• 启动作业一样,您拥有您所创建目录文件

    Like the jobs you launch, you also own the directories and files you create.


  • 脚本可以生成数据启动停止系统服务或者操作文件目录

    The script might generate data, start and stop system services, or manipulate files and directories.


  • 启动初始输入目录扫描将填充与输入模式匹配等待消息处理输入文件列表

    An initial scan of the input directory when the flow is started populates a list of input files that match the input pattern and are waiting to be processed by the message flow.


  • 可以告知SAFS使用哪些测试自动化工具在哪里可以找到我们项目目录(包含了我们的表格文件),我们想要获得什么样日志以及如何自动启动

    It tells SAFS what test automation tool engine to use, where to find our project directory (containing our table files), what logging we want, and how to auto-launch.


  • 6显示第一启动Cygwin时的情况:创建目录,执行shell启动文件显示提示

    Figure 6 shows Cygwin as it starts the first time: it creates your home directory, seeds shell startup files, and presents the prompt.


  • 部署筛选器,筛选器JAR文件放入ApplicationServerlib目录重新启动服务器

    To deploy the filter, place the filter JAR file into the lib directory of the Application server, and restart the server.


  • 通过选择JMeter安装位置bin目录下的JMeter .bat文件启动JMeter应用程序

    Start the JMeter application by selecting the JMeter.bat file in the JMeter install location's bin directory.


  • CruiseControl从自己启动目录叫作config . xml的文件读取构建项目信息

    CruiseControl reads information about projects it should build from a file called config.xml in the directory where it starts up.


  • 启动连接器打开显示启动信息的命令窗口扫描创建保存BusinessEvents事件目录事件文件

    This initiate the connectors, and opens a command window displaying the start-up and the scan for the event files you've created and saved to the Business Events event directory.


  • 首次启动系统根用户登录并且在下一节用到的安装文件创建名为src目录

    After the system has started up for the first time, log in as root and create a directory called SRC for the installation files used in the next section.


  • war文件拖放到JBoss部署目录启动

    Drag-and-drop the war file into the deploy directory of JBoss and start.


  • og61\dwsample目录中的startcat.bat文件显示清单5 中,启动CatalogServer(即cat1单一实例

    This file, startcat.bat in the c:\og61\dwsample directory, is shown in Listing 5, and starts a single instance of the Catalog Server, called cat1.


  • 这个装入器可以启动类路径装入核心系统通常位于jre/lib目录JAR文件

    This class loader loads the core system classes from the boot classpath, which is normally the JAR files located in the jre/lib directory.


  • 还有其他代码stage2存放在Linux启动分区通常 /boot目录),尽管1为了简化省略了这些文件

    Still more code, known as stage 2, is stored in files in the Linux boot partition (typically in the /boot directory), although Figure 1 omits these files for simplicity's sake.


  • 通过运行broker .start . bat文件启动broker服务器位于以下目录之中:ProgramFiles \IBM \Rational \DOORS \ 9.2 \interfaces \festival - win32。

    Start the broker server by running the broker.start.bat file, which is in the following directory: Program Files \ IBM \ Rational \ DOORS \ 9.2 \ interfaces \ festival-win32.


  • 产生core文件目录启动gdb调试器

    Start the gdb debugger in the directory where the core file was created


  • 为了ApplicationDeveloper启动tcpmon工具,请找到axis . jar文件中的or g . apache . axis . utils . tcpmon(存储我们应用程序中,位于\ WEB - INF \lib目录)。

    To start the tcpmon tool from within application Developer, find the class org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon in the axis.jar file (which is stored in our application in the \ WEB-INF \ lib directory).


  • 文件目录部分允许快速启动一般的文件或者所说目录打开命令

    The files and folders section also allows you to quickly launch common folders or open command prompt in a said folder.


  • 对于创建复制deploy目录的. war文件Geronimo启动时会自动部署

    With the.war file created and copied to the deploy directory, Geronimo automatically deploys it on startup.


  • 启动命令提示窗口更改测试文件所在目录 (c:\og61\dwsample),然后运行setup.bat 命令设置这些环境变量

    Start a command prompt window, change to the directory where your test files are located (c:\og61\dwsample) and run your setup.bat command to set the environment variables


  • 开始Plan9安装Bochs,在磁盘映像ISO 映像 bochsrc文件相同目录通过 -q选项以便跳过启动菜单启动 Bochs

    To begin the installation of Plan 9 to Bochs, start Bochs with the -q option (to skip the start menu) in the same directory as your disk image, ISO image, and bochsrc file


  • 过程安装所有需要文件distcc 新进程(distccd应该 /etc/init.d/distccd 目录中,启动机器时可以自动启动该进程。

    This should set up all the required files, and the distcc daemon (distccd) should be living in /etc/init.d/distccd for a nice automatic start on boot.


  • 用户home目录创建一个.mpd . conf文件,在启动守护进程之前保存密码信息

    Create a.mpd.conf file in the user's home directory that stores the password information before starting the daemons.


  • zShell使用启动文件.zshrc和. zprofile,这文件位于home目录

    Z shell USES the startup files.zshrc and.zprofile, both of which reside in your home directory.


  • 导航包含批处理文件目录这些批处理文件用于启动解决方案中心IC _start . bat。

    Navigate to the directory containing the batch file for starting the information center, IC_start.bat.


  • JAR文件放在. \jvm \lib \ext目录已经重新启动LotusDominoDesigner之后可以编写Web消费代理代码了。

    When the JAR files are in place in your. \ JVM \ lib \ ext directory and you have restarted Lotus Domino Designer, you can code the Web consuming agent.


  • GDB GNUProjectDebugger启动时,当前用户目录寻找一个名为 .gdbinit 的文件

    When GDB, the GNU Project Debugger, starts up, it looks for a file in the current user's home directory called .


  • eclipse文件解压一个目录之后,即可通过双击eclipse .exe文件eclipse图标启动eclipse。

    Once the eclipse files are extracted into a directory, you can start eclipse by double-clicking the eclipse.exe file or the eclipse icon.


  • 回顾一下前面讨论OAT 启动index.php文件通过模块目录查找匹配act.php 的文件加载模块。

    Recall from an earlier discussion that the OAT bootstrap index.php loads modules by looking for a file matching act.php in the modules directory.


  • 注意如果文本文件不在启动mysql客户机同一目录需要指定那个文件绝对路径

    Note that if the text file is not located in the same directory from which the mysql client was started, you need to specify the absolute path to the file.


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