• 布拉每月提供为期语言课程

    A 4-week language course is offered monthly in Prague.


  • 纽约就学了萨尔萨舞梅伦

    I learned salsa and merengue in the first week when I got to New York City.


  • 汉姆小麦一起放在土壤中时,所有植物都在死亡

    Ingham says that when she put it in soil with wheat plants, all of the plants died within a week.


  • 因此,以后他们桑德的六居室房子里共进晚餐次。

    So for six weeks they met for dinner once or twice a week at Sandberg's six-bedroom home.


  • 天上午大约求婚辆马车来到了搏恩府

    One morning, about a week after Bingley had proposed to Jane, a carriage arrived outside Longbourn House.


  • 尤其使范伯先生大惑不解的即使破产案材料整理归档,事情渐渐有了眉目之后乃至数月,雷曼兄弟公司破产案的费用仍然在节节攀升

    In particular, Mr. Feinberg is perplexed by why fees keep rising in the Lehman case, even though it's no longer the chaotic affair it was in the weeks and months after the bankruptcy filing.


  • 这位法国中场已经来到曼城时间了,指出了认为的教授温球员处理遇到的问题,提到了这位阿森纳掌舵者喜欢冲突”。

    The French midfielder, who has been at City for a week, also pinpointed what he believes to be Arsène Wenger's failing in dealing with players, saying the Arsenal manager "doesn't like conflict".


  • 讲演过程中,桑德伯环顾看到人们纷纷点头

    During the talk, Sandberg looked around the room and saw people nodding.


  • 阿瑟·目前处于角逐英超联赛冠军行列,过去的时间里,他们把切尔西的积分差距11缩小只有三分

    Arsene Wenger's side are in the hunt for the Premier League crown after cutting the gap between themselves and Chelsea from 11 points to just three in the space of six weeks.


  • 终于给他打来电话——告诉彼得亚雷雨伞把柄的重击先是留下了肿块因此涅斯卡觉得接下来会长一个肿瘤的,她并不感到惊讶。

    A week passed before she finally telephoned-to tell Piotr that the blow delivered by the umbrella handle had produced first a lump, expected by Agnieszka and therefore unsurprising, and then a tumor.


  • 博士一位心理学家突然年龄较大母亲充满了年轻暗示包括那些年轻母亲她们孩子

    Dr Langer, a psychologist, said: 'Suddenly the older mother's world is surrounded by younger cues, including younger mothers and their young children.


  • 有一名叫佛瑞德·杜威的淘金者,回家朋友们写信说,他用了的时间补给斯卡威运到山脚下在信中写到,他的身体受到了伤害因为搬运这些补给实在太难了。

    A man named Fred Dewey wrote to friends back home that it took him two weeks just to move his supplies from Skagway to the mountain. His wrote that his body hurt because of the extremely hard work.


  • 巴黎采访了个叫做温罗娅•罗的女士,男友,尼古拉·图里洛,遇难月光照耀下的卢浮宫求婚。

    In Paris, I spoke with Gwenola Roger, whose boyfriend, Nicolas Toulliou, proposed to her a week before the crash on a moonlit walk by the Louvre.


  • 目前正在包括苏丹在内的非洲中东针对苏丹2011年1月将举行的南部苏丹前途问题的全民公决展开为期使命

    Gration is currently on a two-week mission to Africa and the Middle East including Sudan focusing on preparations for the January, 2011 referendum in southern Sudan.


  • 莱汉姆·卡明先生已经设立目标2021年完成这个项目——扎尔斯·巴贝逝世150纪念仪式。

    Mr Graham-Cumming said he had set the goal of completing it by 2021 - the 150th anniversary of Charles Babbage's death.


  • 来,关于扎克出现节目谣言不断,但是大多人认为那不大可能发生

    Although Zuckerberg's appearance on the show had been rumoured all week, many doubted it would happen.


  • 的法庭认罪使得人们对整个案子新的认识,麦克·洛曼中尉承认尔桥事件发生后,立刻意识到这次枪击是警方的失误开始掩盖整个事件。

    Last week's guilty plea offered a startling new perspective. Lieutenant Michael Lohman admitted that he had immediately recognised the Danziger incident as a "bad shoot", and set about concealing it.


  • 的法庭认罪使得人们对整个案子新的认识麦克·洛曼中尉承认尔桥事件发生后,立刻意识到这次枪击是警方的失误,开始掩盖整个事件。

    Last week's guilty plea offered a startling new perspective.Lieutenant Michael Lohman admitted that he had immediately recognised the Danziger incident as a "bad shoot", and set about concealing it.


  • 教授承认不是十分在意自己即将迎来阿森纳15纪念日这样一个里程碑般的日子。

    Arsene Wenger admits he does not care too much for milestones as he approaches his 15th anniversary as Arsenal manager.


  • 站在里,我们俯瞰美丽青山环绕巨大的岩壁拔地而起

    From the Great Arch we could look out over the valley and see the surrounding mountains and stupendous cliffs rising from the river below.


  • 该书原本随着泰坦尼克号一起沉入大西洋,而之后斯基不幸溺水而亡。

    Sangorski's original copy sank with the Titanic. Before he could recreate it, Francis Sangorski drowned, six weeks after the ship - with the book - foundered in the Atlantic.


  • 其中一个朋友是肯塔基摩根敦的查克·帕亚。,他才听说斯潘根伯去世的消息。

    One of them, Chuck Pagoria in Morgantown, Ky., heard about Spangenberg's death three weeks later.


  • 纽约市卫生局(DSNY)常驻人类学家罗宾·纳尔(RobinNagle)回答读者有关作为垃圾清扫工这一工作的有关问题

    This week, Robin Nagle, the anthropologist-in-residence for the New York City Department of Sanitation, responded to readers' questions about her work as a garbologist.


  • 就是6月7号伍兹通过Twitter宣布追随史坦,一同离开IMG。

    It took two weeks, but on June 7, Woods announced via Twitter that he would be leaving with Steinberg.


  • 1月11日布拉会见了瓦茨拉夫·哈韦尔。这时距作为学生第一次那里旅行刚好24

    On January 11, I was in Prague with Vclav Havel, twenty-four years to the week after my first trip there as a student.


  • 最近3我们输送石勒苏益-荷尔斯泰因汉堡医院1.2万单位血清,而正常数量800—1000单位。

    In the last 3 weeks we had to deliver 12, 000 units of blood plasma to the hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, the normal amount is 800-1000 units.


  • 最近3我们输送石勒苏益-荷尔斯泰因汉堡医院1.2万单位血清,而正常数量800—1000单位。

    In the last 3 weeks we had to deliver 12, 000 units of blood plasma to the hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, the normal amount is 800-1000 units.


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