• 这些时候已知名字

    During these times it was known by the names Jianye and Jiankang.


  • 通过画草图模来解决细节形式的问题。

    Instead, I worked out details and form through sketching and massing.


  • 本文介绍特色目标实施方案原则

    This paper introduces the target, practice project and the principle of the characteristic database development.


  • 佳珍要求宝珠重新开始,并真心的。

    Jiazhen begs Baozhu to let them start all over again and tells her she is true to Jianhai.


  • 理论分析表明,该算法有效地减少概念存储空间时间

    Through some theoretical analysis, it is shown that the proposed algorithm can reduce the storage and time complexity of concept lattice construction process.


  • 依据城镇数据库技术路线过程探讨质量控制方法

    According to the technical route and construction process of urban cadastral database construction the quality control methods are discussed.


  • 协会威胁说如果银行屋互助会不配合的话,将不再提供支持

    The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball.


  • 探索岸线开发方面论述了冀种泊位布局资金筹措思路意见

    The arrangement of berths for all kinds of cargoes concerning coast line development exploration and suggestions on the train of thought concerning port construction fund′s collection are expounded.


  • 很少房子商业大厦需求也就很少需要筑师吊车工,包工头

    There's not much demand for new houses or commercial buildings, and that means not much demand for architects, crane operators or escrow officers.


  • 发明涉及植被栽培技术具体说是一种在盐碱环境修复和建 立植被的方法

    The invention relates to a cultivation technology for vegetation, in particular to a method for vegetation restoration and vegetation establishment in the saline and alkaline soil.


  • 经过大量资料收集数据整理完成了中国铜铂族岩浆硫化物矿床矿产地数据库设。

    Through collecting related material, arranging the data and devising the database, the mineral geology database of Chinese Ni-Cu (PGE) sulfide deposit is set up.


  • 经过实例分析,认为土地利用面积平差处理有利于GIS数据采集过程实施质量控制。

    The results are discussed and analyzed, considering that adjustment processing for land use areas is helpful to ensure the quality of the data in GIS data capturing and database establishment.


  • 介绍分子电子学分子器件研究领域最新进展,展望了分子电子学的发展前景,提出了一些新的想法

    The new progress of molecular electronics and molecular electronic device was introduced together with the potential development and application of this rapidly-growing field in future.


  • 全国空间数据库工作中,实行统一的工作方法、工作程序辅助软件,可实现高效率、高质量的效果。

    It is necessary to unify the working method, procedure and assistant software in constructing national wide spatial database.


  • 由于中国主要天然气消费目标资源缺乏,因而储气技术库目标资源两个方面还存在一定的挑战

    As main natural gas consumption areas are poorly supported with target resources, Chinese UGS construction is facing challenges in technologies and target resources.


  • 宏观管理角度分析,论述了冶金行业蒸汽系统当前存在的浪费能源现状,提出节能方向、节能潜力部分企业采用系统优化设计实例和建

    The energy saving direction and potentiality and the examples of the application of the system optimization design in some enterprises and some suggestions are given.


  • 然而秋季指导联盟出赛可能足够说服国民一个较低保障薪资加上许多依2011实际投球比赛场数计算的激励奖金条款,和建仔再度签约。

    Wang's eventual progress, though, could convince the Nationals to now re-sign him to a contract with a lower base salary but plenty of incentives based on games pitched in 2011.


  • 政府正在计划投资几十亿一个水渠、水管高架水道构成系统潮湿南方转调干旱北方

    The government is planning to invest billions in a system of canals, pipelines and aqueducts to divert water from the soggy south to the parched north.


  • 了帮助德拉雅的孩子学习,19岁的学生阿纳斯·艾哈迈德其朋友决定一座图书馆。

    To help the kids in Darayya with their learning, Anas Ahmad, a 19-year-old student, and his friends decided to build a library.


  • 非常爱你,虽然你不是NBA的大人物之一,但是你取得了很多成就。张家城还谈到了他最喜欢的CBA球员,是广东队的易辽宁队的郭艾伦。

    I love you so much because you achieved a lot, although you are not one of the big guys in the NB. Zhang also talked about his favorite CBA players Yi Jianlian of Guangdong and Guo Ailun of Liaoning.


  • 娥4号的部分使命就是探测怎样为人类一个月球基地,包括探索人类是否能在上面种植食物其他植物。

    Part of Chang'e 4's mission (使命) is to see how a moon base could be built for humans, including exploring (探索) whether humans could grow food and other plant products there.


  • 从此之后我们我们公司便忙于敏捷管理实践、合资格CPF评估程序三者有机的结合起来。

    The combination of agile management practices, competent facilitation and the CPF assessment process have kept each of us and our firms busy ever since.


  • 从此之后我们我们公司便忙于敏捷管理实践、合资格CPF评估程序三者有机的结合起来。

    The combination of agile management practices, competent facilitation and the CPF assessment process have kept each of us and our firms busy ever since.


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