• 多耐福扣具紧固件执法机构选择

    Duraflex clips and fasteners are the choice of the U.S. military and law enforcement.


  • 认为美国世界更多时候代表有益力量而不是有害的;我国家的敌人并不抱太多幻想,我敬重勇气能力

    I think America has more often been a force for good than for ill in the world; I carry few illusions about our enemies, and Revere the courage and competence of our military.


  • 丹尼尔·法教练乔治·斯蒂尔南卡罗来纳州切斯特在一起,在地面降落的过程中,后者突然停止了说话

    The US soldier Daniel Pharr was tied to skydiving veteran George Steele when the instructor stopped talking as the pair hurtled towards the ground over Chester County in South Carolina.


  • 截止星期四为止,总共13架飞机140帐篷毛毯其他救援物资,经由泰国运抵缅甸

    As of Thursday, there had been 13 U.S. military flights from Thailand to Burma carrying 140 metric tons of water, tents, blankets and other relief supplies.


  • 忍受复杂部署受伤致残他们家人他们自己的生活扰乱了有时候甚至被永远毁灭了

    American military personnel have suffered through multiple deployments and endured disabling casualties; their families and personal lives have been disrupted and sometimes permanently shattered.


  • 比起他们曾经习惯更为笨重的胶布雨衣,那些著名官们基钦纳勋爵巴登–鲍威尔勋爵,更偏爱这种风雨衣轻便棉质布料

    Famous British generals, such as Lord Kitchener and Lord Baden-Powell preferred the lightweight cotton of trench coats to the heavier, rubberised Macintoshes they had been used to.


  • 由于米歇尔·奥巴马杰尔·巴顿努力,美家庭成员心理健康教育就业重要方面得到显著改善

    Military families get a boost in several crucial aspects of their lives, including mental health, education, and employment, from Michelle Obama and Jill Biden.


  • 邝伟林说,5月12号发生地震后发起中国历史上规模最大营救救灾行动,灾区派遣12万名官兵

    Kuang says after the quake hit May 12, the Chinese military launched the biggest rescue and relief effort in China's history, sending 120,000 soldiers to the disaster areas.


  • 邝伟林说,5月12号发生地震后发起中国历史上规模最大营救救灾行动,灾区派遣12万名官兵

    Kuang says after the quake hit May 12, the Chinese military launched the biggest rescue and relief effort in China's history, sending 120, 000 soldiers to the disaster areas.


  • 与此同时美国派遣航空母舰乔治华盛顿号韩国水域国军舰会,并在周日进行为期4联合军演

    Meanwhile, the U.S. is sending aircraft carrier George Washington to Korean waters to meet up with U.S. and South Korean vessels for four days of military exercises beginning Sunday.


  • 四个项目上有望冲男子乒乓球单打决赛男子10单人跳台、男子双人静流皮划艇女子67公斤级跆拳道

    The locals are going for gold in men's table tennis singles final, men's 10m diving singles, men's 500m rowing doubles and women's taekwondo 67kg.


  • 正是这种坚持稳定同志忠诚打动了那位成为后来同意训练名特别行动处特工重要原因。

    It was this steadiness and loyalty to her comrades that most appealed to the British officers who later agreed to train her to become an SOE agent.


  • 韩国驱逐舰巡逻舰护卫舰支援反潜飞机加入美国航空母舰“乔治华盛顿号”其他艘美国军航的行列。

    The US aircraft carrier, the George Washington, and four other US navy vessels will be joined by South Korean destroyers, patrol vessels, frigates, support ships and anti-submarine aircraft.


  • 正在重调后期支持上质量数量之间平衡,作为决定性军事优势地区投射力量的保证

    The Chinese military is recalibrating the balance of quantity and quality in favor of the latter as a guarantor of a decisive military edge and the ability to project power regionally.


  • 作为另一方,美国已经重申力的日益增长北京中国海争端中的强硬姿态表示关切

    For its part, the US has repeatedly voiced concern over China's growing military capabilities and Beijing's rising assertiveness in a territorial row in the South China Sea.


  • 为期5天的活动中,由中国移动、中国联通、中兴通讯华为大唐电信企业组成的“中国军团”展示最新电信技术,成为本次会展的最大亮点。

    China's major telecom firms, including China Mobile, China Union, Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment, Huawei and Datang telecom, will show their updated technologies at the 5-day exposition.


  • 截止星期四为止,总共13架飞机140帐篷毛毯其他救援物资,经由泰国运抵缅甸

    As of Thursday, there had been 13 U. s. military flights from Thailand to Burma carrying 140 metric tons of water, tents, blankets and other relief supplies.


  • 伊拉克行动改变了名字目标。在过去这项军事运动一直称为伊拉克自由行动’。而现在称为‘曙光行动

    This week, the American military campaign in Iraq changed names - and goals. The campaign had been called Operation Iraqi Freedom. Now, it is known as Operation New Dawn.


  • 仔细观察国军记下他们人数、兵力,以及那些奇怪物体、坐骑工具的威力。这些东西都是他们带到多来的。

    He carefully observed the Imperials, noting their Numbers, their strengths, and the strengths of the strange objects, vehicles, and implements they brought to Endor.


  • 这位广受欢迎足球运动员光荣地授予“勋章”,现在又因对足球事业社会工作做出了贡献有望被授予爵士的高贵荣誉

    The much-loved sportsman, who already is the proud owner of an Order of the British Empire (OBE), faces a prestigious knighthood in honour of his services to soccer and his community work.


  • 外刊外国网站关于文章某种意义上可以证明中国军事力量正在日益强大

    The articles which are related to Chinese military power from foreign magazines and web sites in a sense can demonstrate that Chinese military power is becoming more and more powerful.


  • 敦促韩海军演习保持克制……觉得应该中国对着干,继续军演日本英国都拉进来

    China military urges restraint from U. S. -south Korea navy drills... I think us south Korea should just do opposite of that continue the navy drills and invite Japan and British to come.


  • 可靠性设计工艺两方面讲述了技术攻关提高元器件可靠性最终达到国军要求重要作用。

    Describes the benefit of technical study during the procedure of improving the product reliability and meeting the requirements of the National Military Standards.


  • 材料军用民用领域有着广泛的应用,已经成为各国军事装备隐身民用防电磁辐射等技术领域研究热点

    Microwave absorbing materials have been widely in stealth technology and in electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC) technology, and they are researching hotspot in these technology field.


  • 这种包括北京(方)北约成员国的军事练习还是有史以来的头一次

    It is the first such military exercise involving Beijing and a NATO member country.


  • 运用组织理论分析了自组织系统特征企业现状,提出了军工企业管理系统所要遵循的四种管理方法思想。

    In this paper, with the theory of self-organization, characteristic of self-organizing system and present situation of military enterprise are analyzed.


  • 运用组织理论分析了自组织系统特征企业现状,提出了军工企业管理系统所要遵循的四种管理方法思想。

    In this paper, with the theory of self-organization, characteristic of self-organizing system and present situation of military enterprise are analyzed.


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