• 神山医院和火神山医院在两内就迅速建成了。

    Leishenshan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital were built fast in two weeks.


  • 杰拉德都在今天早些时候丁队的比赛后接受了检查,杰拉德大腿肌腱拉伤将要休战2,而托软骨组织受损,这次受伤需要接受手术来恢复,所以将要大概休战6的时间。

    Steven has a hamstring strain and will be out for a fortnight, while Fernando has torn a cartilage in his right knee.


  • 贵的药物--珠单抗注射液Lucentis)--注射次2000美元(13600元),病患可能4-6需要注射一次。 毫无疑问它的药效良好;实际上,这第一种针对AMD可以扭转视力下降的有证药物。

    The expensive version - Lucentis - is about $2000 per injection, and patients may need a shot every 4 to 6 weeks.


  • 墨尔本比赛养成迅速恢复破坏力的习惯,并且再次做到了。

    But Murray has made a habit of immediately recovering breaks during the fortnight in Melbourne and he did so once again.


  • 富礼刚刚新西兰进行了为期徒步旅行发表演说,目前正在撰写关于管理的书。

    Mr. Lafley, who just returned from a five-week trek in New Zealand, also will be giving speeches and is writing a book about management.


  • 同时,在于梅尔·伍德会见东家NESV之后相信新东家的统治菲尔德上下将时来运转。

    Meanwhile, after meeting new owners NESV at Melwood a week ago, Reina is confident the new regime can facilitate a turnaround in fortunes at Anfield.


  • 终于给他打来电话——告诉彼得雨伞把柄的重击先是留下了肿块因此阿格涅斯卡觉得接下来会长一个肿瘤的,她并不感到惊讶。

    A week passed before she finally telephoned-to tell Piotr that the blow delivered by the umbrella handle had produced first a lump, expected by Agnieszka and therefore unsurprising, and then a tumor.


  • 兰金颌骨送到实验室以后,收到了一直期盼着的消息——奥斯丁已经提取到有用基因物质

    Three weeks after delivering the jawbone to the Adelaide lab, Blenkin got the news he'd been hoping for - Austin had extracted usable genetic material.


  • 目前正在包括苏丹在内的非洲中东针对苏丹2011年1月将举行的南部苏丹前途问题的全民公决展开为期使命

    Gration is currently on a two-week mission to Africa and the Middle East including Sudan focusing on preparations for the January, 2011 referendum in southern Sudan.


  • 托:数监察有趣,很期待未来几了解工作原理。

    FLATOW: So it will be interesting to watch for the weeks and watch the weeks ahead of how it all works out.


  • 八月第三报告第二起病例为恩泽市区另一24男性

    The second case was reported in the third week of August in the Urbain Commune of N'zérékoré in another 24 year old male.


  • 安德烈7个晚上得有3个晚上

    But Andrea and I are eating at (Wing Lei) three out of seven nights a week.


  • 根据BP公司公告,他们计划8月份一旦减压井建好,释放出漏油井压力后,再由杜德先生接管此次事件的处理工作。

    BP's original plan, announced three weeks ago, was to have Mr. Dudley take over management of the crisis in August, once the pressure in the leaking well was eased by relief Wells.


  • 麦克指出观看几部电影就可以轻易地导致40gb数据使用

    McCray points out that watching multiple movies in a week could easily push data usage upwards of 40 GB.


  • 霍伦服药怀孕,并去年12月下了611盎司女儿

    She fell pregnant two weeks later and gave birth to daughter Grace, weighing 6lb 11oz, in December.


  • 现在预选只有不到时,民调显示小保罗领先接近二十个百分点。

    Now, less than a week before the primary, pollsshow Paul's lead over Grayson approaching 20 points.


  • 来自肯特郡多佛的特弗·古斯妻子凯蒂墨西哥呆了之后,与其他乘客一起搭乘汤姆逊航空公司 358次航班Cancun 抵达 Gatwick

    Trevor Cox, 65, from Dover, Kent, was among passengers arriving at Gatwick on Thomson Airways flight 358 from Cancun after two weeks in Mexico with his wife, Kathy.


  • 资深分析师(音)认为本月迄今为止,福特零售份额保持着上升之势,提高9%,通用汽车的零售份额下降了18%。

    Senior analyst Ray Zhou also sees Ford's retail share improving, up 9% so far this month, while GM's has fallen 18%.


  • 鲍勃·马利逝世30音乐遗产正在消亡,因为比起鬼乐,牙买加年轻人更加亲睐舞厅音乐。然而如果对马利的形象进行高度商业化运作,身为歌手马利继续成为人们崇拜的偶象。

    May 11, 2011 -- Bob Marley's musical legacy may be waning 30 years after his death as Jamaica's youth prefers dancehall to reggae, but the singer remains a cult, if highly commercialized, figure.


  • 同时承认想争夺英超冠军,球队需要对阵难缠斯托克的比赛中,克服困难以求胜利。

    Meanwhile, Torres admits Liverpool must fly out of the blocks against a stubborn Stoke side on Wednesday if they are to kickstart their Barclays Premier League campaign.


  • 福勒中4 - 3主场取胜联赛杯中获得难得出场机会成为比赛主角

    Fowler was given a rare opportunity to impress from the start against Reading in midweek and he did precisely that, in starring in his side's 4-3 Carling Cup victory.


  • 斯诺的遇到很骄傲

    The people I met during my week in Fresno are proud.


  • 诞下格西对于娅来说却不是件容易事。蒂娅在预产期诊断出患有子痫前症

    But the arrival of Gracie wasn't easy as Tia was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, seven weeks before her due date.


  • 星期天香榭丽舍大道闲逛,藉以排遣劳累。突然,她看到一个带着小孩妇人,此人正是蒂埃夫人

    One Sunday she went for a stroll in the Champs-Elysées to divert her mind from the labours of the week, when she caught sight of a lady with a child. It was Madame restier!


  • 星期天香榭丽舍大道闲逛,藉以排遣劳累。突然,她看到一个带着小孩妇人,此人正是蒂埃夫人

    One Sunday she went for a stroll in the Champs-Elysées to divert her mind from the labours of the week, when she caught sight of a lady with a child. It was Madame restier!


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