• 更新动画下午中国看到

    One Piece episode animation updates every Sunday, Sunday afternoon in China will be able to see.


  • 人体皮肤外层24更新一次。老化皮肤将会脱落成为灰尘一部分。

    The human body regrows its outer layer of skin every two to four weeks, and bits and pieces of the old skin break off - to become dust.


  • Linux内核保持更新一次,Linux仍然测试开源开发模式极限

    With new releases of the kernel coming every two to three months, Linux continues to test the limits of the open-source development process.


  • 确定发博文日程开始博的时候可暂定更新一次,而且为此预留一些时间

    Create a Posting schedule: When you start your blog, commit to Posting once a week, or once every two weeks, and block out some time in your schedule to do that.


  • 有意思的脸谱网还调查出,一”是人们喜欢更新自己失败感情生活的时间,特别是经过了痛苦后,人们希望在一通过更新自己的动态来告诉大家自己又可以重新积极向上了。

    Monday is the most popular day for updating your Facebook status with news of a failed relationship, perhaps after a particularly bad weekend.


  • 事实上我们更新这个站点,补充了去年一年专项拨款用途更多信息而且使得查看国会成员以及他们所要求的专项拨款容易了。

    In fact, this week, we updated the site with more information about where last year's earmarks were actually spent, and made it easier to look up Members of Congress and the earmarks they fought for.


  • 接下来,6百万的普查人员全国范围内展开普查,更新一纪录

    For the next two weeks, 6 million census workers are fanning across the country to update that tally.


  • 例如如果每个软件更新花费客户工作需要若干人员参与,则每隔发布一个版本合适的。

    For example, if each software update causes weeks of work for the customer and requires the work of several people, it isn't good to release a new version every three weeks.


  • 我们现在几乎可能完成,即使我们同意每日更新

    We haven't met in almost a week now, even though we agreed on daily updates.


  • 然后,当 C++ 用户第二再次申请时,能够不用再进行在图表核查添加用户群更新图表的工作了。

    Then, the following week, when the C++ Group calls, you can eliminate the need for checking out the schema, adding the group and upgrading the schema.


  • 职业顾问随着从失业变成失业数月,找工作的人需要不断完善更新自己的技能,以免落伍

    Career counselors say that as weeks turn into months, job-hunters need to polish and update their skills to stay current.


  • 现在就创建一个更新时间表,根据自己掌握的资源读者兴趣时时更新尽量更新五次博客。

    Work on creating a posting scheduleand according to resources and reader interest, try to get one to fiveposts out a week.


  • 仍然计划更新新的内容,除非有什么事情发生

    I plan to post another polyphasic sleep update in about a week unless something major happens between now and then.


  • 公司无法之内完成主要浏览器更新(而且一个重大更新)。

    Companies simply can't turn around major browser updates in six weeks (and each one of these is a major update).


  • 因为Buzzword是在线交付,所以我们能够定期更新它——我们设定一个6 ~8更新这样我们可以把握可以预见未来

    Because we're delivering Buzzword on-line, we can apply regular updates - we've settled into a 6-8 week update cycle, which should hold for the foreseeable future.


  • 在一前,MySpace刚刚宣布MySpace用户可以微软Live档案进行同步更新

    Just last week, MySpace also announced that its users can now sync their updates with Microsoft's Live profiles.


  • 微软已经发布IE安全更新包(KB 974455),用户就可以通过自动更新下载这些安全包。

    Microsoft has issued a cumulative security update for IE, KB 974455, that started to be delivered to the users via automatic updates more than a week ago.


  • 苹果承认握住iPhone4可能会减弱手机信号此后苹果声称iPhone 4信号机制缺陷承诺更新软件

    Apple acknowledged that holding the iPhone 4 could weaken the cellular signal, then a week later claimed that the iPhone 4's signal formula was flawed and promised to update the software.


  • 充分交流的过程中,Bates 可以收集以来更新的最新消息称之为“FridayForecast”,并通过电邮发给的每一个员工

    In an effort to overcommunicate, Bates compiles a weekly news update she calls a Friday Forecast, and emails it to her staff.


  • Facebook用户每天发布5500万条更新分享35亿内容

    Its users now post over 55m updates a day on the site and share more than 3.5 billion pieces of content with one another every week.


  • 利润过去商店销售商品报告因此星期四更新收入每场比赛,在商品立场

    The profit from past week's sales in the merchandise shop is stated in your weekly report, and thus updated every Thursday, while revenues from your merchandise stand roll in after every match.


  • 这样情况至少维持一个更新通常会给网站带来巨大的损失

    Such a situation will maintain at least a replacement cycle is around, also often give website bring huge losses.


  • 生产进度时间表将在生产会议召开后予以更新

    The production schedule is subject to update following the weekly production meetings.


  • 影片《同桌的你》由22岁冬雨26更新主演,记录男女主人公中学同桌高中大学以及毕业生活爱情经历

    Starring Zhou Dongyu, 22, and Lin Gengxin, 26, My Old Classmate follows the pair's life and love from middle school, when they are tablemates, through high school, college and beyond their graduation.


  • 接下来我们展示更多危险城系列的棋子记得持续锁定新的更新

    Overthe next couple of weeks, we'll show off more pieces from Dangerous Delves. Keep checking in for new updates!


  • 3发布一次重大更新

    Ship significant releases in 3 week intervals.


  • 知道据我上次更新已经很长时间了,现在赛季结束了,我也终于在飘飘忽忽后沉淀下来了,我准备好了重回生活轨迹

    I know it's been a long time since I last updated my blog, but now that the season is over and I've settled down after a week of just chilling, I'm ready to get it going again.


  • 已经回到家了,却要这么长时间更新网站信息

    I've been home a week now, and its taken me this long to get an update online.


  • 已经回到家了,却要这么长时间更新网站信息

    I've been home a week now, and its taken me this long to get an update online.


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