companies and businessmen should also provide museums with more money and other support.


  • 随着他们毕业进入人力队伍,需要更多资金支付他们工资

    As they graduate and enter the workforce, more funds will be needed to pay their salaries.


  • 第三提议一种新的可偿还税收优惠以增加医疗保障的覆盖面降低医保成本并且提供更多资金家庭个人购买医疗保障。

    Third, he proposes a new, refundable tax credit that will increase health-care coverage, reduce the cost of health care, and provide more funds for families and individuals to purchase health care.


  • 应该支出更多资金用于改善诸如学校医院道路基础设施——移民热潮使这些设施承受额外的压力

    More money should be spent to improve infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals and roads, that is being put under extra pressure by an upsurge of immigrants.


  • 将来银行可能需要拥有更多资本现金但是最终依靠国家作为资金的后盾。

    Banks in the future will probably have loads more capital and cash, but will still ultimately rely on the state to backstop their funding.


  • 关键资金缺口存在免疫联盟以及全球脊髓灰质炎麻疹项目同时生产疫苗研发需要更多支持

    Critical funding gaps exist at GAVI and in the global polio and measles programs, and more support is needed for the research and development necessary to produce new vaccines.


  • 提到计划兴建更多赌场共用建筑包括黑手党展览馆。但这座展览馆现在已成了滥用联邦刺激方案资金象征

    He points to plans for yet more casinos and public buildings, including a Mafia museum that is now a symbol of the misuse of federal stimulus money.


  • 家公司耗费数月时间决定究竟是升级发动机,还是投入更多时间资金来设计全新机型

    Both have spent months trying to decide whether to re-engine their jets or spend more time and money building an all-new aircraft.


  • 作为预算规划的一官员说服处长首席财务我们安排更多培训资金加强妇女重视。

    Now, as an officer working in the budgeting office, I have to lobby my director and chief finance officer that we be given more money for training and sensitization of women.


  • 巴马打算小型企业管理局贷款方案提供支持,提供更多资金支付费用减少小型企业商业银行贷款的小型企业管理局贷款担保。

    Mr Obama intends to provide a booster to the SBA loan programmes, offering more money to cover fee reductions and SBA guarantees for small-business loans made by commercial Banks.


  • 另一方面如果住房达到抗震的要求,需要有监督更多时间稍微更多资金

    On the other hand, if the houses are to be earthquake proof, it will require supervision, some extra time, and a little more money.


  • 还有认为虫害疾病的传播.许多贫困国家觉得他们需要获得更多资金解决问题;

    Many poor countries felt more money was needed to address the problem; rich ones fretted about a lack of political will and popular enthusiasm.


  • 由于收容所缺乏足够空间资金看护那些认领的猫狗,很多人怀疑更多动物已被实行安乐死

    There is some concern that even more are being put to sleep now, because shelters do not have the space or money to keep alive animals that have not been adopted.


  • 消费者更多放入储蓄账户时,将会工厂机器电脑其他实物资本生产提供资金

    When consumers put more of their money in their savings accounts, the funds would be lent out to finance the production of factories, machines, computers and other forms of physical capital.


  • 美国俄罗斯两国当前为数不多一致意见包括:iaea需要更多资金

    Among the few things America and Russia agree on now is that the IAEA needs more cash.


  • 王教授报告解释了资金来源为什么会更多资金没有使用。

    Wang's report explains where that money is coming from, and why there is even more of that cash that remains unspent.


  • 因此,欧盟27国(包括欧元区内17国区外10)同意迫使银行吸纳更多资金减少崩溃风险

    So the 27 governments of the eu-both in and out of the euro zone-agreed to force Banks to take on more capital to reduce the risk of collapse.


  • 一方面,一个虚拟服务器一般会所替代分散物理服务器花费更多资金购买操作

    On the other hand, a large virtualized server typically costs more to acquire and operate than any of the discrete physical servers it replaces.


  • 尽管这些新的资金来源范围新颖度”存在疑问IMF获得更多可用资金也是事实

    Despite doubts about the extent and novelty of these new resources, the fact remains that the IMF has more money available.


  • 不过某些国家来讲,冰山海水脱盐相比,费用可能极为便宜,因为脱盐过程需要更多燃料更多资金

    However, iceberg water could be extremely cheap for some countries when compared with desalination, a process which requires much more fuel and much more money.


  • 论述节约资金避免重复建设,却导致了更多的浪费重复建设。

    He talks about saving money by getting rid of duplication. Yet all his actions point to more overlap and duplication.


  • 部分问题在于公司倾向于资金股票回购收购之上以此带动股价提升不会去雇佣更多的失业人口。

    Part of the problem is that companies are more apt to spend their cash on stock buy-backs and acquisitions that increase share prices but not hiring.


  • 无疑更多资金还有更好干预措施有力的证据强大统一政策战略使合作伙伴工作保持同一轨道上

    More money, for sure, but also much better interventions, better evidence, and strongly unifying policies and strategies that keep partners working on the same track.


  • 简言之一个拥有巨大潜力平台技术资金方面都异常强大需要更多训导具有战略眼光来调整编辑策略。

    In short, a platform with great potential, technically and financially strong, but one that calls for more discipline and a greater strategic editorial alignment with the flagship.


  • 简言之一个拥有巨大潜力平台技术资金方面都异常强大需要更多训导具有战略眼光来调整编辑策略。

    In short, a platform with great potential, technically and financially strong, but one that calls for more discipline and a greater strategic editorial alignment with the flagship.


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