• 他们度过了阳光灿烂日子。

    They had three weeks of glorious sunshine.


  • 只是看着这些相片,都已经觉得周阳光明媚

    It makes my bright day with just looking at those pictures.


  • 阳光明媚本·韦瑟斯塔夫的关系更加亲密了。

    During that week of sunshine, she became more intimate with Ben Weatherstaff.


  • 正当明亮的阳光它们上方时,(树木)许多地方变得阴暗

    They make many parts almost dark, while bright sunlight is above and around them.


  • 这两装置阳光充足气候条件下工作良好在北欧,太阳可能云层遮挡温度不仅随着季节变化而且还随着昼夜变化。

    Both these devices worked well in sunny climates; but in northern Europe, the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time, while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night.


  • 即使是一个阳光并不明媚夏季地中海航行也足以把人

    THREE weeks of sailing in the Mediterranean, even during a poor summer, does wonders for a tan.


  • 首先洋葱日光下晾晒数天然后置于阳光无法直射地方阴干

    First, dry the Onions in the sun for a day or so. Then bring them out of direct sun for two to three weeks.


  • 有人打算前往这一地区,他发现如果关于气温降雨阳光刮风天气状况每日预测会有所帮助

    Somebody going away for a fortnight in that part of the world would find it helpful to have a day-by-day prognosis of temperature, rainfall, sunshine, wind conditions and so on.


  • 阿桑女士健康方面的原因前往阳光海岸,她认为朱利安出于保护家人的考虑刻意与他们保持距离。

    Ms Assange, who moved to the Sunshine Coast five weeks ago for health reasons, said Julian was distancing himself from the family for their own safety.


  • 看到阳光透过树隙身体便放松下来回到均匀平稳节奏再次专注前方道路

    I looked around, noticing the sun shining through the trees. My body relaxed and returned to its even, steady rhythm. I focused on the road ahead.


  • 如果是插枝,就要植物置于阳光直到它们发芽

    If working from cuttings, prepare your succulents by setting in direct sun for a week until roots sprout.


  • 偶尔几阳光好玩似地透过云层 大多数情况下(四)都灰色薄雾.

    Occasional shafts of sunlight play across it, but it is mostly gray mist.


  • 我们家四都是高大建筑挡住阳光

    All around our house are tall buildings, which block the sunshine.


  • 繁茂着厚厚的叶子伸展形成绿色凉棚凉棚下可以躲避阳光酷热

    Crowded branches with thick leaves stretch in all directions, and form green shelters where you can avoid the heat of the sunshine.


  • 相当炎热同时还是“阳光普照”,也是该机构为何要开展这项涵盖了215在线调查的原因。

    As well as bringing us a scorcher of a weekend, this week is also Sun Awareness week - and the reason for the online poll that questioned 215 people.


  • 如果是插枝,就要植物置于阳光直到它们发芽。如果是籽苗种植的,跳过第二部开始。

    If working from cuttings, prepare your succulents by setting in direct sun for a week until roots sprout. If working with seedlings, skip and proceed to step two.


  • 最喜欢的季节春天因为春天气温暖和阳光明媚外出野炊

    Zhou Shuai's favorite season is spring, because the weather is warm and sunny, and he can have picnics.


  • 以前那里河水清澈见底,在阳光的照耀波光粼粼,绿树成荫绿草如茵花儿姹紫嫣红,艳丽无比,时不时有蝴蝶飞来花蜜呢!

    Before, where the river bottom, sparkling under the sun, surrounded by trees and lush, flowers are very beautiful flowers, colorful, still occasionally butterfly fly to collect nectar!


  • 阳光透过枝丫暖融融地上入冬季节弥漫一种静谧温馨

    Streaks of the sun through the branches to take the floor nice and warm, though it is winter season, but filled with a quiet surrounding and warm.


  • 沐浴春天阳光一般笑脸我们万分欣喜的欢聚在这里迎来我们期待已英语

    Enjoying the sunshine of spring, seeing everyone's smiles which are like flowers, we're very joyful to get together, to welcome our long-expected English Week.


  • 环顾四看看是不是有人我一样也在欣赏这灿烂阳光但是所有人都那么的来去匆匆,大部分人都是眼睛地面

    I looked to see whether anyone else relished the sun's golden glow., but everyone was hurrying to and fro, most with eyes fixed on the ground.


  • 建筑维护结构入口采用透明玻璃材料,巨大屋顶既为玻璃立面遮挡阳光,也形成了可遮阳外廊空间。

    With an all glass exterior and entries on all sides, the massive roof shades the glass and creates a shaded walkway around the exterior.


  • 早晨阳光山顶升起照着窗台玫瑰时,特别是听到鸟儿反舌鸟山的树梢上叫的时候,我感到非常高兴

    When the morning sun rises above the hill, and shines upon the roses round my window sill, I feel very happy especially when I hear the chirp of the birds in the treetops on Mockingbird Hill.


  • 对天秤座来说或许阳光明媚,各项事业逐步走向正轨,有翻开感觉

    This week is rather sunny for you, and everything gradually enter into right path, which like the sense of opening a new page. Moreover, the team building lie in the stage of regrouping.


  • 对天秤座来说或许阳光明媚,各项事业逐步走向正轨,有翻开感觉

    This week is rather sunny for you, and everything gradually enter into right path, which like the sense of opening a new page. Moreover, the team building lie in the stage of regrouping.


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