• 多年来,一直是动物野生动物工作人员

    I was a zoo and wildlife park employee for years.


  • 年雄安还将启动互联网产业科技的建设。

    The building of an Internet industrial park and a science and technology park will also begin in Xiongan this year.


  • 如果决定去参观动物进去之前确定他们是否坚持世界动物水族馆协会道德标准

    If you decide to visit a zoo ask whether it adheres to the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums' Code of Ethics before you enter.


  • 家里所拥有咖啡种植为傲并且其他种植劳动力一样辛苦劳作。

    She takes pride in the coffee plantation that her family owns, and works as hard on it as any of her plantation hands.


  • 葡萄橄榄也要照样办理

    Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.


  • 1985年,凯特了一家安曼当地幼儿阿尔•萨赫拉幼儿,凯特学会了阿拉伯语英语童谣

    After turning three in Amman in 1985, Kate was enrolled in a local nursery, the Al-Sahera Kindergarten, and there she learned nursery rhymes in Arabic as well as English.


  • 动物调查克死因时,动物权益组织纷纷谴责动物管理员相关人士为了眼前的利益而置克努特的健康于不顾。

    As the zoo tries to figure out what killed Knut, animal-rights groups are blaming zookeepers for his death, accusing officials of putting financial interests ahead of the famous polar bear's welfare.


  • 除了幼儿解雇,两位老师幼儿负责人要求男孩他的家人道歉。

    In addition to being dismissed by the kindergarten, the two teachers and the head of the kindergarten were all told to apologize to the boy and his family.


  • 无论动物圈养动物抱有怎样看法,无可否认,的确令人印象深刻令人兴奋新型动物概念

    Regardless of your views on zoos and captivity of animals, this is an impressive and exciting concept for a zoological park.


  • 无论动物圈养动物抱有怎样看法,无可否认,的确令人印象深刻令人兴奋新型动物概念

    Regardless of your views on zoos and captivity of animals, this is an impressive and exciting concept for a zoological park .


  • 幸运的是,片区域17世纪木构茶馆餐馆夜幕降临生机重现,守卫者神庙八坂神社也是值得的(00 81 075 561 6155;祗;免门票)。

    Fortunately, the area’s 17th-century wooden teahouses and restaurants come alive when night falls, and Gion’s guardian shrine Yasaka-jinja is also worth a visit (00 81 075 561 6155; Gion-machi; free).


  • 更大葡萄例如Kefraya (chateaukefraya.com)Ksara (ksara.com.lb),欢迎游客预约所有其它葡萄需要提前登记

    The larger vineyards, such as Kefraya (chateaukefraya.com) and Ksara (ksara.com.lb), welcome visitors without appointments, but all others need to be booked in advance with the wineries.


  • Sharrock先生受威胁清单许多物种都是英国植物收集中最常见景色的物种,包括

    Dr Sharrock said that a number of species on the threatened list were relatively common sights in gardens and collections across the UK, including.


  • 学校创建者之一的JenWink,“我们看到幼儿确实很漂亮但是大部分幼儿不能我们所愿那般孩子大人很好的融合在一起。”

    "We saw beautiful preschools, but most of them didn't involve the parents as much as we wanted to be involved," said Jen Wink, another founder.


  • 1963年,单单法国超过四万英亩(相当于一点六万公顷这样鲜为人知美国葡萄种植这种美国葡萄的小葡萄现在法国旺代省塞文山脉地区找到。

    As recently as 1963, France alone had more than 40, 000 acres (16, 000 hectares) of such little known American grapes, patches of which are still planted in the Vendée and the Cévennes.


  • 当地报纸曼哈顿水星报指出,Suzie在美国动物海洋馆协会所属动物黑猩猩中,从年龄上排行第三

    The Manhattan Mercury says Suzie is the third oldest chimpanzee among zoos accredited by the Association of Zoos &Aquariums.


  • 这些动物现在只能动物野生动物马戏团育种研究中心里

    These animals can now only be kept in zoos, wildlife parks, circuses, and breeding and research centres.


  • 一给人愉悦感受项目建筑梅多克的砾石之上,斜伸向葡萄天空方向,视野范围里可以看到葡萄、河口以及负有盛名拉露斯

    This sensual project is embedded in the medoc gravel, taking off towards the vines and the sky, with a view of the vines, the prestigious Gruaud Larose estate, and the estuary.


  • 进入幼儿将会看到空间绿色植物毗邻活动场地

    Entering the Kindergarten, you will see through the atrium space the green Arboretum abutting playground.


  • 然后研究指导建设相关理论基础分析了分地区大学科技中的定位探讨了建设的作用

    Based on study on the reference theory of branch parks guidance, the orientation of branch part of University Science park are analysed, and the function of construction of branch part are discussed.


  • 除此之外工业投资者入驻工业企业权利享受埃塞投资法规定优惠政策奖励

    Besides, the investors to and the enterprises stationing the Eastern Industrial Zone all have a right to enjoy all preferential policies and awarding stipulated in Ethiopian Law of Investment.


  • 动物起源于很久很久以前。最初的动物属于国王王后们必须足够富有才能奇怪的动物遥远的地方弄过来。

    The first zoos only belonged to Kings and queens. You have to be rich to bring strange animals from far away.


  • 两个著名景观寺庙寄畅(“心灵放松”),初建于明朝(1368 ~ 1644)。

    Its two famous sights are the temple and the Jichang Garden (" Garden for Ease of Mind "), all dating back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).


  • 景观建筑师设计开发解释性树木动物高尔夫球场,游乐场娱乐区农庄。

    Landscape architects design and develop interpretive parks, arboretums, zoos, golf courses, playgrounds, recreation areas and farmsteads.


  • 建筑幼儿庭院统一嵌入传统环境中赋予幼儿温床安全自由建筑条件

    The unity of building and kindergarten yard is embedded in the traditional context and imparts to the kindergarten the architectural conditions for nest security, as well as for freedom.


  • 树皮坏死(BN)目前危害了世界大部分,胶受害严重度取决于橡胶品种、树龄、种植地种植地区

    Bark Necrosis (BN) now affects most modern rubber plantations worldwide, with a wide range of severity across sites depending on the clone, the age of the trees, the site and the country.


  • 树皮坏死(BN)目前危害了世界大部分,胶受害严重度取决于橡胶品种、树龄、种植地种植地区

    Bark Necrosis (BN) now affects most modern rubber plantations worldwide, with a wide range of severity across sites depending on the clone, the age of the trees, the site and the country.


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