• 今年世界反法西斯战争胜利70也是中国人民抗日战争胜利70年。

    It is the 70th anniversary of both the world's anti-fascism war and the victory of China's Resistance War against Japanese Aggression this year.


  • 参议院宣布无罪天后新罕布什尔州庆祝该州赢得初选胜利年。

    Six days after my acquittal in the Senate, I had gone to New Hampshire to celebrate the seventh anniversary of my New Hampshire primary.


  • 不是简单胜利而是摧毁,一种对来自很多人认为世界最好球队马德里挑衅的强有力回应

    It wasn't a victory so much as a demolition, a stunning statement by what many consider the best team in the world and a powerful response to a week of taunts coming from Madrid.


  • 可有趣的是第二次世界大战胜利70纪念日,却重新揭开了俄罗斯邻居们- - -乌克兰波兰以及波罗的海诸国之间伤疤恶语相加

    Interestingly, the 70th anniversary of World War II has reopened old wounds and ignited an ugly battle of words between Russia and its unloving neighbors, Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic states.


  • 股市温和上扬,华尔街克服了有关对消费者信心通胀担忧,迎来了股市胜利反弹的第二

    Wall Street ended its second consecutive winning week with a moderate advance Friday, overcoming concerns about consumer confidence and inflation.


  • 反对派胜利转移危机现在他们沉浸胜利喜悦中,危机被抛诸脑后。

    That crisis was averted by the successful rebel offensives which followed a week later, and now has been all but forgotten in the euphoria of victory.


  • 这个全世界庆祝诺曼底登陆胜利65,无数煽情故事法国传出。

    There have been any number of emotional and stirring stories coming out of France this weekend as the world commemorates the 65th anniversary of D-Day.


  • 而萨蒙德却有意让班诺克本2014举办场盛典庆祝战斗胜利700

    Then it emerged that Mr Salmond wants Bannockburn to host a really big bash in 2014 to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the battle.


  • 明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)、麦迪逊(Madison)、威斯康星(Wis.) 还有芝加哥路遇的朋友们纷纷向我表示祝贺,就好像我已经胜利了、正绕场一享受欢呼一样。

    In Minneapolis, in Madison, Wis., and again in Chicago, the friends I met up with offered congratulations as if I were already taking a victory lap.


  • 拿破仑快速胜利充满信心预计俄罗斯征服

    Napoleon, confident of a quick victory, predicted the conquest of Russia in five weeks.


  • 正如法国马里官员所说的那样,奥此行对法国在马里三以来军事部署来说意味着第一个阶段胜利

    Hollande's visit marked an end to what French and Malian officials say has been a successful first phase of this now three-week French deployment to Mali.


  • 我们仍然信心在古迪逊公园取得胜利

    We just have to make sure we win at Goodison in a couple of weeks.


  • 胜利者!其他人高出许多分数

    Victory for Zhou Lan! She had gained more points than anyone else.


  • 六月中国发表纪念二战胜利70计划声明。

    China announced plans to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII in June.


  • 同时托雷斯承认想争夺英超冠军,球队需要对阵难缠斯托克的比赛中,克服困难以求胜利

    Meanwhile, Torres admits Liverpool must fly out of the blocks against a stubborn Stoke side on Wednesday if they are to kickstart their Barclays Premier League campaign.


  • 弗格森爵士作为曼联主帅24年纪念场曼联式的胜利自己庆祝——伤停补时的绝杀

    Sir Alex's 24th anniversary as United manager was fittingly crowned with one of the hallmarks of his remarkable reign - a winning goal deep into injury time.


  • 主场物浦之后球队开始赛季第一不间断训练

    Then, following the home win over Liverpool, the squad had its first uninterrupted midweek of training this season.


  • 这场关键胜利终于结束了可怕的连续8轮不胜的纪录,也首都球队刚过去的动荡不安画上休止符

    The crucial victory put an end to an awful8game winless run and drew a line under what had been a turbulent week for the capital city club.


  • 来到这里唯一原因就是举起胜利

    The only reason I'm here is to hold that plate at the end of the two weeks.


  • 李宗远表示,早2005年抗战胜利60纪念日时,中国人民抗日战争纪念馆就已经采用了“14年抗战”说法。

    Li said the Museum of the war of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression adopted the 14-year definition back in 2005, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the end of the war.


  • 李宗远表示,早2005年抗战胜利60纪念日时,中国人民抗日战争纪念馆就已经采用了“14年抗战”说法。

    Li said the Museum of the war of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression adopted the 14-year definition back in 2005, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the end of the war.


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