• 诸如MS - DOS之类的操作系统可以加载其他设备驱动程序例如CD - ROM驱动器但是需要所有硬件驱动程序启动就已经加载上来了。

    An operating system such as MS-DOS can load additional device drivers, such as CD-ROM drivers, but needs all of the hardware drivers already loaded at startup.


  • 可以启动加载程序交互选择引导哪个配置

    You can interact with the boot loader to select which of several possible configurations to boot.


  • 阶段1启动加载程序通常加载一个记录序列,该序列通常称为阶段2 启动加载程序有时称为阶段 1.5 加载程序)。

    The stage 1 boot loader usually loads a sequence of records called the stage 2 boot loader (or sometimes the stage 1.5 loader).


  • 这些tranidCICS资源定义这些定义指定加载启动程序以及在其下运行关联任务的 CICS事务属性

    These tranids are CICS resource definitions that name the initial program to be loaded and the properties of the CICS transaction under which the associated task will run.


  • 款浏览器一旦启动内部程序载入内存后,均能大约5秒内重启加载主页

    Once they had been started from cold and had loaded their innards into memory, all four browsers could be restarted and load the home page in five seconds or so.


  • 应该能够使用启动加载程序前面描述的方式执行引导

    You should be able to use your chosen boot loader to boot normally as described above.


  • 更改应用服务器重新编译加载一个JSP标记文件无需重新启动应用程序使开发测试变得非常简单。

    When changed, a JSP tag file is recompiled and reloaded by the application server without having to restart the application, which makes both development and testing much easier.


  • 程序启动程序根据这些指令的说明把一些相关dll加载程序的内存空间来。

    On a program's start, the system loader reads these instructions and loads the appropriate DLLs into the process 'address space.


  • 应用程序中的一小部分可以应用启动加载起来,从而为用户提供快速响应

    A small part of the application can be loaded at startup to provide a quick user response.


  • 如果正在加载一个庞大的。NET客户端应用程序类库或者硬盘速度很慢,那么这种应用程序的“启动占用较多时间

    If you are loading a large.net client application or library, or are using a slow disk, these cold startup scenarios can require many seconds for your application to start.


  • 工具运行时前端图形用户界面组成,前者必须启动监视应用程序加载后者可以显示结果性能分析

    The tool consists of a runtime library that must be loaded at startup with the application you wish to monitor and a front-end graphical user interface that displays the results and performs analysis.


  • 程序只有3K B大小,允许攻击者系统启动更改系统内存加载文件

    The program is just 3kb big and lets attackers change files that are loaded into system memory during the boot process.


  • 早期时,启动计算机意味着要给计算机一条包含引导程序纸带或者手工使用前端面板地址/数据/控制开关来加载引导程序

    In the early days, bootstrapping a computer meant feeding a paper tape containing a boot program or manually loading a boot program using the front panel address/data/control switches.


  • 种在应用程序时间敏感型部分避免加载延迟通用技术,在应用程序启动初始化期间预先加载类。

    A generic technique to avoid class-loading delays during the time-sensitive parts of your application is to preload classes during application startup or initialization.


  • 发行版安装过程可能支持选择设置哪个启动加载程序

    The installation process for your distribution will probably give you a choice of which boot loader to set up.


  • 然后引导程序启动逻辑(BLV)加载内存中

    The bootstrap then loads the boot Logical Volume (BLV) into memory.


  • 如果静态链接CRT/C++程序启动这些库的代码一并会加载紧内存中,这种方法优点缺点并存

    When the CRT/C++ Library is linked statically, then all its code is embedded into the resulting executable image. This technique has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • 可以使用GRUBLILO参数传递内核控制内核启动加载程序加载启动系统方式

    You can use GRUB or LILO to pass parameters to the kernel to control the way that your kernel starts the system once it has been loaded by the boot loader.


  • 这种现象称为链式加载(chain loading),通常发生位于引导记录(MBR)中的引导管理加载一个分区引导记录中的启动加载程序的时候。

    This is called chain loading, and it most frequently occurs when the boot manager that is located in the master boot record (MBR) loads the boot loader that is in a partition boot record.


  • 应用程序启动的时候,Objective-C运行尝试加载那个文件根据这个文件内的设置查找应用程序委托类。

    The Objective-C runtime will then try to load that window when your application runs, and will find your application delegate from the setting in that file.


  • 首先定义applicationservlet,以便应用程序启动开始列表加载过程

    First, define the ApplicationServlet class to initiate the list values loading process at application start-up time.


  • 重新启动WebSphereApplicationServer服务器上安装JaxWSServicesSamples企业应用程序,以便加载启用附加策略绑定

    Restart the JaxWSServicesSamples enterprise application installed on the WebSphere application server server to load and enable the attached policy sets and bindings.


  • 如果回顾启动加载程序安装基本引导过程,请参阅配套文章学习Linux, 101:引导程序”。

    Refer to the companion article "Learn Linux, 101: boot managers" if you need to review boot loader installation or basic booting.


  • 一旦启动调试会话(只是Windows资源管理器加载Office文档),文档如何得知加载哪个程序以及运行什么代码

    Once you've started the debugging session (or simply loaded the Office document from Windows Explorer), how does the document know which assembly to load and what code to run?


  • 过去很多管理员inittab 中加入 rclocal启动本地主机的brew /etc/rc.local 脚本来加载应用程序

    In the past, many administrators would add an rclocal entry to the inittab to kick off a local, home brew /etc/rc.local script to load applications.


  • 对于硬盘驱动器mbr加载一个阶段1启动加载程序程序通常Linux系统上的LILOGRUB阶段1启动加载程序

    For a hard drive, the MBR loads a stage 1 boot loader, which is typically either the LILO or GRUB stage1 boot loader on a Linux system.


  • 实现应用程序启动加载列表

    Implement listload at app start-up


  • 问题打开电脑结果显示行信息声明windows无法启动因为什么东西丢失(一个启动加载程序或者计算机文件等等或者什么东西出错误

    The problem: Turning on the computer results in a message that states Windows can't boot because something is missing (a boot loader, an important file, etc.) or something is wrong.


  • 所有机器基本相同,使用内置式pxe加载程序引导大约需要73秒就可以启动u buntuLinux 2.6。

    All machines are essentially identical, booting with a built-in PXE loader in roughly 73 seconds to Ubuntu Linux 2.6.


  • 所有机器基本相同,使用内置式pxe加载程序引导大约需要73秒就可以启动u buntuLinux 2.6。

    All machines are essentially identical, booting with a built-in PXE loader in roughly 73 seconds to Ubuntu Linux 2.6.


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