• 怒气指向宗教毒品

    He aims his bile at religion, drugs, and politics.


  • 经济上治上有道理

    It makes sense politically as well as economically.


  • 王室成员坛要人参加这个晚会

    The gala evening was attended by royalty and politicians.


  • 一直英国议员官员会晤

    He's been meeting with British parliamentarians and government officials.


  • 当时谣言依然英国议会和政府流传

    The rumours were still circulating at Westminster.


  • 1940年后教会达成妥协

    After 1940, a modus vivendi between church and state was achieved.


  • 缺少作为主席的判断力敏锐性

    He lacked the judgment and political acumen for the post of chairman.


  • 农场主金钱选票绑在了一起

    Farmers and politicians are yoked by money and votes.


  • 神学事务方面最高裁决者

    He was the ultimate arbiter on both theological and political matters.


  • 汉密尔顿是个伟大的治家思想家

    Hamilton is a great statesman and political thinker.


  • 这些被符合公司富豪治官员利益

    Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out.


  • 我们军官官员许多可以收买

    Any number of our military and government officials can be bought.


  • 来自世界各国王室首脑们聚集日本

    Royalty and government leaders from all around the world are gathering in Japan.


  • 心中宗教密不可分交织在一起

    In his mind, religion and politics were inseparably intertwined.


  • 他们他们卷入教育机构之间的争端。

    They say they are caught in the crossfire between the education establishment and the government.


  • 矮小身材观点使成了受奚落对象。

    He was lampooned for his short stature and political views.


  • 本书论及那个时期社会经济问题

    This book deals with the social, economic and political issues of the period.


  • 因此,对惩罚进行讨论不能脱离社会理论

    Punishment cannot, therefore, be discussed in isolation from social and political theory.


  • 这些改革措施在社会领域治领域均带来益处

    The reforms will bring benefits, socially and politically.


  • 领导人们只能希望一直得到公众支持

    Governments and party leaders can only hope to remain in favour with the public for so long.


  • 数百位波斯尼亚难民治流亡者在入口示威。

    Several hundred Bosnian refugees and émigrés demonstrated outside the main entrance.


  • 这本分析同性恋团体艾滋病引发社会后果

    The book analyses the social and political ramifications of AIDS for the gay community.


  • 总统号召教育家治家帮助重新建构美国教育

    The president called on educators and politicians to help him restructure American education.


  • 开始了大学生活课程表上包括生物微积分治学

    He began college with a timetable that included biology, calculus and political science.


  • 案子变成公民自由活动家们之间争论缘由

    His case has become a source of contention between civil liberties activists and the government.


  • 教会统治集团如今感到教会应该反映国家社会现实现实。

    The church hierarchy today feels the church should reflect the social and political realities of the country.


  • 运动的兴趣,很了不起地共同体现在他关于攀岩运动写作中。

    His sporting and political interests coalesced admirably in his writing about climbing.


  • 其他叛军领袖代表参加的谈判上周未能达成协议破裂不久之后恢复

    Peace talks involving other rebel leaders and government representatives broke up without agreement last week, but are due to resume shortly.


  • 迅速崛起一个经济中心

    It emerged rapidly as an economical and political center.


  • 前,王的才能和政治理念并不为周围的人所接受。

    In the past, Wang's ability and political ideas were not accepted by the people around him.


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