• 一种感觉这个挑战吸引所需要只是说服。

    I had a feeling that the challenge appealed to him. All he needed was a nudge.


  • 汤姆·汉克斯电影观众觉得那么吸引

    What is it about Tom Hanks that cinema-goers find so appealing?


  • 食物单调得很,也不吸引

    The food was dull and uninteresting.


  • 这个可能会发现也不吸引

    This person may not find you attractive in the least.


  • 如果白人女性或者金发女性吸引是不是会好一

    Would it be better if I were attracted only to white women or blonde women?


  • 持续吸引大量鸟类同一它们来说有害的,尤其是那些其他鸟类粪便污染土地上觅食的鸟类。

    Attracting numbers of birds continually to the same spot can be harmful to them, particularly species that pick food from the ground contaminated by the droppings of other birds.


  • 这会吸引镇上女性兴趣

    I guess it will spark some interest among the women in town.


  • 习如何吸引蜜蜂的另一是:始终在你的花园附近为野草或野花留些地方。

    Another part of learning how to attract bees is to always leave a place for wild grass or flowers near your garden.


  • 对于希望使用系统公司来说吸引低廉销售费用

    The attractive point to companies wishing to use the system is the low selling overheads.


  • 即使是可以合法进行街头表演的地方,也要确保就是如果吸引人群,你不能到最后因此而阻碍交通

    Even in areas where it is legal to busk, make sure that if you draw a crowd you won't end up obstructing traffic.


  • 抱负攻击非常之,而且观不尽相同;公开为之辩解的则之又少,而且并不为人注意,尽管他们并非吸引力也没有。

    The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles; its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where they are not extremely unattractive.


  • 亚裔女性吸引最大,我知道为什么,自打我对女人感兴趣开始就是这样了,虽然很长时间里我并没有意识到这一

    I am more attracted to Asian women than any other women. I don't know why.


  • 虽然与古典吸引过程相同,但是小的曲折所有的事情好。

    Through the sameprocess as building Classic attraction, but with a small twist: everything isas fast as possible.


  • 对于许多想在疲软本国市场寻找增长海外公司来说印度零售业吸引力。

    For overseas companies looking for growth outside sluggish domestic markets, India's retail business is one of the most attractive.


  • 尽管如此许多海龟公认如果是一个有吸引职业前景工作工资低一愿意接受

    Still, many "sea turtles" acknowledged that they're willing to accept lower pay if the job provides attractive career prospects.


  • 这些厂家的发布策略包括升级(好一摄像头块更明亮屏幕或是更大内存),使这个设备吸引

    Their launch strategies involved upgrading their phones bit by bit - a better camera, a brighter screen or larger memory - so as to make the "new" device just a little more attractive.


  • 所谓的宝莱坞之家之旅一些毫无吸引公寓楼,住里面的是一些著名电影明星比如鲁克·——当然永远也猜不到这一

    The "Bollywood homes tour for tourists" showcases the most underwhelming apartment buildings of some of the biggest movie stars on the planet, such as Shah Rukh Khan. But you’d never guess it.


  • 显然问题在于当是时候一部严肃题材电影时候一部轻松花哨通常显得吸引

    The problem, of course, is that when the time comes to watch the serious movie, another frothy one will often seem more appealing.


  • 四个周时尚马拉松最后一天指挥筋疲力尽新闻界买手晚上9工作室来,必须得有吸引力。

    To be able to command burned-out press and buyers to your studio at 9 p.m. on the final day of a four-week fashion marathon, you have to have pulling power.


  • 稍微天真更具吸引力,因为那样会让一个一般

    A little bit of innocence is attractive because it makes you more human.


  • 最新盖洛普民意调查中几乎领先巴马先生20个而且蓝领工人来说她的吸引强烈地存在。

    She is almost 20 points ahead of Mr Obama in the latest Gallup poll, and appeals much more strongly to blue-collar workers.


  • 女性疤痕其性吸引没有什么影响带有疤痕男性相对没有疤痕创伤的男性来说,其性吸引高出了5.7个百分

    While the scars made no difference to the perceived attractiveness of women, scarred men ranked 5.7 percentage points higher in the appeal ratings than those with undamaged skin.


  • 黄油牧场色拉奶酪红糖蔬菜可以显著提高孩子吸引

    Adding a little butter, ranch dressing, cheese sauce or brown sugar to a vegetable dish can significantly improve its kid appeal.


  • 尤其厌恶这个含义权力对她吸引——清醒时,她坚决否认这一

    She particularly resented the dream's implication that she found power seductive - something which, in waking hours anyway, she would have vigorously denied.


  • 德国的食物不受待见只有柏林一些活力地下俱乐部年轻的欧洲人有一吸引力。

    The food is considered uninspired, too, and only Berlin has some cachet among younger Europeans for its vibrant underground club scene.


  • 我们的可模式吸引力,因为当地农作物核心,这将当地农民带来额外收入;而且,在影响公司核心产品的前提下,可以为公司带来新的利润增长

    Our affordability model is attractive because it focuses on local crops and creates additional income for farmers and a new profit pool for us without cannibalizing our core product.


  • 用户进行这些行为动作的一个关键简单吸引

    The key to getting users to actually take these actions is to make it both easy and appealing to do so.


  • 当然固定-移动的融合技术可以做到的,他集合固定技术,移动技术,网络接入技术的优于一身。特别是他的这种“粘性方式,可以称之为吸引住消费者的有力工具

    FMC is, of course, a bundle: it ties together fixed, mobile and broadband services in a particularlystickyway that makes it a powerful customer-retention tool.


  • 当然固定-移动的融合技术可以做到的,他集合固定技术,移动技术,网络接入技术的优于一身。特别是他的这种“粘性方式,可以称之为吸引住消费者的有力工具

    FMC is, of course, a bundle: it ties together fixed, mobile and broadband services in a particularlystickyway that makes it a powerful customer-retention tool.


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