• 知道这些是因为我在过去球员的战靴做了笔记

    I know, because I've spent the past fortnight obsessively staring at footballers' feet and making notes.


  • 米兰中一人难堪的比赛获得了嘘声现在他们需要在心理垧有所回应今天下午对阵都灵的比赛中。

    Milan were booed off the field midweek after an embarrassing performance and there could be psychological repercussions against Torino at San Siro this afternoon.


  • 但是全球创业鼓舞人心方面来自各个国家更具定性意义的评估指标,迄今为止这些指标由于创业景象仍然蓬勃兴盛还无法判定。

    But some of the most encouraging aspects of Global Entrepreneurship Week are the more qualitative assessments from countries not hitherto known for their thriving entrepreneurial scene.


  • 项研究招募了200名肥胖成年人,让他们参加为期16节食计划这项计划人的早餐添加了甜点另一半没有

    One study recruited 200 obese adults to take part in a 16-week-long diet, where half added dessert to their breakfast, and half didn't.


  • 就做一些努力改变中一个吧

    This week make an effort to change one.


  • 中一小组没有金钱奖励作为诱惑,16平均每人减掉了4其他两个小组金钱奖励诱惑平均每人减掉了13-14磅,是前面那个小组

    One group had no financial motivation and lost an average of 4 pounds in 16 weeks. The other two groups had financial motivation, and lost three times more weight - an average of about 13-14 pounds.


  • 他们招募了121名计划节食减肥女性然而在三时间内他们被分到四个小组中的中一个。

    They recruited 121 women who were planning to diet to lose weight, then randomly assigned them to one of four groups for a three-week period.


  • 曾听说故事,讲准备两个鱼缸一个都会往其中一个里面放玻璃球。

    I heard a story of a man who set up two fishbowls and filled one with a marble for every week he has left to live.


  • 历史上一例八胞胎活着出生发生1998年的休斯顿,在出生中一个就夭折了。

    The first live-born octuplets were born in Houston in 1998, and one baby died about a week later.


  • 最大享‘瘦’者”竞赛就是其中一项比赛内容,减掉最多体重参赛员工可获得价值130英的购物券。

    One competition, called The Biggest Loser, has a 130-pounds gift in store for the participant who loses the most weight in eight weeks.


  • 培养皿大的鳗鱼苗蓝色灯光发光

    A weeks-old eel larva in a petri dish glows under blue light.


  • 中一恒星仅需几年时间就完成的运行。

    Some take only a few years to complete their orbits.


  • 中一养成天天进行不同锻炼习惯

    During this week make it a rule to work out every day trying different types of fitness.


  • 最近中一金属的价格升至创纪录的水平。

    In recent weeks, some have reached record prices.


  • 朋友是肯塔基摩根敦的查克·帕格利亚。,他才听说斯潘根伯格去世的消息。

    One of them, Chuck Pagoria in Morgantown, Ky., heard about Spangenberg's death three weeks later.


  • 刘小姐表示过去参加次婚礼,其次她还是伴娘。

    But when too many pile up, you feel rushed to complete a series of tasks, " said Liu, who attended two weddings in the past week, one of which she was also "working" as the bridesmaid.


  • 印度大选在将近五个阶段跌跌撞撞终于开始有所进展了。

    India's general election, which is staggered in five stages over four weeks, got under way. See article.


  • 一个星期, 也就是1月4他们举行婚礼先生母亲正式彩礼(彩礼中一部分是从亲戚借来的)交给被认为女方亲戚女人

    They held the wedding banquet a week later, on Jan. 4, where Mr Zhou's mother formally handed over the dowry -- half of it loans from family members -- to a woman she believed to be Ms. Cai's cousin.


  • 研究人员对老鼠进行超过的实验,其的老鼠每天暴露4支卷烟烟雾中,另一半则完全处在无烟环境中。

    Mice were studied over seven weeks, with half exposed to smoke from four cigarettes a day for six days a week while the other half smoke free.


  • 喝完之后得旋转6然后用球啤酒罐,如果击中,她重头再来

    Upon finishing she has to spin six times and then hit a beer can with the bat, if she misses she will have to start again.


  • 对于板球行家来说,在为期六印度板球联赛中的其项目叫做T20的简化版游戏,这样做是非常的不妥的。

    FOR cricket connoisseurs, the Indian Premier League, a six-week contest involving a shortened version of the game known as Twenty20, is horribly crass.


  • 个场合就是毕业三十团聚会,个是克林顿全球行动计划会议

    One was my 30th college reunion, the other a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative.


  • 他提到自己正在进行关于“多任务对工作吞吐量的影响”的研究:如果工程师同时工作在五个不同项目枝上,并且需要中一个项目完成项两(80小时)的任务,那么,这项工作延误48才能完成。

    if an engineer is working on five different projects and has a two-week (80 hour) task to complete for one of the projects it will take 48 elapsed weeks for the task to be completed.


  • 研究者用摄像机拍下试验者中一张照片时的反应,当然也有他们环顾寻找爸爸妈妈或其他什么东西时可爱样子。

    The researchers videotaped the young participants as they looked at one or both of the dog images (or glanced around the room, at a parent, or elsewhere).


  • 米高梅这家美国电影制片公司见证凯利作为明星最成功几年提供了奥斯卡获得者海伦·罗斯设计婚纱,其件精工细作了完成。

    MGM, the studio that had seen Kelly through her biggest years as a star, provided two wedding dresses designed by Academy Award-winning Helen Rose, one of which took three weeks to craft.


  • 他心绞死还要令他专注事。

    There must be something that concentrates the mind even more wonderfully than the prospect of being hanged in a fortnight.


  • 包括40上课时间的备用时间。

    The academic year for senior middle school is made up of 40 weeks of instruction, with one to two weeks in reserve.


  • 还有不到时间,“考研大军”迎来决定性时刻——数月刻苦努力将考研中一见分晓。

    In less than five weeks, takers of the national entrance examination for postgraduate studies will face a defining moment - all those months of hard work will finally pay off in the exam.


  • 还有不到时间,“考研大军”迎来决定性时刻——数月刻苦努力将考研中一见分晓。

    In less than five weeks, takers of the national entrance examination for postgraduate studies will face a defining moment - all those months of hard work will finally pay off in the exam.


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