• 许多人认为和平计划成泡影。

    Many believe the peace plan is dead.


  • 政府正在起草一项和平计划

    The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan.


  • 和平计划没有各方全部接受

    The peace plan has not been accepted in its entirety by all parties.


  • 和平计划没有全盘否定。

    The peace plan wasn't rejected outright.


  • 他们讨论条件加入到和平计划

    They discussed the attachment of new conditions to the peace plans.


  • 3位领导人制定出了一份和平计划

    The three leaders had worked out a peace plan.


  • 交换战俘联合国和平计划主要内容之一

    The exchange of prisoners of war was one of the key elements of the UN's peace plan.


  • 直到协议终止强调中东没有任何和平计划可言。

    Until the settlements stopped entirely, he insisted, there was no point in any peace plan for the Middle East.


  • 大马士革方面宣称依然承认并会施行和平计划

    Damascus said it was still committed to the plan.


  • 凯勒晚餐庆祝扶轮和平计划影响起立鼓掌。

    Past RI President Charles C. Keller gives a standing ovation at dinner celebrating the impact of Rotary's peace programs.


  • 完成和平计划基本阶段结束时,这个旅程并不会结束。

    While this fundamental stage of completing the Peace Program was over, this Journey is far from being over...


  • 由于每个人开始更多和平带入我们生活一些和平计划重要

    As one begins to bring more peace into our lives, it is important to have some peace routines.


  • 阿拉伯世界提出了自己关于以巴的和平计划代表了整个地区对此的看法。

    Now there is an Arab peace plan, there is a regional aspect to it.


  • 这项和平计划成功,需要这些局外国家协议签署后保持平稳态度。

    If it was to succeed, it needed outsiders to keep up the same degree of pressure after it was signed.


  • 叙利亚履行和平计划上迟迟未有具体的行动阿盟采取快速行动。

    The Arab League has moved very quickly to take action after Syria appeared to do little or nothing to implement the peace plan.


  • 说:「扶轮中心实现和平解决冲突的方案使他们脱了其他和平计划。」

    Gee says the Rotary Centers' agenda for implementing peaceful conflict resolution sets them apart from other peace programs.


  • 暂停执行任务决定清楚表明,国际特使安南斡旋达成的和平计划已经失败。

    The decision was the clearest sign yet that a peace plan brokered by international envoy Kofi Annan has collapsed.


  • 卡尔伊的发言人表示会谈提出了试验性和平计划,卡尔扎伊还没有做出回应。

    Mr Karzai's spokesman said he had yet to respond to a tentative peace plan offered at the talks two days ago.


  • 然而随着个又一个和平计划的推出,一种呼吁国人民成为同一国家平等市民声音渐渐为人接受

    But as one peace plan after another has foundered, the voices calling for the two peoples to live as equal citizens in one country are slowly multiplying.


  • 达成这个和平需要秉承“克林顿参数”/“日内瓦协定”/“阿拉伯和平计划- 一切选择

    It should be reached by adhering to the "Clinton parameters" / "Geneva Accord" / "Arab peace plan" -- take your pick.


  • 和平计划目的各国能够最终达成长期协议赢得一些时间同时立竿见影地减少捕杀鲸鱼数量

    The aim is to buy time in which countries can hammer out a longer-term agreement, while achieving an immediate drop in the number of whales that are killed.


  • 第三我们设立一个叫做和平计划的机构栽培教会装备领导者帮助贫穷关照病痛教育下一代

    Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The Peace Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, and educate the next generation.


  • 如果僵局一直持续越来越多的呼声要求巴马根据具体和平计划以色列进行制裁,而且可能还是以色列境内。

    If the logjam persists, calls for Mr Obama to present the Israelis, perhaps on their own turf, with his own detailed peace plan, will get louder.


  • 然而这个和平计划合作不仅工作,且对每一位能幸运加入这个和平中心人来说是个难得的附加价值

    For this Peace Program, however, the cooperation is not only working, but it is an incredible added value for everybody lucky enough to be admitted to this Centre.


  • 作为华盛顿让步以色列开始拆除承诺一部分路线图和平计划某些非法犹太定居点收效不大。

    As a concession to Washington, Israel has begun dismantling some small, illegal settlement outposts as part of its commitment under the "roadmap" peace plan, but with little success.


  • 作为华盛顿让步以色列开始拆除承诺一部分路线图和平计划某些非法犹太定居点收效不大。

    As a concession to Washington, Israel has begun dismantling some small, illegal settlement outposts as part of its commitment under the "roadmap" peace plan, but with little success.


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