• 暑假夏令营的时候,不得不好几同一门课有时无聊报酬高,总的来说很喜欢年轻人一起

    I have to teach the same course books several times in the summer holiday camp, which is sometimes boring and not well-paid, but by and large, I am quite delighted in being with young people.


  • 喜欢那些能够刺激电影而且如果总是扮演一类角色可能觉得无聊飘飘然的。

    I like films that push me and I think I would get pretty bored and complacent if I was just doing one type of role.


  • 对此完全理解如果来说放松什么也不干来说无聊那么你或许可以试试这样假期

    I don't understand this approach completely however if the idea of relaxing and enjoying "nothing" time sounds boring to you, then you can try this vacation.


  • 那些琐事和无聊之人毫无耐心,那些善良人性才是关心的。

    I have no patience these days for jerks, for trivia — kindness and humility matter most to me.


  • 看台电视机观众今天得非常愉快很难说今天的比赛无聊

    I think the spectators in the grandstands and in front of their TV screens had fun today: you could hardly call it boring!


  • 虽然本人向扫描人员透露确实感到无聊,这大脑的反应一致,不过回答调查问题时还是照章办事,写下了喜欢可怕”这两个答案。

    On her questionnaire she dutifully wroteI liked it, ” “very scary, ” although she confided to the scan technician that actually she found it boring, as did her brain.


  • 无聊心绪不宁,随手航空杂志,漫无目的地读着上面假日旅店机场服务设施的介绍。

    Bored and unable to concentrate, I had picked up the airline magazine, passively imbibing information on resort hotels and airport facilities.


  • 谈到孩子的话题,接着一定感到孤独无聊)她告诉一些关于生活的情况。

    We talked briefly about our children, then (she must have been feeling lonely or bored) she asked me to tell her something about my life.


  • 有人战争就是百分之九十九无聊百分之一的恐惧但是康洪雷导演的《团长的团》某种程度上减少无聊比率

    THEY say that war is 99 percent boredom and one percent terror, but Kang Honglei's My Chief, My Regiment is going some way to reducing the boredom part of that ratio.


  • 给了进行下一步勇气时候达拉斯什么芝加哥的什么队进行无聊的0比0对决

    I think that gave him the courage to make a move during a boring zero-zero showdown between the Dallas someones and the Chicago something elses.


  • 篇文章里面列出其他非言语技巧一样如果方法正确不会觉得,“上帝这个家伙又是一个酒吧里无聊的花花公子。”

    Like with all the other nonverbal techniques listed in this article, if you approach correctly, she won't think, "God this guy is another cheesy dude trying to pick me up in a bar."


  • 27岁的白领Han Hyung-young告诉记者:“每次男友约会时,一直手机看,感到特别无聊特别烦。”

    It makes me bored and annoyed when my boyfriend keeps staring at his smartphone on a date, ” 27-year-old office worker Han Hyung-young told the newspaper.


  • 好象又看到了广大的平原遥远的地平线,以及地平线上的宾特斯山奥林匹斯山,那时心里就会三种情感悲伤感激,决不会再感到什么无聊的。

    Oh, believe me, that when three great passions, such as sorrow, love, and gratitude fill the heart, ennui can find no place.


  • 承认重要性价值甚至现在大学了也努力在不得不上的上学到点东西不管这个课有无聊

    I recognize its importance and value, and even now in college I try to take something away from every class I have to take, regardless of how boring I may find it.


  • 但是来说足够好的大致翻译“你有略微无聊自满天,你因为自身缘故存活下来普通的一天。”

    But to me "You have a good enough day" translates roughly into "You have a day of mild boredom and complacency, an average day that you survive just for the sake of it".


  • 很强的幽默感因此一起从不会感到无聊不快乐

    He has a good sense of humour so I never feel bored or unhappy when he is with me.


  • 电视持同一观点有些电视节目不错啦,整体来说,看电视是无聊的一事。

    I have to say I am with Nisha on the whole TV thing. Some shows are interesting, but on the whole, TV is pretty boring.


  • 星期六为了打发步球场无聊上半场比赛,开始英超每一队对国家对应起来。

    To fight off the boredom during the first half at the Reebok on Saturday, I started comparing Premier League clubs to countries.


  • 每天看到主人也时时电脑桌前不停工作主人的脸上看出了自己一样的:无聊寂寞孤独

    Every day I see always the master table in the computer, stop working, I also saw the master and his face the same: boredom, loneliness and isolation.


  • 也许很多大学生抱怨无聊寝室生活但这或许毕业怀念的。室友们的情谊宿舍生活增添了乐趣

    While many college students complain about boring dorm life, I may miss it most after graduation. My friendship with roommates added spice to dorm life.


  • 每当英语感到无聊想睡挫折

    Whenever I have an English class, I feel bored, sleepy and frustrated.


  • 整个航程并不觉得无聊但是之后个一个小时查理一起车程有一点点的焦虑

    Flying doesn't bother me; the hour in the car with Charlie, though, I was a little worried about.


  • 成长中的女人你们一个人一样,不断去尝试一次冲突经历中学习生活从不无聊

    I am a woman in process. Im just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull.


  • 老实说厌倦学习无聊中学英语语法规则没有生命单词

    To tell the truth, I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words in English of Middle School.


  • 成长中的女人你们一个人一样,不断去尝试一次冲突经历中学习生活从不无聊

    I am a woman in process. I'm just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull.


  • 怎样,一些方法告诉无聊

    With how do you say, anyway, I tell you the boring.


  • 昏暗拥挤教室里注意到有位学生打呵欠伸展四肢抱怨节课简单无聊

    In the dim cramped classroom, I noticed a student who yawned and stretched his arms and legs, and complained how simple and boring the class was.


  • 厌倦学习无聊语法规则没有生命单词

    I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words.


  • 厌倦学习无聊语法规则没有生命单词

    I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words.


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