• 虽然有这些不幸,但是这些国家是我见和善幸福

    Despite all the unfortunate happenings, the people I have met in these countries are some of the nicest and the happiest.


  • 完成工作同时,完成事情同时,也需要尊重他人和善欢迎。

    The keys to get the job done, to tet the work done. while being respectful, to be nice and to be liked.


  • 压倒性证据表明,自尊心强的人有可能人尊重、和善慷慨。”——纳撒尼尔·布兰登

    "There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity." -nathaniel Branden.


  • 死亡疾病托付这些灵管,但是这些恶神往往和善兄弟姐妹

    Death and disease are consigned to the realm of these evil demons or these impure evil spirits, but they are siblings with the good gods.


  • 们都喜欢丽塔在一起,因为她非常诚实和善良。

    We all like to be with Rita because she is very honest and kind.


  • 朱海洋并不他们路上遇见朱海洋总是很礼貌的打招呼看上去一直很和善

    She wasn’t close to Zhu, but she said he always seemed nice and said hello when their paths crossed.


  • 似乎美德力量在于忍受和善良。

    It seems that all your virtue and power he in tolerance and kindness.


  • 这种接受使电流自然散开人们放松成为他们自己并且他们的爱没有压力期望

    This acceptance allows the love currents to unfold naturally so that people can just relax and be themselvesand offer their love and kindness without pressure or expectations.


  • 麦可有趣,又天生待人和善回到旅馆我们柠檬橘子榨的饮料,并要位他认识女孩明天上午帮助艾米丽

    Marco is funny and genuinely friendly and once back at the hostel he makes us lemonade with fresh lemons and organises for a girl he knows to help Emily in the morning.


  • 只有完全重视透明基础上采取措施,才可以保持爱尔兰人民教会尊重。”教皇

    "Only decisive action carried out with complete honesty and transparency will restore the respect and goodwill of the Irish people toward the Church," the Pope said.


  • 我们需要智慧指导欢乐耐心自我控制

    We need wisdom and guidance and love and joy and peace and patience and goodness and self-control.


  • 美,但是止步于美丽,其他方面都平凡,她很容易潮流财富男人面前头晕目眩,但是在忠诚面前却迟钝不堪。

    An unusually pretty but otherwise ordinary woman, she is too easily dazzled by style, wealth and pleasure, and too slow to recognize the value of loyalty and kindness.


  • 现在因为诚实艾薇塔保护柳妲轻蔑嘲讽

    And now, because he was honest and good, Ivetta wanted to protect him from Luda's sneering condescension.


  • 一种建立在对自己他人价值理解尊重之上。

    The other is based on an understanding and respect of your own worth and goodness and the worth and goodness of others.


  • 当然真诚寻求终极真相(智慧)(同情)朝圣者,会谦虚认真审视他面前的道路

    Surely, an earnest seeker of the path to ultimate truth (wisdom) and goodness (compassion) must include the humble and careful survey of the possible paths already available.


  • 贬低轻视照顾质量例如耐心和善

    It denigrates and belittles the qualities needed to care, such as patience and gentleness.


  • 正如多疑孩子敏锐地发现父母和善话语任何疑点一致地方。

    Like a suspicious child, they will be acutely aware of any hint of doubt or inconsistency in mum and dad's kind words.


  • 我们见识过这些团体些表面上看起来和善名字通过资助电视广告控告(竞选对手)维护自己的主张,蓄意影响公开辩论动摇选民的意愿。

    We've all seen groups with benign-seeming names sponsoring television commercials that make accusations and assertions designed to influence the public debate and sway voters' minds.


  • 可以当事人谈谈他们行为,和善请求他们考虑一下感受……你不会过于情绪化,把事情夸大

    You can talk to the person about their behavior, and ask them kindly to consider your feelings when they do thisbut you won’t get overly emotional and 6)blow things out of proportion.


  • 他们又是那么和善好的性格脾气

    They are so good, there is a good character and temperament.


  • 甚至出门之前,在我的冰箱里装满了啤酒三明治,她的关心人意我们关系推到了更高层次

    Her concern and thoughtfulness helped push our relationship to a higher level. "-david, 28."


  • 可以当事人谈谈他们行为和善请求他们考虑一下你的感受…你不会过于情绪化,把事情夸大

    You can talk to the person about their behavior, and ask them kindly to consider you feelings when they do this... but you won't get overly emotional and blow things out of proportion.


  • 我们应该和善态度、充沛的精力热情的欣赏度过,而这些恰恰来日方长往往我们忽视东西。

    We should live each daywith a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretchesbefore us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.


  • 她们理解尊重丈夫发现他们其实非常周到体贴奉献。

    They understand and respect their husbands, and found they actually were very considerable and be good at dedications.


  • 预防处置校园食品卫生安全突发事故处理工作表现突出者给予表彰奖励

    In the prevention and treatment of campus safety accident and rehabilitation treatment work using the expression in give commend and reward.


  • 是个性情和善,就在病榻死人面前改变那逍遥自在态度。

    He was a good-tempered man, who found it difficult to keep down his jovial easiness even by the bed of sickness of death.


  • 性格开朗和善,善于沟通,曾经多年广告模特。平时喜欢运动音乐

    I was cheerful genially is good at communicating with the human has made many year advertising model. usually likes the movement and listens to music.


  • 信心富有同情心解人意的。一点都不傲慢自大。傲慢是由于害怕缺乏安全感才产生,而信心则出于坚强正直

    Confidence is compassionate and understanding . it is nothing matter about arogant which born out of fear and insecurity , it is about strenth and integrity , .


  • 信心富有同情心解人意的。一点都不傲慢自大。傲慢是由于害怕缺乏安全感才产生,而信心则出于坚强正直

    Confidence is compassionate and understanding . it is nothing matter about arogant which born out of fear and insecurity , it is about strenth and integrity , .


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