• 运用视觉嗅觉听觉触觉,并且不断重复信息

    Use your senses — sight, smell, hearing and touch — and keep repeating the information.


  • 视觉嗅觉触觉味觉听觉不是我们唯一感觉

    Sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing are not our only senses.


  • 适应特定生活方式部分品种的蝙蝠更多使用听觉而非视觉它们眼睛依然看得见的。

    Some species use their sense of hearing more than their eyes as a matter of adaptation to a particular lifestyle, but their eyes are still functional.


  • 张照片实际上展示了一个孩子的大脑新皮层,即大脑中控制视觉听觉的部分。

    The picture actually shows a child's neocortex—a part of the brain that controls sight and hearing.


  • 研究人员接着另外两种方法测试参与者一次测量学习视觉刺激听觉刺激之间联系能力

    The researchers then went on to test the participants by two other methods, this time to measure the capacity to learn associations between visual and auditory stimuli.


  • 认识我们必须视觉刺激(字母字符)与其相应听觉刺激(声音或音素)联系起来。

    To read words that are new to us, we have to learn to associate a visual stimulus (a letter, or grapheme) with its corresponding auditory stimulus (the sound, or phoneme).


  • 我们三种主要感受器视觉听觉动觉

    There are three main modes of perceiving: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.


  • 不仅如此,较之模拟人生者,他们使用视觉听觉能力方面更为高效

    Moreover, they were more efficient intheir use of visual or auditory evidence than those playing with the Sims.


  • 语音做很多屏幕不到事情听觉视觉更加可靠

    A voice follows you around in a way a screen cannot, and often, your hearing can work more reliably than your vision.


  • 而男孩根据试验文字呈现方式,仅视觉听觉关联的大脑区域反映活跃

    Boys, on the other hand, showed a lot of activity in regions tied to visual and auditory functions, depending on the way the words were presented during the exercise.


  • 心灵感应不用五官感觉(视觉听觉触觉嗅觉味觉)进行交流一种能力

    Telepathy is the ability to communicate without the use of the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste).


  • 视觉听觉混合起来。

    My visual and auditory senses blending, I was almost listening with my eyes.


  • 我们重复这些动作过程中,网络我们视觉、感觉听觉的大脑皮层稳定的传输信息流。

    As we go through these motions, the net delivers a steady stream of inputs to our visual, somatosensory and auditory cortices.


  • 但是艾德所发现的,地球大多数生物组织是不靠视觉听觉交流的。

    But what Ed was discovering is that most organisms on Earth do not communicate by sight and sound.


  • 野生动物特别需要卓越的感觉诸如嗅觉视觉听觉甚至感知极微小震动能力因为这种感觉使他们得以幸存

    Wild animals in particular need to have excellent senses of smell, sight, hearing and even the ability to sense minute vibrations, because those senses help them survive.


  • 可以总结如下:大脑支持视觉式的习惯就是视觉的;当大脑支持听觉式的习惯时,它就是听觉的;等等

    Or to sum up: the brain is visual when its supports habits that are vision-like, it is auditory when it supports touch-like habits, and so on.


  • 可以判断一下对象主要感觉认知,到底视觉型的,触觉型的还是听觉型的,然后使用同样认知类型。

    You can also assess the person’s main sensory perception, be it visual, kinaesthetic or auditory and then use the same perception yourself.


  • 对于盲人来说,所有这个区域大脑能力浪费了,不知何故一个盲人大脑自我修复了,大脑听觉中枢视觉中枢连接起来。

    In blind people all this brain power would go to waste, but somehow an unsighted person's brain rewires itself to connect auditory regions of the brain to the visual cortex.


  • 可以判断一下对象主要感觉认知,到底视觉型的,触觉型的还是听觉型的,然后使用同样认知类型。

    You can also assess the person's main sensory perception, be it visual, kinaesthetic or auditory and then use the same perception yourself.


  • 章分别视觉不同听觉上的不同,篇幅不同三个方面把握两种语言文本层面区别

    This chapter from the visual, auditory differences, the length of the three different aspects of the text in two languages to grasp the "statement" this level of distinction.


  • 必须十分努力视觉听觉体验文字记下来。

    You have to make a real effort to put the visual and aural experience into words.


  • 指出,米切尔设计喷火式战斗机正是凭借其采用马林引擎独特的机翼,在取得战斗胜利的同时人带来视觉听觉享受。

    It is no accient, he would claim, that Mitchell's Spitfire, with its Merlin engines and distinctive wings, could help win a war while also seeming wonderful to the eye and ear.


  • 失聪动物研究中,研究人员发现大脑原本帮助听觉区域取代提高视觉

    In the study of deaf animals, researchers found that brain regions that would normally have assisted in hearing were taken over and used to enhance vision instead.


  • 埃伦·伯根尤其关注丘脑产生脑电波模式,丘脑是位于大脑深部一个,负责处理视觉听觉刺激输入

    Ellenbogen paid particular attention to the patterns generated by the thalamus, a region deep in the brain that processes incoming visual and auditory stimuli.


  • RAS就像是一个虚拟编辑器,每时刻把注意力赋予所有可用视觉听觉,触觉的一小部分。

    The RAS is a virtual editor that grants attention and admission to a small fraction of all the sights, sounds, and tactile sensations available at any moment.


  • 一些大脑皮质控制视觉听觉区域比如纺锤体,失去视力后会扩大范围利用视觉中枢里的闲置网络。

    Also, some regions of cerebral cortex that border visual and auditory cortices—the left fusiform gyrus, for exampleexpand territory in blind people to make use of the idle circuitry in visual cortex.


  • 一些大脑皮质控制视觉听觉区域比如纺锤体,失去视力后会扩大范围利用视觉中枢里的闲置网络。

    Also, some regions of cerebral cortex that border visual and auditory cortices—the left fusiform gyrus, for exampleexpand territory in blind people to make use of the idle circuitry in visual cortex.


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