• 神山医院和火神山医院在两周内就迅速建成了。

    Leishenshan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital were built fast in two weeks.


  • 死亡沙漠平原,是加利福尼亚干涸四周群山环绕,沙漠的地面上巨大的岩石有些重达数百

    Death valley is this desert plain, a dry lake bed in California surrounded by mountains and on the desert floor these huge rocks, some of them hundreds of pounds.


  • 村子四周环山

    The village is shut in big hills.


  • 例如桑德·赫斯特受训的第六军校学员受命围绕威尔士进行36小时的行军强调完成任务过程中团队合作至关重要性

    In their sixth week at Sandhurst, for example, military cadets are sent on a 36-hour March round the Welsh mountains to emphasise the crucial importance of teamwork in completing command tasks.


  • 画中宁静湖泊四周群山环绕,而湖泊就是一面完美镜子

    One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it.


  • 山达基教漂亮小型电子测量仪强那么一点也是一个用来拾取四周环境中的噪声信号然后指针跟着摆动玩意。

    It's little more than a fancy small-scale version of a Scientology e-meter, a gadget that picks up on noise in the environment and makes a needle on a dial wiggle.


  • 留在四周山环绕地方看起来都能够的天上的云彩,并且非常陡峭没有可能这个山谷

    The spot where it left me was encompassed on all sides by mountains, that seemed to reach above the clouds, and so steep that there was no possibility of getting out of the valley.


  • 旅馆四周葡萄园所环绕,可以观赏到普若赛科全景

    Surrounded by vineyards, the hotel has panoramic views across the Prosecco hills.


  • 仿佛看见我自己迷迷糊糊地在一座相同周围绕圈子,四周全是在之前来的人们鬼魂但是充足的准备,当然,有暖烘烘衣服食物照明灯睡袋

    I saw myself wandering the same foggy hills, surrounded by the ghosts of those before me - but outfitted, of course, with warm clothes, food, water, headlamp and sleeping bag.


  • 糖果一周天都星期天全年都生长着苜蓿,篱笆尽长着糖块亚麻仁

    In Sugarcandy Mountain it was Sunday seven days a week, clover was in season all the year round, and lump sugar and linseed cake grew on the hedges.


  • 是个盆地,四周群山环绕。

    It is a basin. There are a lot huge mountains around it.


  • 拉波拉山座高耸、挺拔、苍翠山脉四周环绕着茅图斯小群岛

    Bora Bora is a tall, high green mountain surrounded by a ring of small 16 islets called Motus.


  • 一周工作六天,每天竞争激烈环境中争战。追赶着完成工作中的最后期限。生活海滩在渴望山村,站在一山却看另一山高。

    I worked 6-days a week in a competitive environment, attempted to meet everyone's expectations, and lived by the beach when I yearned for the mountains.


  • 13基础训练为费舍尔塑造了幅坚强的体魄——他能完成长达十英里的马拉松行进,途中有一系列高压力的测试最终达到一叫做光荣的地方。

    Thirteen weeks of basic training had led Fisher to this—a 10-mile march through a series of high-stress combat tests that ended at a place called Honor Hill.


  • 要熟悉这个山谷最好是从四周围那些山顶上往下眺览不过也许得把夏季干旱的时节除外。

    It is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits of the hills that surround it except perhaps during the droughts of summer.


  • 弗利一周更长的停留,又名贝弗利山一个宏伟的度假典型选择

    For a stay in Beverly Hills lasting one week or longer, AKA Beverly Hills is the quintessential choice for a magnificent getaway.


  • 周前参观过位于中国西南部云南山腰处海拔几千爱丁堡皇家植物园,它也是“合作类别候选者。

    Two weeks early I had visited the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh, another finalist in the partnership category, several thousand meters up a mountainside in Yunnan in the south-west of China.


  • 科罗拉多州丹佛市以前成为仅有一家报纸的城市:“落基新闻报”关闭了

    Denver, Colorado, became a one-newspaper city a few weeks ago: the Rocky Mountain News closed. Other cities could soon follow.


  • 槃达把这座引人注目命名为“(就是三座意思),因为桥梁四周环山,侧面看,桥有三座高大拱门

    Penda has named the striking traffic lix San Shan Bridge or Three Mountains Bridge after the bridge's hilly surroundings as well as its three tall arches when it's viewed from the side.


  • SH住宅位于智利圣地亚哥靠近安第斯山脉,基址山丘组成,四周环山。

    SH house is located in Santiago DE Chile close to los Andes range, the area is composed of small rolling hills that are surrounded by mountains.


  • 这座城市四周环山

    The city is ringed about with hills.


  • 夫人弗利山,“有些服务员1974年就在那里工作”。

    In Beverly Hills, "we have waiters that have been with us since 1974," Ms. Chow said.


  • 周庆山认为,中国传统民众表达不够充分,如今可以自由表达网络平台反而出现过犹不及”的局面

    Zhou Qing Hill that China's traditional expression of the people on insufficient Now, with the free expression of the network platform, but a "still have not" situation.


  • 第三早晨我们吐鲁番盆地四周群山环抱

    On the morning of the third day, we went to Turpan, a basin surrounded by hills.


  • 早晨阳光山顶升起照着窗台四周玫瑰时,特别是听到鸟儿反舌鸟山的树梢上叫的时候,我感到非常高兴

    When the morning sun rises above the hill, and shines upon the roses round my window sill, I feel very happy especially when I hear the chirp of the birds in the treetops on Mockingbird Hill.


  • 对于这些只言片语还是很抱歉不过所有的话已经玫瑰山时装周上尖叫完了,这意味着我已经超脱自身140个性格能力范围了…

    P. S. Sorry for the lack of words but all the tweeting I've been doing at RAFW means I've gone over my 140 character capacity already.


  • 对于这些只言片语还是很抱歉不过所有的话已经玫瑰山时装周上尖叫完了,这意味着我已经超脱自身140个性格能力范围了…

    P. S. Sorry for the lack of words but all the tweeting I've been doing at RAFW means I've gone over my 140 character capacity already.


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