• 周纳艺术学院现在加州艺术学院)毕业就在历史悠久洛杉矶集市奥尔维拉铅笔绘画人像为生

    After graduating from Chouinard Art Institute(now the California Institute of Arts), he began making a living drawing pen cilportraits on Olvera Street, a historic Los Angeles marketplace.


  • 印第安州开了间咖啡屋,咖啡屋后面还有屋子,我就在那度过大部分时间。

    I own a coffee shop in Southern Indiana. I have a room in the back where I spend most of the week.


  • 科夫接着说:“听众包括孔雀鸽子、我死了很久的父母株柏树几个在四护士还有一个几乎看不见家庭医生。”

    "My audience," Nabokov went on, "consisted of peacocks, pigeons, my long dead parents, two cypresses, several young nurses crouching around, and a family doctor so old as to be almost invisible."


  • 目前为止,看起来成效不管是否会认同协助自杀,该组织的目标名单绝不止这一个州

    So far, it seems to be having some success. And whether or not Montana ultimately allows assisted suicide, Compassion & Choices have other states on their target list.


  • 范佩西第二F率领阿森队征战他们期待建立一样在多特蒙德所建立稳固分数优势。

    Van Persie will captain the Gunners in their second Group F clash as they look to build on the solid point picked up in Dortmund two weeks ago.


  • 我们也看到种族紧张泡泡南卡罗来初选浮到了表面

    We saw racial tensions bubble to the surface during the week before the South Carolina primary.


  • 苹果公司一位发言人表示我们计划未来开始兴建北卡罗来州梅登数据中心她拒绝进一步发表评论

    On Wednesday, an Apple spokeswoman said, "we're looking forward to beginning construction on our new data center in Maiden, N.C., in the coming weeks," but declined further comment.


  • ·普拉·赛德同事发表了一迷人的、关于研究的研究。

    This week Vinay Prasad and colleagues published a fascinating piece of research about research.


  • 这位法国中场已经来到曼城时间了,指出了认为的教授温格球员处理遇到的问题,提到了这位阿森掌舵者喜欢冲突”。

    The French midfielder, who has been at City for a week, also pinpointed what he believes to be Arsène Wenger's failing in dealing with players, saying the Arsenal manager "doesn't like conflict".


  • 然而,在5,在欣赏卢塞恩节日管弦乐团表演布鲁克第五交响曲的时候,演出真是美妙至极啊,才意识到场彻夜盛典

    However, watching the Lucerne Festival Orchestra perform Bruckner's Symphony No 5 a few weeks back – and what a performance that was – I realised this was no night off.


  • 然而条“捷径”和想象中大不相同:组织延误了时间,还让他们多耗费了很多急需物资

    The shortcut was nothing of the sort: It set the Donner Party back nearly three weeks and cost them much-needed supplies.


  • 事实上过去年中加州科罗拉多印第安、内华达犹他棉线修眉师进行美容执照豁免。

    Indeed, over the past few years, the states of California, Colorado, Indiana, Nevada and Utah have all exempted threaders from having to obtain a beauty license.


  • 同时,在于梅尔·伍德会见东家NESV之后相信新东家的统治菲尔德上下将时来运转。

    Meanwhile, after meeting new owners NESV at Melwood a week ago, Reina is confident the new regime can facilitate a turnaround in fortunes at Anfield.


  • 热刺需要同城死敌阿森4比1击败的痛苦中恢复

    Spurs need to bounce back from their 4-1 home defeat by north London rivals Arsenal in midweek.


  • 占据第四的,这部旅途中的喜剧预产期”,由小罗伯特·唐尼克·加利费安基斯联袂出演,在上映第三预想的有所上扬。

    Landing in fourth place, the road-trip comedy "Due Date," starring Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis, held up better than expected its third week.


  • 0也不会一直延续下去甚至不会延续30时候。预计会演进到3.20左右

    "3.x" will not stay around forever - or even until the kernel is 30 years old; Linus said he expects to move on around 3.20 or so.


  • 今年二月,就职数的巴拉克·奥巴马访问印第安的埃尔克哈特县,一次灰头土脸的出行。

    WHEN Barack Obama visited Elkhart, Indiana, in early February, a few weeks after his inauguration, it was a sombre affair.


  • 教授温格承认不是十分在意自己即将迎来阿森15纪念日这样一个里程碑般的日子。

    Arsene Wenger admits he does not care too much for milestones as he approaches his 15th anniversary as Arsenal manager.


  • 棱角分明的家伙出现在个位于第五大街乔治阿曼尼旗舰店时装派对上,他像一个明星一样闪亮登场,身上杜嘉毛衣让他肌肉凸显。

    THE chiseled figure in the bicep-hugging Dolce &Gabbana sweater arrived at a Fashion Week party at the Giorgio Armani flagship on Fifth Avenue in a manner befitting a star.


  • 现年46承认过去试图掩盖自己行为而撒谎还对结婚不满妻子再三道歉

    Mr. Weiner, 46 years old, admitted that he had lied during the past week in an attempt to cover up his actions, and apologized repeatedly and profusely to his wife of less than a year.


  • 出现北卡罗来州夏洛特的一个体育馆里。一次,阿肯色队76比72击败杜克大学队夺得全国冠军

    A week later I was in the arena in Charlotte, North Carolina, when Arkansas won the national championship, defeating Duke 76-72.


  • 角落休闲酒吧传出由西特拉演唱西班牙爱情民谣,歌声回荡

    A Sinatra love ballad sung in Spanish echoes from a corner dive bar.


  • 纽约市卫生局(DSNY)常驻人类学家罗宾·格尔(RobinNagle)回答读者有关作为垃圾清扫工这一工作的有关问题

    This week, Robin Nagle, the anthropologist-in-residence for the New York City Department of Sanitation, responded to readers' questions about her work as a garbologist.


  • Bailit艾玛俄亥俄州成立致力于减少39计划人为分娩数量的成员之一。

    Bailit is part of an effort led by Iams and Donovan to reduce the number of scheduled deliveries before 39 weeks across the state of Ohio.


  • 威廉姆斯毕业于美国北卡罗来大学(North CarolinaState University)机械工程系。在校期间,他曾北卡州格林斯罗的创意领导力中心(Centerfor CreativeLeadership)接受为期培训

    As a mechanical engineering major at North Carolina State University, Williams spent a week in a training program at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, n.c..


  • 去年这部3-D版本的斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)音乐会电影推出环球电影公司的《鬼妈妈》(Coraline)就被迫在一些影院提前下档。

    Last year, Universal's 'Coraline' was bumped from some screens after just three weeks when a 3-D Jonas Brothers concert film was released.


  • 去年这部3-D版本的斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)音乐会电影推出环球电影公司的《鬼妈妈》(Coraline)就被迫在一些影院提前下档。

    Last year, Universal's 'Coraline' was bumped from some screens after just three weeks when a 3-D Jonas Brothers concert film was released.


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