• 飞行确实错误高度下降以为他们遵循空中管制指示

    The pilots did descend to the wrong altitude then, thinking they were following the air controllers' instructions.


  • 美国陆军医学图书馆设法将医学期刊索引编制到一起,迈出了走向高度连接知识网络一步

    The first step toward a highly linked web of knowledge was made by U.S. Army medical librarians trying to unify the indexing of medical journals.


  • 这起ufo事件发生数小时,俄罗斯雅库茨克西伯利亚地区空中交通管制声称雷达检测时速6000英里的速度飞行65000英尺高度

    Only hours prior to the March 1 event, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia, claim to have picked up a UFO on radar traveling at 6000 MPH at a height of 65, 000ft.


  • 那么为什么使用经过高度提炼那些用于文本文件工具而且程序已经掌握了许多有关它们知识有深入体会

    So why not use the tools for working with text files that have been highly refined, and about which a programmer already has a lot of knowledge and deeply felt opinions?


  • 当时国际空间站位于印度洋上空350公里(220英里)高度宇航观察有可能着南极洲(可见)南极方向。

    The ISS was located over the Southern Indian Ocean at an altitude of 350 kilometers (220 miles), with the astronaut observer most likely looking towards Antarctica (not visible) and the South Pole.


  • 上面张照片发射后几秒钟下的,此时这艘巨大航天飞机名宇航开始爬升一个大气非常稀薄、无法呼吸的高度

    The above image was taken seconds after liftoff as the massive orbiter and six astronauts began a climb to a height where the atmosphere is so thin it is unbreathable.


  • 但是直升机线路从事却是真正工作他们认为是路线工作的一个高度专业化领域很少接线受过特殊训练进行此项工作。

    But linemen who work from helicopters are for real and they are considered a highly specialized area of line work; few linemen have the special training to perform it.


  • 高度波动性我们发现下周存在的障碍对于风险偏好者的交易来说是很大机会但是,另一方面,我们将不再追逐市场

    Given the high volatility, we would see a pullback into next week still as a trading opportunity for aggressive traders, whereas, on the upside, we wouldn't chase the market.


  • 如果不和巴马先生团队高度一致(注:110%也是虚指)很难成为这个团队

    He said it would be hard to be part of Mr Obama's team but not "110% with the team".


  • 这个场所留下工人据说是有着高度训练,是经验丰富操作工程师,是有着高度专业知识安全从业人

    The workers left at the site are said to be highly trained and experienced nuclear operators, engineers and safety staff with highly specialized knowledge.


  • 为此教练运动教学训练过程中应当动作培养训练给予高度重视

    For this reason, during the delivery and the exercise period, the training and practise on the illusive action should need more concern by both the trainer and the trainee.


  • 德国试飞马库斯·舍德尔驾驶“阳光动力”在瑞士西部高空滑翔87分钟,最高飞行高度达到1200

    It glided for 87 minutes above western Switzerland at an altitude of 1, 200 meters (3, 937 feet) with German test pilot Markus Scherdel at the controls.


  • 到09:00,当班经理高度核辐射危险第一操作

    At 9:00 a.m., the manager on duty braved the dangers of high nuclear radiation and became the first operator to execute the order.


  • 将飞行参数报告安全观察确定具有足够高度完成这个滚转

    I transmit my parameters to the safety observer to make sure I have enough altitude to complete the roll.


  • 导航报告高度位置

    The navigator: Please report your height and location.


  • 奥巴马高度赞扬了位宇航英勇精神,称赞他们应对压力沉着冷静具有优雅的风度。

    Obama praised the trio for their "heroism, calm under pressure" and "grace."


  • 因为继承对于面向对象编程如此重要,所以通常高度强调,因此每个新的程序通常有一种这样的概念,继承存在于每个地方。

    Because inheritance is so important in object-oriented programming it is often highly emphasized, and the new programmer can get the idea that inheritance should be used everywhere.


  • 飞行通过一个高度严格系统通知管制他们计划飞往何处

    Pilots inform controllers via a highly structured system where they plan to fly.


  • 驾驶舱中的高度高速驾驶所处确实的高度

    The altimeter in the cockpit tells the pilot his exact altitude.


  • 最终我们相信一个高度集成的,优秀的易于升级系统架构出现可以用户系统管理不再为如何维护自己系统而伤透脑筋。

    Finally, we believe that a fully integrated and feature-full upgrade mechanism should exist to allow end users and system operators of all walks of life to easily maintain their systems.


  • TG计划谈判重要工作需要谈判具有高度商业意识专业商品知识

    TG plan is the key job for negotiators which need strong commercial sense and professional merchandise knowledge.


  • 管理二:加拿大航空762班机。爬升飞行高度110。

    Controller2: Air Canada 762. Climb to Flight Level 110.


  • 设有两个控制器,操作通过它们来操纵冗余计算机控制系统执行所需飞行动作。转动左手控制器可选择所需要飞行高度前后移动左手控制器可选择上升速度

    It has only two hand-operator uses to direct the redundant computer control twists to select the desired operating altitude and moves fore and aft to select the rate of climb.


  • 有一动物园饲养发现袋鼠从围栏出来了,于是他们开会讨论,一致认为围栏高度

    One day the feeders of a zoo found that the kan'garoo was out of the enclosure, so they held a meeting to discuss the problem, and came to the conclusion that the enclosure was too low.


  • 为此教练运动教学训练过程中,应当动作培养和训练给予高度重视

    For this, trainer and athlete should give high value to development and training of false action in the teaching and the training process.


  • 反馈使用这种类型培训高度个人因此必须训练有素观察培训) 。

    The feedback used in this type of training can be highly personal, hence it must be given by highly trained observers (trainers).


  • 反馈使用这种类型培训高度个人因此必须训练有素观察培训) 。

    The feedback used in this type of training can be highly personal, hence it must be given by highly trained observers (trainers).


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