• 答应参加大选西克举行选举演说会。

    She has agreed, though, to attend one of the election hustings, in Chiswick a week before the election.


  • 时间内有成千会员加入后我们开始怀疑了,其中的一些人根本连一油画没有,”如是告诉卫报说

    "We got suspicious when tens of thousands of new members were accepted over a six-week period, many of whom were no oil painting," Hodge told the Guardian.


  • 金里打来电话,即便能通过一揽子援助方案至少也需要时间

    Gingrich called to say he couldn't pass the aid package for another two weeks, if at all.


  • 大体上,萨科转向大西洋主义戴高乐主义的折中派,法国还将庆祝戴高乐伦敦从事抵抗运动70

    More generally, Mr Sarkozy will veer between Atlanticism and more Gaullist reflexes, as France marks the 70th anniversary of DE Gaulle's London appeal for wartime resistance.


  • 病例起源于16个北方,其中东北部几个州(州、贡贝州和约比州)流行期最后影响严重。

    Cases originate from 16 Northern states, with states of the North East (Bauchi, Gombe and Yobe) being the most affected in the final week of the period.


  • 格莱汉姆·卡明先生已经设立目标2021年完成这个项目——扎尔斯·巴贝逝世150纪念仪式。

    Mr Graham-Cumming said he had set the goal of completing it by 2021 - the 150th anniversary of Charles Babbage's death.


  • 互联网刚刚国际空间站安家落户,眼下宇航员又将迎接座新的“观光台”,届时他们能地球水秀山尽收眼底。

    Just two weeks after the arrival of the Internet, the space station astronauts are getting an observation deck that will offer panoramic views of Earth.


  • 这些百怪的要求相比只是要求多出的带薪假期正常的了,觉得呢?

    Compared to these, your desire for another vacation week is pretty tame, don't you think?


  • 四个小时五十十二,也就是2400小时,都花费通过思妙想激情四射最新想法汇聚在一起来累积精神人际资本

    Four hours a week, fifty weeks a year, for twelve years equals 2, 400 hours spent building mental and relationship capital by connecting the newest ideas of diverse brilliant and passionate minds.


  • 莎拉·西卡·帕克马修·布罗德里克以及他们儿子詹姆斯·韦基·布罗德里克大的双胞胎女儿马里恩·洛蕾塔·艾尔韦儿·布罗德里克()塔比瑟·霍·布罗德里克的合影。

    Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick, and their son, James Wilkie Broderick, pose with week-old daughters Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick, left, and Tabitha Hodge Broderick.


  • 然而希望交易完成以便给霍森充足的时间8月底转会窗口关闭前补强球队阵容。

    However, he wants the deal to be completed within two weeks to allow Hodgson time to strengthen the squad before the transfer deadline at the end of August.


  • 研究者接着又对盖新生神经元形成2信息特别敏感理论进行了检验

    They next tested Gage's theory that new neurons are especially sensitive to input two weeks after they form.


  • 二早上这位员工宿舍楼死亡,生前人力资源承包商雇员,美电子(ChimeiInnolux Corp.)旗下工厂工作

    The deceased man, who died early Tuesday after falling from a dormitory building, was an employee of a human resources contractor working at a factory owned by Chimei Innolux Corp. (3481.


  • 叶格罗娃-法利娜(Egorova- Farines)2009年2月开始曾住院根据决定控诉科赫-格力非法辞退

    Egorova-Farines was hospitalized for seven weeks starting in February 2009, according to the decision in her lawsuit against Koch-Glitsch for wrongful termination.


  • 目前这场悲剧纪念日即将到来之际,亚已经恢复的道路上取得了重大进展甚至改善12月26日海啸失去东西

    Now, as the tragedy’s fourth anniversary approaches, Aceh has made significant progress toward recovering and even improving what was lost in the December 26 tsunami.


  • 我们曾经达米恩.达夫身上进行相同手术时,可以回来重新比赛,我们希望布里亦一样可以。

    When we had this operation done on Damien Duff, we had him back and playing in three weeks and we hope that will be the same with Bridgey.


  • 罗伯特尔顿爵士时间考虑一下提议时间——三

    Sir Robert Chiltern: you must let me have time to consider your proposal. Give me a week-three days!


  • 经全力抢救,但先生以后还是医院去世了

    Despite attempts at resuscitation, Mr Lynch died a week later in hospital.


  • 突然克里太太无声无息地房里来,表情刚烈、线条分明脸向四探视着。仍旧帽子穿着罩褶拖纱的蓝色

    Suddenly Mrs Crich came noiselessly into the room, peering about with her strong, clear face. She was still wearing her hat, and her sac coat of blue silk.


  • 后,心情好转康伯巴一同试镜后,获得了这个角色

    The following week, he returned in a better frame of mind, read with Benedict Cumberbatch, and the part was his.


  • 一个朋友巴巴多斯希望详细说说加勒比岛屿未来可能下沉程度

    I have a friend who lives in Barbados and was hoping the Zetas might give a bit more detail on the extent of sinking this and the other Caribbean islands might be facing in the next few weeks.


  • 他们“早已去世”的母亲其实一前才离世。才知道自己原来一直气愤难当,离家出走接下来14他露宿公园,靠酒精度日,吉他赚钱续杯。

    Furious that he'd been lied to his whole life, Roach ran away from home and spent the next 14 years drinking, sleeping in parks, playing the guitar to earn enough for the next bottle.


  • 遭遇更多麻烦,竞选团队集体辞职了,现在他的财政团队也辞职了。

    More bad news for Newt Gingrich. One week after his campaign staff quit, his campaign finance team quit.


  • 古德太太在进行怀孕20例行检查时,医生注意到琪琪的心脏上有一个光环

    When Mrs. Goodrich went for a routine 20-week scan and doctors noticed a strange halo around Kikis heart.


  • 古德太太在进行怀孕20例行检查时,医生注意到琪琪的心脏上有一个光环

    When Mrs. Goodrich went for a routine 20-week scan and doctors noticed a strange halo around Kikis heart.


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